there is a lot of things going on with RenegadeX at the moment .... the game experiance is a lot better than it was with v0.3# and now with v0.5 and the new patch that will be coming soon (fix's some bugs and add's some cool stuff) the game is / will be better than ever, fans are making maps such as Xmountain (there is a DM map in the works ... the beta on the mp-gaming server) new mutators are getting added all the time,
the UDK (standalone) wont be here any time soon there is a lot of work that has to be redone
RenegadeX mod for UT3 is almost the same as the origanal renegade online
i think most people like Zombieguy who only wont to play when the game is finished will be the down fall of this mod (no offence intended)
this Mod and Dev Team needs all the suport it can get
i say again this mod is awsome and is getting better all the time
and there alot of FREE UT3 mods out there not just FPS (the ball [now standalone], snowreal, ect)