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Totem Arts Staff
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Everything posted by kenz3001

  1. the server list is down and as such most the servers have been turned off untill the server list has been put back up sorry to say
  2. you guys still looking for enviroment artists (mappers) ? im not a prop disgner but am willing to learn i have a demo map its not compleat yet, if ya intressted give me a shout sorry if this is the wrong place to post
  3. episode 16, season 06 (Midnight Rx) whach out for the sniper
  4. click "last posted by" will put in order of date ... well it does for me
  5. kenz3001


    click "last posted by" will put in order of date ... well it does for me
  6. kenz3001


    awww dont work in our sigs any chance of having that enabled ? looking good by the way finaly some bot controll too
  7. wicked stuff keep it up loving the new laydys mmmmmm sexie, maps looking amazing love the new lighting system that the UDK uses, can not wait to get my mouse stuck in to this game now
  8. naaaaaaa Renegade will be Back once again ... Back once again for the renegade master D4 damager, power to the people back once again for the renegade master D4 damager, with the ill behaviour the servers are dieing but thats coz every 1 is waiting for the UDK virsion to hit we need a renegadeX weekend evey weekend me thinks
  9. QUOTE ((NE)Fobby(GEN) @ Jun 20 2010, 12:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> nice to see the big companies kicking the little guy isnt it ? should make a new isum for it "indieisum" the discrimination of the small game makers that are just out to make the world a better and free place then sue E3 for being indieists lmao but back to reality are there not C&C conventions ? thay have conventions for everything eles lol
  10. QUOTE (zunnie @ Jun 20 2010, 12:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> was a few in but i had a power cut about 45 mins in was not impressed
  11. hmmm ill see if i can muster up the time to kick some arse
  12. http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3010 < list of IP's ... try looking about first or you can use RenX IP
  13. QUOTE (alexrirak @ Jun 10 2010, 12:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> its apart of world adventures.
  14. hmmm as i have a wopping 1/2 mb/s connection at the mo i have been playing all my offline games and have compleated tham all so i got the sims 3 out and started playing and i came across Tiberium "WTF" whats next, have Kane knock at the door aking my sim to join Nod ? when found when cut in to a sphire, and it spits Tiberium out ! COOL so its cnc sims now is it ? EA trying to mix it up abit ? btw for those who play the sims 3 the drill is apart of the new ambitious expansion pack
  15. QUOTE ((NE)Fobby(GEN) @ May 27 2010, 10:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> who said i could not help ... i was just wondering if you needed some 1 that is good with photoshop to do textures and stuff.
  16. i got nothing but time and only thing i have skill with is photoshop ... but dont think you lot would be intressted in what i have to offer in the photoshop department, or will you be ?
  17. very good and insightfull nice 1
  18. very food my finger tips are buzzng for the release mmmmmmm RenXie goodnuss
  19. QUOTE (MacKinsey @ May 15 2010, 11:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> who said any thing was coming on the 15th ? it was just speculation due to a date embedded on the home page of the renx site
  20. QUOTE ((NE)Fobby(GEN) @ May 14 2010, 02:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> no time like the present nah just kidding take all the time you need
  21. QUOTE (cubera @ May 14 2010, 01:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> better just to update the whole forum ... i think that will happen on the 15 ? dont you ? somthing special about that date as im lead to beleve
  22. QUOTE (Pr0eX @ May 12 2010, 08:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i think is an exploit from UT3 i would imagen it was a app bot ... using the console commands ... i came out of renx game coz was sick off all the join parts text, and he when in as my nick.
  23. will it be ok to use the high res logos in some images im working on ? like back grounds and maybe a new sig
  24. mmmmmm shiny
  25. happy birthday have a good 1 ... dont get too pished :blink:
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