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Totem Arts Staff
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Everything posted by kenz3001

  1. can use steam ids to ban players
  2. udk can fource steam ids... if you dont have steam open you cant join
  3. my bet its a custom map and the shaders are building (it may take a wile but you can check if it is building shaders in task manager ... cant remember the process name but it will have shaders in the name and it will max out your cpu usage) if it is the shaders building just leave it it will finish soon and you shouldnt have to rebuild them again (for that map / map version)
  4. the games and the sdk use diffrent file structures
  5. tankers crates (gives buffs / de-buffs to vehicles) only vehicles can pick the big metal crate up
  6. "CANT SHOOT !" crate = steals all your ammo
  7. i love my G5 best mouse ive ever bought (had to get a new cable and pads for it but its still going)
  8. best to go to a store that has demo models and find one you like the feel of then search for the cheapest one... mosue is all down to personal preference depending on you hand size grip and features you want
  9. dont go looking to me to me about all these maps piek was Zixxer's map the Arabic map was Nielsen's map daybrake was HappyConscript's map i have nothing to do with these maps and for a few months i wont be doing any thing for renx as i have just had major surgery and need to recuperate
  10. last map is piek... maps are unfinished and unlikly tp be picked back up
  11. https://docs.unrealengine.com/udk/Three/ViewModes.html View modes are mutually exclusive rendering styles. A viewport can only have a single active view mode. In the editor, the view mode is selected using the associated buttons in the viewport's toolbar. In the game, the view mode can be changed using the viewmode console command.
  12. but but but but Ren X is official ruined! its official, officiali tell you
  13. kenz3001

    C&C3 units

    ok same models then lmao
  14. kenz3001

    C&C3 units

    tcw models?
  15. hit the f key
  16. needs fog and dof but looking good
  17. any updated images ?
  18. well you pooped in my bright idea booooooooooo well ill just stick to my nice cozy blue UK
  19. white! I'm not silly I'm getting on a boat and living at sea no zombie tib monster going to get me
  20. your sbh is to fat go on a diet
  21. some times it will say not responding but will still be working in the background check task manager for cpu / ram usage of the sdk (best to do light builds over night any way) if by the next day (if you leave it over night) it still hasn't done any thing you may have to try and get the export scene size down by bringing the light map resolution of ya meshes down 32 / 16 is a good rule ... if this fails ask some one with more ram to try building lights if they cant there might be a problem with the map but thats a problem for another post / topic when you dont use lightmass you dont get light bounces and the shadows will be black unless you use a skylight
  22. bugger towards I'll take the system home
  23. its been a known bug since it was first implemented ... we know how to replicate it @Agent HINT HINT HINT HINT HINT
  24. right i need to read this carefully first off: thats not a nice word to use when indeed you are the "n00b" second: OP hardware i didnt know players were using quantum computers or deep learning server racks to play renx (might explain why the "n00bs" as you call them are so good) as for us Developers we cant balance for cunts or cocks they both do the same thing in different ways some are bigger / smaller, wider / tighter then others... some are just very incompatible ... some fit together too well and make much friction. some think they are the best but then see some one who is better and then bitch on forums making them look even more feeble and impotent ... shit my bad i was ment to be on about balance not whinny people and... wait was i really on about the bonding of parts ... well i could go on all day but as you have seen this topic is just turned into a good source of a laugh ahhh fuck it might as well waste every ones time just like you have .... i too am pissed off that the friction of a good hard (ummm not the place for that) ahh it might be as this topic will get shut down in about 10 mins ramble ramble ramble and you are right i dont give a fuck about balance any more as the game is about there on balance i should say i dont like the word "N00b" its vile and vulgar or was that another word ?... well nice post hope to see your posts on other games like cod, battlefield, csgo, destiny and all them other shooter games that happen to have the exact same problem (or the problem just might be your attitude)
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