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Everything posted by Atomsk

  1. If they are on the opposing team, no. If there's people struggling on my team, I'll try to help. Other than that, I see no reason to differentiate. How do you even? I don't check names, I see enemy, I shoot. And often miss
  2. The only thing that annoys me are large maps on a low playcount, because people tend to drop out on that. Other than that, I like all maps pretty much. Under will always be my first love, because it was the only map you could play online, through some gamespy demo cd-rom I got with a game magazine. I'm so old
  3. Belgium is a LIE and doesn't really exist. https://zapatopi.net/belgium/
  4. I wouldn't mind. It would be pretty nice. Perhaps an opt out setting would be nice, for those who are reluctant.
  5. So far: - I love the minimap - I like that the scoreboard is moved behind the [TAB] key. - I enjoy that the view on the game itself has increased, less clutter in the way It takes a little trouble adjusting to. what I haven't adjusted to, is that the chat and events are moved about on screen. I miss a lot of information on hectic moments because your eyes have to dart across to screen. As with all software, new changes always throw people off, because we're not terribly good with change. This will pass. MOAR HONK NEEDED. Also add honk to LCG. It's a walking rave tank anyway.
  6. Atomsk


    I'm not really up to date with all this old bad blood between players, but it's sad to see a player go. I consider myself a newer generation player and I've never complained about stacking. Get gudder, I say Godspeed on your away-time, Poi! Whatever the case, I'd be happy to see you on a server again (just not in your scope :D).
  7. And death. And taxes.
  8. I concur, it's better to help new players understand the game. If people just shout at new players for randomly placing mines, they'll never be able to catch up or drop out entirely because "toxic community". We can't assume that new players know the game mechanics from the old Renegade, either. Not exactly a veteran player here, but I do enjoy helping new people. The more the merrier.
  9. After playing for a while, I don't see the issue. Players accused of stacking were usually playing together. Isn't that the point of game? It's when people go out on a limb and try to solo or don't move with the flow of the game, teamwork dissolves and teams lose. In any competitive game, there is almost always a bigger fish. I actually enjoy throwing myself at people that play together, I find it educational at times How do you even identify stackers? It seems some players keep changing their names, it's hard to keep up with who is who exactly.
  10. I've always been curious about how the legality works with EA holding the rights to C&C. I suppose EA is letting you do a "community mod", as long as you make no money off of it? There must be some way you get revenue as developers, that doesn't go against EA legal deathsquad? Are there any restrictions on advertising? Being on the internet for long enough, I've become desensitized to ads (as much as I humanly can), but I do see the power of streamers or popular yt channels. Perhaps, as a community, we can reach out to them to incline them to give RenX a try? Honestly, it breaks my heart, because RenX has easily become one of my most consistently played games and it deserves a larger playerbase.
  11. Thanks everyone! I really love playing with a light tank, especially the tactic described to creep under the arc of mrls' barrages and plunk away at them. I didn't know that switching to passenger's seat stops a tank completely. Pretty good to know, thanks Gliven!
  12. Sweet, so I can ram at my heart's content Thx!
  13. In a game earlier, someone called me out for intentionally running my light into his medium, wondering if this is acceptable. To briefly give context, I was driving aside a flame tank down the lower vehicle path in Hexmountain as a med ran into us. The flamer engaged and I drove up to the left and boxed the medium into me and the flamer. I understand the player in the medium's point, though, as it is quite an up-close and personal approach It wasn't to harass the other player, I tend to do this to keep the opposing's turret out of my reach as I blast into the other tank. Personally, I don't really see the problem with this sort of strategy, but I also don't want to be the asshole. Is it an issue? Always feel free to pm in-game if there's a problem you have with me, btw.
  14. I think this is also the most fun @OP There's really a ton of play-styles to choose from and every decent match has different phases in the game that requires a certain amount of people maintaining a certain role: hottie/tech at base, mining and supporting, infantry going after a harv, infantry rushes, engi's and techies supporting tanks and each other, going after tech buildings, sniping, stealth sneaking and harassing, heavy tanks pushing or defending with a building down... Stick with your commander, because they're really just trying their best too, they can buff you depending on the commander points the team has collectively gathered. Finding you way on maps also helps, so stick around infantry at the start of the game. Watch your credits and don't be ashamed to ask for credits, people can donate their credits to help set up a rush. Do yourself a favor and join infantry rushes, it doesn't matter how good you are, knocking out an enemy building while the opposing team is too focused on hogging field can be pretty rewarding. Go get 'em
  15. Atomsk

    Banned from FPI

    No idea where to turn, thought I'd ask here. Tried to join FPI today and got booted immediately with this message: No VPN running or activated and never played with one either. The discord link is broken, tried searching, found nothing. Anyone know where to turn?
  16. I don't understand why anyone is attacking all servers. Any idea who or why? Nothing we can do?
  17. I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right place, just don't know where else to ask: The servers (FPI, CT) have been crashing a fair few times in the past few days. Anyone know what is going on? Anyway we can help?
  18. Thanks for the links! Any idea what timezone the files are recorded? Thanks for the responses, it was a chaotic moment and I do think we both set our C4's on the MCT. In hindsight, it was kinda funny, I just wouldn't want to unintentionally hurt a teammate, especially not when we were about to destroy the HoN.
  19. In a game on FPI, just now, another player (Dman) and me got into HoN and were blasting at the MCT. I had Mobi, Dman had an Engi iirc. Somehow, I heard a kill pop but was too busy trying to take out HoN to see who it was, but it turned out I had killed Dman, my teammate. I had placed a C4 and was shocking the MCT when it happened. Wasn't intentional ofcourse (sorry Dman). Error on my part or something else? If I could find the replay page on fairplay, I'd be happy to look it up, but I can't seem to find it.
  20. On the initial question on how to expand the community, I think the Pandora's Box is the link with EA's copyrighted material. This really restricts anyone from trying to generate revenue from this. So that sort of begs the question: ditch the C&C element and start a new "universe" disconnected from EA, but keep the gameplay elements? Or continue as is, treading the line on what is copyrighted? On a sidenote, this really shows the love for the game the devs have. Kudos on doing this. Then again, my heart would break if RenX is discontinued. Perhaps a fan community can keep it alive while TA builds their own thing with the experience they now have?
  21. On the topic of APC engie rushes, when you see me online, consider me down for an APC rush No successes guaranteed, however. I really wouldn't wish for spotting to be removed, though. I think a good APC rush should be a rewarding experience once pulled off.
  22. Sorry to interject like this, but also being an old player, I remember engi apc-rushes happening a lot, especially on the servers that had Under on repeat and fairly small teams. Is it simply out of fashion or a bad tactic with current mechanics? Honest question, I'm happy with how the game plays.
  23. I'm an oldie and I used to play Renegade X on my then newfangled broadband with my friend. I still had a Nokia 3310 and I had to burn precious, hard-earned prepaid minutes to call up my friend to scour one of many laggy Renegade servers to join at the same time. We'd go back and forth until we got in the same team. Then we'd just dick around and hopefully found each other, because we didn't have headsets. Besides feeling ancient, I'm super grateful that this game came into existence and I have entirely dropped out of Apex to get on Ren-X whenever I have some free time. I actually absolutely love the game and the direction Totem Arts took it. Considering all the devs have done to keep this game alive and progressing, is incredible and more you can say of a whole lot of steam games in my library.
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