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Everything posted by Atomsk

  1. All fair with me. I felt the same as you and wanted to play FS so I joined up. It's not really a closed party as far as I know. Nevertheless, I love it and I look forward to playing it with everyone else.
  2. You can sign up to become a tester. You'll see that the devs are announcing regular test-rounds. It's alive and well!
  3. Who cares - devs have brought this game to life, have kept it running, others have shelled out money to run servers... I cannot imagine the total cost of working hours, infrastructure, licenses, freelance work that has been put into this game. Why should TA be transparant about where that money goes? Get some cocaine and hookers for all I care, I'd be happy to donate some of my money towards that. Developing a game, keeping it alive, after all these years and now that devs finally get the jackboot of EA off of their necks, people want transparency what is being done with donations.
  4. With RenX having a few hundred (I think?) active players, it's unavoidable that seasoned players are grouped up. I hate seeing complaints that aren't clarified. If people find the other team stacked, what do they want then? Who needs to switch to balance things out? I'll just continue doing what I've been doing since I've seen people complain about unbalanced games: Ignore and it and play the damn game No issue with voice chat, btw I'm too old for it, so I'll just spam all your asses in chat
  5. I would also be very interested in this, especially per map. I can't imagine how often I've bought a light tank in field, lost it, hopped back to base and got another one If this data was available in a raw database, I'd love to play around with it in Power BI or something.
  6. It's a well thought out idea, but I'm not really for the idea of boosting cred production by repping the ref mct. When baselocked, I think there are plenty of available options that can be used to break free or to turn the game. Buffing out, getting the right mix of tanks, reps and emp or anti-tank-infantry (gunner/lcg/rockets if you need bang for buck), airstrikes, voting in commander, doing an infantry rush. For money (and VP), I go rep teammates or try to make a move on silo. The game is geared to getting a good group dynamic going. Implementing things that reward an afk-dynamic would make the game a bit dull to me.
  7. Works great when trying to squirm into a full server
  8. Just doubleclicking a server works too. Welcome, hope to see you in-game
  9. Very nice. I like the idea of doing 16v16! I have often wanted to hear and see how some of you veterans play, in a smaller group. Will definitely try to join next week.
  10. I don't mind mods reshuffling teams. If this were to be a vote mechanic though, it would kill the server. There's also all this other stuff to factor in, like vehicles and placed mines. There's also some credence to just play the cards you are dealt. Plenty of ways to pull a team together and turn the table. Happened in plenty of games. Honest question though: what makes a game stacked? Other than a group of people teaming up in vc on a public match, I wouldn't know. That sort of gives an unfair advantage.
  11. Will application to become beta tester appear on forum? I think it was mentioned in the latest devtalk. I just need to know which channel I need to obsessively check
  12. It sucks to hear that, I've happily spent many hours on your server. Thanks for that. I won't derail the thread any further, so see pm As for the voting options, the "stop-harvy-by-vote" discussion resurfaces Honestly, I'm happy with anything that is feasible. I would love to see those features as voting options. The only thing these ddos's have proven to me, is that we stick around . Despite lag and being a server nomad, people still show up. Having these voting options would fill more servers, I think. Lately, matches on small maps with low pop that don't get played often (and can be great) are ruined because no one wants to command to stop harvy, or people use ions/nukes.
  13. [offtopic]Anyway the community can help further your cause? I don't mind donating a little bit. Perhaps others can too?[/offtopic] It depends on the max player limit for the server and the type of map/amount of buildings it seems like a good middle-ground to me Trying to play on a low-pop server and having someone use nuke or ion is the one thing that will get to me and make me rq on a bad day
  14. Was online when it happened, wtfman kept changing usernames and added a space at the end to duplicate it. Did this with multiple people too and attempted votekicks. Spammed "watch where you're pointing that" all the time. I wish there was a playermute option
  15. It kills low-pop servers when people ion/nuke. I'd prefer a 20 people limit.
  16. Atomsk


    FWIW, you can see drivable harv in action here, picking up blue tiberium: https://www.youtube.com/clip/UgzxOtVwUcOuLlREOZZ4AaABCQ Clip is from their January dev-talk. I know it doesn't really answer your questions, but I though it was cool to see in action.
  17. Was just thinking about this as well. It's been a while, would love to hear about development. Also can I please play closed alpha I'll sign an NDA pls
  18. That's nice. I keep expecting it to turn to Shpongle or something. There's a sweet psychedelic goa bass undertone. I'm feeling some Ghost in the Shell tonight:
  19. "All out war" seems interesting! Killing all buildings still ends the map, right? Is this on any EU Server? Not that I'd skip on a US server, if there's people playing.
  20. Oh man, I didn't know that. Does that also work with other locking vehs weapons like mammy's or rockets?
  21. This is a good way to start. It helps to get a feel of the game, the flow of a match and the maps. Also helps when you're short on money and want to save up. Go repair your team. It doesn't matter how long you've been playing the game, there will always be occasions where good reps are needed. Also, show up for rushes. You don't need to be good at any infantry. Watch and use chat (y for teamchat, t for public chat). Calling in rushes, reporting in situation in inf/veh route, can make or break a game. I always try to deny the enemy VP, money and territory. I'd rather retreat on low health than to give up a vehicle or a end up as a VP boost for the enemy team.
  22. I'm at 1200, I use to play at 800 but didn't like it. I am a twitchy player and I like it For the orca/apache, I'm trying to track better ahead, that seems to help.
  23. Thank you both! Especially the Doza vs. Mobius info is super useful.
  24. There are a few things that remain forever elusive to me, I try to get them down, but I'm not really successful at them. If you can share your own experience, I would be eternally grateful. My reps and donates are belong to you - Mendoza: I suck at doza. When someone like ef- comes after me, he can seemingly evaporate my healthbar in seconds. What do I do wrong? Do I aim at center mass or go for headshot? I'm specifically wondering about the primary fire on the tiberium rifle, secondary fire works great in tight spaces considering its splash damage. - MRLS: Is it my settings, or has the "lock turret" function disappeared? Locking target also never really works for me, whereas others seem to be able to track my tank even after moving away a considerable distance, out of sight. - Mobius: I'm guessing that I just need to keep my crosshair on the hitbox and just blast away. Again, do I go for center mass or headshot? - EMP grenades on buffs: Do all commander buffs negate emp-grenades, or just the defensive one? - Repping infantry: Placing crosshair on an infantry's head increases repair rate, it seems to me, but I rarely see people do this (when you have the chance and your target is standing still). Am I mistaken? Perhaps I just like blasting my blue sparkly repair goo on people's faces, idunno, but it seems to help. - Orca's/Apache's: Unless I'm directly over a target, my missiles often miss. I find it difficult to trail the crosshair on a moving target, despite missile lock, based on the distance and the speed of the projectiles. Apache's seem a bit easier (to me) to handle in this regard. I do prefer Orca's, as they're a little more inconspicuous in size and handle a lot better. - Raveshaw: Does Rave's laserbeam pass through vehicles (considering the distance, of course). - When hitting a target, the crosshair colors are a mystery to me. My current idea is: White lines indicate splash damage Red lines indicate direct damage Red and yellow lines indicate headshot Green lines indicate... idunno, friendly fire on a empty, friendly vehicle? I'd ask about sniping but I've always been terrible at sniping and I don't have the patience for it, but tips are much appreciated. Thanks!
  25. That's pretty cool, I love light tanks
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