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Everything posted by kenz3001

  1. a new map eh, most excellent, i think i know what it might be hehe cant wait to play
  2. this mod dose not support bots
  3. just do what ZixXer said hold Ctrl and click play from here in the editor ... maximize the windows and use Shift Print Screen and paste to a image editing suite i.e. paint
  4. as buzzer said the olny way to get your name to stick in the mod is to use the UT3 (gamespy) login server IP ort -login= -password= -mod=..\Renegade -solomod the only other way i know is to change a nick is editing the UTEngine.ini and UTGame.ini Name=Player ok that just keeps coming up as player as well Grrrrr can you put !setname in the parameters ? lol .. im thinking not
  5. hold F1 down to get rid of the HUD but as for the gun hmmmmm
  6. well if you hit "G" the whole editor is spectate mode lol but ive been looking for a spectate console command but can not find 1 you can you the command fly to make it spectate with a gun lol im about to try rypelcam with the editor see if it works from there and hope i do not get that crazy error Edit: i cant record a demo from the editor
  7. ahhhh thats the 1 "G" i pressed every key on my board and could not get rid of the editor crap lol then thought it was a thing only in UDK but you know better than me lol thanks
  8. is there much point in recording if you cant use Rypelcam but i have seen an updated vision Rcam 3.07 ill go test this out in a bit and get back to you about it Edit ... well i got an error "RenXbot not found" or somthing like that .... i don't think its rypelcam but ut3 not liking a file or script shame tho
  9. here are the custom maps : http://download230.mediafire.com/l2m6jhu3eybg/sjrgad5ueajqn8q/Custom+Maps+Pics.rar there's my nice deed done for the week btw its kenz
  10. ill be there even if glhf.tv don't stream it btw THIS THREAD is a dodgy link it gets a domain error it gos to 1 of then crappy search engines
  11. here you go some pics don't do the maps justice but i could not get rid of the green or red direction arrows but hope these are ok i need to do the custom maps ... but as i just reformatted my pc i do not have them yet next thing i need to do lol http://download156.mediafire.com/76fvk13dl2jg/4e3uiq5o6mfymq5/maps+pics.rar edit: lol posted them all lmao but all in 1 rar ... i cant be asked to upload 1 for each map it will take me all night and its 5:20 am wow dint even realize lmao
  12. wow i missed this 1 ill get the editor out and take some shots from there if that ok ? Edit: hmmm sorry but forgot that the ut3 editor dose not have the button making map to look the same as game like the UDK does i can remove every thing but the bloody green directional arrows
  13. im sorry but the only thing that can kill Mr Creosote ("the Fat barstard") is a wafer thin mint not a nice cooked chicken as he ate that before the wafer thin mint watch this [video=youtube;MlfcF1I5e_g]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlfcF1I5e_g would you like a wafer thin mint sir ...its only wafer thin !
  14. a wafer thin mint ? man i love monty python if you never seen the wafer thing mint look at this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlfcF1I5e_g
  15. but the Joker got away
  16. to change your nick in game hit tab ot F10 and type setname to change settings like key binding you need to be loged in to game spy (ut3 login) to save settings this will also set you nick up as the login nick go in to start offline game and go to settings and set the keys you like up or you can set it all up in the UTinput.ini file in C:\Users\\Documents\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\Renegade\Config
  17. Yer it was the game that was 80% done and then got trown in the bin ....looked good (almost looked like a test for newer games like cysis where 1 weapon can do lots of things like the suit in crysis) bloody EA thanks, i wonted to play that game looked good .... i dont care if the graphincs was not up to par as long as the game play was good
  18. well sarah connor kicks the T-100's arse
  19. lawyer sues doctor for malpractice
  20. my dog hates shoes, i have non left
  21. Happy Birthday RenegadeX wow that vid is awsome when i saw all the fire in 1 place my jaw droped "holly Molly" to put it lightliy, loving the cinamatics mose exelent, have a pat on the back who ever done that man that new wallpapper is epic (its on my desktop now) Edit: is it me or did i see a new weapon/vehicel in there (not the satalite)?
  22. kenz3001

    A lost jewel

    the UT3 replay function (rec demo) was used with a mod called RypelCam (dont know if this works for RenegadX any more)
  23. kenz3001

    A lost jewel

    the C4 countdown was mint ... a nice bit of timing on the players behalf ... feel sorry for the unlucky sod that got it in the face lol "how the hell did i die ? no one was there"
  24. first off hi new guy and welcome second everything you say is true and most has been done, the Renegade X team resantly had a Dev Night streamd live by http://www.glhf.tv all 3hrs can be seen here http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/12060229 this has brung in a few new players ... but lots for people are just waiting for the UDK standaloan virsion to be released (there loss in my opinion) any way good to see some one with that much enthusiasm trying to get this mod skyrocketing ill snipe you soon
  25. ive been waiting too i woned if thay are going to feacher all the mods too ... would be nice publisity any way i found part 3 so here it is [video=youtube;naGvOxV_FM0]
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