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Everything posted by kenz3001

  1. shall we save for a boat ? wow and you can get away with anything you like then .. international waters ... reminds me of the Pirate Radio boats in the 60's (well what my dad talks about) could be fun and very profitable lmao
  2. there alread is an irc channel on the mp-gaming irc irc.mp-gaming.com Channels: #renx #mp-renx #udkx those new to irc look at this >>> Clicky <<<
  3. the mp Slaughterhouse server is in the middle of getting put back together as we lost all the files and settings, there are lots of bugs that need to be addressed i have been in and out of the MP server and conferm that it is working .... but i have resantly revamped XMountain (fixing some bugs and adding some more stuff) and the server does not have a redirect server at the moment so the map will be downloaded very slowly ... this will be fixed soon back to the topic ok i see that Saturday and Sunday are tied but its Sunday now but can make it both if every 1 agrees im up for it
  4. so its Sunday ... any one wonna have a game tonight ? and every sunday from now ? 3:00 pm EST 8:00 pm GMT is a good time, yes ?
  5. any time is a good time for me on a week day or weekend lol as long as there are players its all good but in the afternoon GMT is always a good time Saturdays or Sundays
  6. the MP server is in limbo at the moment don't know if or when it will be back online, as for the US server well i don't know who runs it .... i think its 1 of the Dev's but I'm not 100% on that. i don't think the UDK is here yet or any time soon as the multiplayer is getting released after Black Dawn and Black Dawn is not out yet so that should tell you that its not the UDK. i would run a server but i dont have the bandwidth ... but any 1 can run 1 so if you wonna play just make up a server and play
  7. look HERE for all the vehicle info
  8. the editor bug is still peasant so ill post a fix here RenegadeX 0.55 Editor Fix the editor will not load the renegade assets, in order to make the editor load the assets all you need to do is replace the DefaultEditor.ini and DefaultEngine.ini with the ones from HERE and delete UTEditor.ini and UTEngine.ini, the editor will now load the RenX assets files location "Documents\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\Renegade\Config" this will also revert the menus back to the UT3 menus
  9. yer mammoths are just there to hold back the advancing nod attacks until the small guns get there lol
  10. as of version 0.550 onwards the two teams are very much the same i admit that Nod have an advantage with the flame tank as it does too much damage in my opinion. as for a mammoth vs 2 artillery well the artys will always win in c&C Renegade or RenegadeX IF there is no 1 repairing the mammy if you play RengadeX a bit more you will find that GDI will always have an advantage on all the automatic defense maps (AGT and the Obelisk maps) all in all the 2 teams are well balanced
  11. sorry i made an edit of my last post ... as my disk is OLD i had to use a "DiscDoctor" to try and get some of the scratches out coz mine got lots errors last time i installed ... just try cleaning a your disc or go download 1 off torrent (download the game is not illegal as you have the original CD key, its like making that 1 legal back up)
  12. C&C Renegade ? i just installed mine with no problems im using win 7 64bit ... try cleaning your disk
  13. well i had a good 2hrs playing with some very good games but some not so good lag but all in all loved evey minute of it hope to play some more big games soon
  14. as far as i know if you cant update you will have to download the files off the server and the new files are not in the redirect so thay will take for every to download (5kb/s ) and the update is like 1.3gb as far as i know 23 mins to ReneGame 2011
  15. awww i would join but my mic is totaled might listen in tho
  16. lots of people have been asking me when the event starts so i thought i would add a timer here Countdown To ReneGame 2011
  17. well if they did sell it, EA would want a cut, a big cut (60% say),its EA lmao then if the game makes $,£25,000+ (i think it is) thay will have to give 25% to Unreal for use of the engine,that means the dev team will only get 15% for them selves is it worth selling it lol put that in perspective, 15% of $,£40 is ? i cant be asked to do the math but its like $,£6 per unit "yer" $,£6 divided by the whole dev team hmmm that's less than 50cent,pence per team member per unit, again it that worth it ? as for "EA can shove it", well i would agree as they like to mess up lots of games, BUT i don't think the dev team would like to get sued for illegally selling a copyrighted brand / franchised product with out permission. so i put it to you Sir!, would you sell it ?
  18. open the pic with eye looking button and copy the image address (image location in firefox) and paced here with after or use the insert image button and paste in to the box
  19. some times the new front end will only open RenegadeX but will not connect it happened to me twice now
  20. What will EA say about that ?
  21. for some reason i had to download 0.551 before o.552 ? WTF ? all in all its looking very sexie .. love the map list for the Editor, does its show all the maps in the map folder ? Edit : fond i bug i think says the map is walls but has a pic of the new map ... and the new map does not show in list
  22. works fine for me ... would be nice to connect when you double click the server tho you both from Germany ? could be a language barrier lol
  23. all the good C&C games are free now well except renegade booo, so......
  24. im not sure as ive never played the demo but it should be the same ... i think the demo has sandstorm in it and that is the map that hits your resources the most (as far as im aware) but all in all the demo should be the same as the full game FPS wise
  25. hi and welcome the specs for UT3 and as such this mod are: Minimum Requirements CPU: 2.0Ghz single core RAM: 512MB Graphics: Geforce 6 series Recommended System CPU: 2.4GHZ dule core RAM: 1024MB Graphics: NVIDIA 6800GT/Ultra or 7800GT/GTX SLI you meet recomended specs but your CPU is a bit weak but im sure it will let you play but keep the resolution down lol i have a AMD 6000+ x2 (stock) and it can run slow at times. give it a go coz this mod kicks arse ... get ut3 for ReneGame 26th of feb
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