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Totem Arts Staff
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Everything posted by kenz3001

  1. nice turn out some good games there
  2. "stopdemo" i think is the command use renx in single player and go to community to see the recordings you have made
  3. works for me ... but i used 0.55 exe as i couldent be asked to reinstall the hole thing lol (i keep a back up file of renx just incase i over write some thing in the editor) ...btw was the editor fixed with these updates as there was no change list ! i did not have any problems with the old updator from UK
  4. will thay be in as spectator or as a player ? coz spectator would be cool
  5. yeah i know its a alph/beta of UT3
  6. i was this the other day got well confused with the title tho lol "Some Games Need a Sex Change"
  7. kenz3001

    What times

    all good thanks if you look at the top of the forum it shows you how many players are on the servers ... and as there is only 1 server up at this time it shows how many people in that server ... there is no set time im sory to say but there is a DEV night details can be found here : http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/showthread.php?2840-January-2011-Dev-Night!&goto=newpost#post34700
  8. its the same with the C4 ... its the lighting in the baces are not dynamic or the dors are not exepting dynamic lights 1 of the the 2
  9. ill try record the whole thing now i got a new HDD just hope my little CPU can handel it just gotta remeber the record demo command lol oh yeah its demorec and F9 to screen shot Nice
  10. use http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html
  11. ill try to make it but 3 days is a little short notice for me lol
  12. the AGT and Obelisk have a Master Terminal bug it takes normal damage just like placing C4 on the building its self
  13. yer i seen that 16bit ALU on youtube a wile back [video=youtube;LGkkyKZVzug]
  14. well you mine materials and make tools and tuff ... there are things to kill at night and animals to kill for meat and there hides to make armer and stuff at any time, its a fun game but you have to buy the game now there are lots of mods for it too have a google and see what you can find
  15. indeed very good event and thanks devs for fixing the "NVIDIA graphics" bug AKA the flammer crash bug made the game play that much better not crashing evey time you or some 1 kills some 1 else some very good games there hopefully this will keep up and evey 1 will start playing again on a weekly basses thaks all that joind for killing me lmao
  16. kenz3001

    Happy new year

    very cheeky .. yer i wont be online to night eather i dont think .... Happy New Year to you sir and Happy New Year to all of the RenX community
  17. there was a server located in Canada but for some reson it has been taken down ... if you get in touch with the host PerceptionRedemption he might put it back up ... but do know know if he was having tech problems of just fed up the 2 servers that you see now are baced in Germany (i think dont know where there new Box is at the moment) is is a public server and the other is clan server there are players from time to time on the MP-Gaming server.
  18. hmmm is that dude in care now ? what a pussie
  19. i had 10 mins free today so slung this together ... if i knew the backgrond colour i would of made it seemles
  20. Congratulations, well deserved
  21. i would make somthing but dont have the time i got all the UT's so would not need a prize lol ... if i get time ill give it a bash tho ... do you have the origanal .psd ?
  22. very nice ill be there and the server can hold more players now (32) so ..... EVEN MORE FUN
  23. ions and nuks can be droped with the ut3 mutator ... you need a custom 1 ... havent had a chance to play on your server been busy so dont know if you have the right mutator
  24. some good info there, might have a bash on it when i sort my ut3 back out on a side note ... the text is a bit intence, i cant see right after reading all that lmao
  25. wow its about time ...
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