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Everything posted by kenz3001

  1. lol iv been a sub to his channel for a long time ... i did send him an email back in june last year about rengadex mod and black dawn ... but i never got a reply
  2. Happy holidays to those that celebrate
  3. nice well done to who ever animated it Question we have been told there may be a water element to the MP maps and as such will the APC become amphibious like in the original C&C RTS games ?
  4. this law will take down internet super giants like YouTube, FaceBook, Twitter ... it has already affected file host MegaUpload (were i keep all my big files like my RenX installer) just because of people uploading copy righted media when it should be the uploader to blame not the host ... this is like buying a car and having a crash and taking the car manufacturer to court when it was driver error not a mechanical failure at fault ... but this law will give the power to basically take down any server / host in any country not just the USA
  5. if you dont know what SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) is ... is an extream law that that American Government is trying to get passed in order to censor the internet ... this law is not just about piracy its about freedom of speach and any copy righted material from Quates to ingame video (lets plays) i am from the UK and this afects me as much as every 1 else i found this Video that explains SOPA in more detail [video=youtube_share;JhwuXNv8fJM] i urge all Americans do what you think is right for the future of mods, indies and small businesses
  6. Epic News ... cant wait to see what you guys have done
  7. im awesome are you ?
  8. yer i had problems last month too but i just seen somthing to day when i connect to the site it says its transfering data from cookaround.com
  9. again voted before this post and as always Good Luck
  10. and no one seen that coming ? time to ruin another C&C game after thay finish generals and red alert off whats the bet they go to work dune, when the remake film comes out in 2014 and kill that too?
  11. kenz3001

    Hi Thar!

    Hi and welcome
  12. The beyond black dawn trailer as stated in the Quote you made hope you like it, lots of work is going in to getting all this information and compiling it .
  13. Voted yesterday as always good luck
  14. i got a Question about making assault mode maps as you lot may know i made some fan maps and will be making some more when the MP release comes out ... but what i wouyld like to know is ... when a mapper comes to make such maps will it be as easy as setting up nodes (defend node, destroy node, ect...) or will there be a lot scripting involved ?
  15. well yes Copy rights and the fact that the modle would not be "up to par" with what UT3 can offer it would be better to make a new mode with in UT3 (using geometry or building the structure using meshes) or with in a 3D application such as max or you could you Google Sketch Up but you would need to export as a .ASE in order to import in to UT3 and the only way i have found to do that is exporting to 3d max and then exporting from max as a .ASE
  16. you can make buildings in the editor or import from almost any 3D Application ... i would not advise porting content from another game even renegade
  17. 1. Tib meteor hitting the earth 2. Havoc thinking some 1 best bring me a cigar before i go out and kill all the Nod Scum 3. Artillery trying to become a Anti Air cannon (Fail) 4. ohhh shi* it a bomb *jumps for his life* 5. Havoc having one of those mid battle chats that makes no sence in a war game (im in the middle of a war zone but i must ask A.S.L do you like trains ? ... *looks @ Mass Effect*) who the guy with the fuzzy face ? Very impassive images, well done
  18. just because he said he downloaded it does not mean that it is pirated ... if you re read his post it says "Steam error. Application load error 5:0000065434" as in he downloaded it though STEAM i helped him out on irc
  19. nice update, my mouse needs some of that Black Dawn action
  20. ill be there
  21. you need to fill it in from UT3 not renx
  22. awesome vid ... best 1 yet ... i got a Question ... will it be possible to make infantry only maps in the MP standalone version of Renegade X and will there be a way to control purchase terminals (PT's) in the editor (as you have said you will be releasing a editor) or server side to affectively turn on or off infantry, vehicles, aircraft and/or super weapons ?
  23. kenz3001

    Who pays?

    you can give me all your money if you like ... but as jam said the best way to support the game is to play and spread the word
  24. nor thats what you call timing lol Thanks man i need my hit of Q&A
  25. did we miss the 3rd Q&A, or is it not up yet ?
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