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Everything posted by kenz3001

  1. this is known, look at the bug's 0.3 - 0.5 topics the humvee and buggy are based on the ut3 scorpion and it has a strange feel any way (i think this is due to PhysX) this might be fixed in the UDK stand-alone virsion will just have to wait and see
  2. there is only 1 server that works at the moment and its emptiy because no one can see if there is any players, this is supposed to be getting fixed soon (fingers crossed)
  3. kenz3001


    new skin look ace good work
  4. its because if thay used the Unreal Engine 3 thay would have to pay and as the UDK is Free to use there are no legal blocks exept the aproval of EA game that the Dev team have got (nice, its not offen EA are so nice lol) i think it was because of the engine, im not 100% on that but it would be the main reason that the stand-alone can be made
  5. if you read some or the resant posts you will see that the standalone version (Black Dawn mission) will come out once it has been completed (this will not be multiplayer untill the Dev team make it such cant wait for the frontend fix will there be any game fixes too like stelth ? "drool"
  6. well if you do not have UT3 how have you played RenegadeX beta (demo ?) in sigal player ? yes the dev team is porting over to the UDK witch will make the game standalone ... about the legal stuff as im lead to beleve is that EA have let Totem Arts (the dev team) make a total remake of renegade i would imagen that that can use what ever engine thay like to do so. the UDK multiplayer virsion will not be out for a wile yet but there is coming a sigal player mission called Black Dawn as an exobision of how that play to imploment all the UDK feachers in to RenegadeX as for what you should do well its up to you, online play is amazing when there players lol but as the server list is down you dont know when players are in Ut3 is a good game and there are lots of mods for it just have a look on moddb
  7. kenz3001


    well 1440X900 is in the same ratio as 1920x1200 there would be no diffrence in making it bigger as there would be using the stretch option but just to save argument here you go
  8. kenz3001


    ok, as i have posted them wallpapers i had better post the 1 i use so here it is Uploaded with ImageShack.us ohh its red again lol well at least there is yellow in there this time
  9. kenz3001


    tought i would just add this 1 i made a wile back Uploaded with ImageShack.us bit of a red theme going on here lol
  10. kenz3001


    been board as a bald man in the barbers lately so got out photoshop and made this hope you all like red lol but there is Blue, Green and Yellow too just click the links but i think red is the best mmmm sexie the small pic looks poo i know but wait till you get it on ya desktop
  11. nope the only way is to join game
  12. yer its coz no 1 can see whos in we need the server list back BTW 10pm pacific is 6am GMT so i dont think i will be playing then, its a bit early for me lmao
  13. well 7pm (GMT) seems to be a good time, any elaborations ?
  14. it does work nice 1 AlienX just need to set a time to play so every 1 knows when to come on and play
  15. i had same thing yesterday, he might of pulled it back down ?
  16. temp fix in "DefaultEngine.ini" find [Engine.Engine] AllowNvidiaStereo3d=True Set that to False. you will get better frame rates
  17. lol np's can get ut3 for ps3 too lol and it has kyboard mouse support hahaha ps3 controller has no chance
  18. lol no chance RenegadeX 0.5 beta needs most of the assets from the full UT3 game UT3 can be picked up for under £,$,€5 what ever curency you may have, steam has it very cheep, but the UDK (standalone) virsion is comming (dont know when ), UT3 is a good game in its self any way and for under a fiver how can you go wrong lol
  19. what you mean download UT3 ? you have to pay for Unreal Tournament 3 ... have you not read the forum about this mod you need Unreal Tournament 3 to play the 0.5 beta
  20. 64bit OS C:\Program Files (x86)\Unreal Tournament 3\Binaries\UT3.exe 32bit OS C:\Program Files\Unreal Tournament 3\Binaries\UT3.exe or where ever you installed ut3
  21. the server list is down and as such the servers have been taken down coz no 1 can see them but i do beleve that there was a server put back up last week by AlienXServers Server IP: Port: 7777 the easyest way to connect is via Renegade-X-IP witch you can download HERE
  22. ok i just thought i would show people this i just updated my Graphics Card from X2 8800GT to a GTX460 would of been a 480 but my misses stole it for her rig with out telling me hmmmm any way i had bad preformance with the Nvidia 2xx.xx drivers with the 8800gt cards (could not use sli with the UDK btw) and now i got the same thing with the GTX460, in the editor its fine as long as i dont use lighting modes (lit, lighting only, lighting complexity and lighting only w/ texel density view modes) but when trying to play, well take a look ... no GPU usage the whole thing is running of my pissy little AMD Athlon 6000+ CPU at 1fps, that is not that bad if you think about it lmao, but WTF the old Nvidia 19x.xx drivers worked better with my old 8800gt in, i was getting 25-30fps. but the GTX460 only works with the new Nvidia 258.96 driver. any 1 else got the same problem with the new Nvidia 2xx.xx drivers and the UDK ? btw post your problems here for bug reporting
  23. in order to play the 0.5 beta you need Unreal Tornimnet 3 (UT3) to play, but when the UDK version (standalone) comes out you will not need UT3 to play. the UDK release will be free it will be a free download just like APB
  24. lol well thay been down for weeks now and i have no idear when thay will be back up, the "server list" needs to be fixed first and as soon as that happens you will see the servers coming back me thinks
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