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Everything posted by Atomsk
That seems a bit hyperbolic? 3 to 6 people, every match? That only occurs on maps without base defenses like Walls, when GDI is pressed into a corner. Moreover, it's just part of the game: GDI has armor and firepower (in general), Nod has stealth and guerilla tactics. Trying to flatten the curve would make the game boring, in my opinion. You can always tell them to stop looking in bunches, too. Communication is half the battle in RenX.
Going back to my original premise, I want to make clear have no issue with the game mechanics. It would suit the community to help out new players, instead of ostracizing them or pulling the mineban trigger before doing any effort to include them into the match. I know people have been trying to get Bluedrake closer into the community. It would be really nice if we would succeed in that, and show him the ropes. If he would put that video out for everyone to see, perhaps that would give some people an inkling of how the game is played. I tried messaging him myself, but he never responded. Anyone else tried or had any luck?
From the context of the conversation, I meant minebanned.
I'm not against the minebanning vote, but with a new influx of players (thanks Bluedrake :)), people really don't help new players. Last few days, I've seen people being shouted down and minebanned outright. That's a shame, this game needs new players. Another think that irks me is that I've often requested the time where mines are needed and no one responds. Ever. Do I stink, or something? lol It has come to the point I mine the bare minimum (two or three mines at a door, except Field's ref backdoor). Only person to ever reach out to correct me was Mysil. Not saying you're not a helpful veteran, btw. I've picked up a lot from you and many other vets.
I don't care if you're new, everyone started out fresh. I'm happy to respond to question or help people out. What really pisses me off is people minebanning. No one bothers to correct mines, but everyone's willing to shout or mineban people. Only exception I know is Mysil.
I personally very much enjoy maps that have multiple vehicle and/or infantry paths. Walls come to mind, but I find XMountain and Lakeside and FieldX to be the best examples. They offer the right amount of routes to break out of a stalemate. Not that much of a fan of Walls, as it usually comes down to which team can be arsed to take and hold plat. Not a fan of islands(X) either, except for the tunnel onslaughts or the fact that you can shove tanks into the water >:D It's a bit too constricted for me, but that's just because I prefer tonking. Other than that, I also enjoy maps that just look great visually, like Crash Site or Desolation.
Thoughts on Commander (and Public game social situations)
Atomsk replied to Handepsilon's topic in Renegade X
I love the commander mechanic, including its flaws, which are mostly due to the human element, not so much its place in the game. People will whine and nag regardless of who is commanding. The only thing I find daunting about the commander mechanic is that it's cumbersome to use through the key-combo menu. Also, for some reason, some commands don't work for me. Very much agreed, regardless if there is a commander. I find that some experienced players with a decent attitude can really help to pull the team together. All it requires is watching chat, engaging in it, spotting enemies, joining rushes, listening to commander or in short *playing the full extent of the game* -
I don't understand your posts, at all. I wish I could, I feel like I'm missing out on some sage, high af advice or something. Could do without the snot, though.
For anyone that cares: Hit F12 to store the screenshot in Steam (providing you have Steam running). If you have Win10 and Xbox Game Bar installed, hit Windows+Alt+R te record video (and again to stop it).
Happy to! We were both fighting each other which just the ref alive, so this final rush came after a good while of APC skirmishes and back and forth rushes. Perhaps overkill, I thought it was a fitting end
Yeah, I wish I had stuck around my ion and to rep that apc, but I was glad I was able to get Kaunas in and block that apc from running people over running into ref. Also wish I had stuck around to see the ions . Perhaps someone else captured it? Was just a fluke that I hit record right before we took off.
Had a pretty nice match today, duking things out with hordes of APC's. Here's some shoddy footage of the last APC ion rush:
Awesome. I've noticed that Light Tanks seem to be getting stuck on the Airstrip's runway lights.
Oh, all good, I get all enthused about this stuff My current earworm:
The band, the music and their inspiration span influences and finds from the iron age, up to the viking age, but this song isn't exclusively viking. This specific song mentions the famous chant from the second Merseburg charm: "sôse benrenkî, sôse bluotrenkî, sôse lidirenkî; ben zi bena, bluot zi bluoda, lid zi gelidin, sôse gelîmida sîn" Which is old High German, but not old Norse (if you want to consider viking old Norse, "viking" is a bit of a catch-all). Granted, all Germanic languages like German, English, Dutch, etc. share the same ancestral proto-germanic root. The chant is an old healing chant, based on the words uttered by Wodanaz to mend his son's Balder's wounded horse: "Like bone-sprain, so blood-sprain, so joint-sprain: Bone to bone, blood to blood, joints to joints, so may they be mended." The viking age only lasted from about 750 to 1100 AD, whereas the chant in this song probably predates the viking age by many centuries. I'd say I'm sorry for going off on a tangent, here, but I wouldn't mean it
Hiya! In commander mode, I can't seem to select option 2. Things like remove mines or smoke screen simply don't respond to keypress 2. The same thing happens when using the taunt key. All other options work, except 2. I did remap some keys, like primary weapon is bound to a mouse button, might this conflict with option 2? I tried testing using the mousebutton to select option 2, but that didn't work, so I would guess not? I am on an azerty keyboard, not sure if that matters. Here's my UDKInput.ini:
Yeah, I think this was mentioned before I love listening to proto-germanic rave music
My friend, my man, can I remind you of the advice I gave you a while ago? These screenshots are not doing your work any justice, because they are .BMP's. Hit Windows + ALT + Print Screen every time you want to take a screenshot. Then go to your .\Users\...\Videos folder and there you will have screenshots with a much better resolution, at a lower filesize that is a lot more pleasant to look at. *edit* Although I'd still recommend something like greenshot, that one has a built-in img.ur upload button in it and creates much smaller filesizes.
In case you're still confused, you can guy a guard tower, a turret, or ceiling mounted turret from the barrack terminals. Look under item, it'll have have some extra options. I think Cynthia sometimes hosts a creative server, where you can do more, although it's not the survival mode.
Tried looking for this in the forum, but couldn't find it: I was wondering about the crosshair hit indicators. Sometimes, I get a green cross-hair indicator. Does that I'm hitting a friendly, unmanned veh being repped?
NEW MAP I love playing survival mode. Every now and then, a server fills up. It gets pretty frantic when those godmode doza's and sakura's waltzing into bar. What's everyone's strategy on GT/Turret placement? I usually put GT's around bar and turrets away from bar.
Is HexMountain with the train? I love that train.
Hiya! If you hit Windows key + Alt + PrintScreen on your keyboard, Windows will automatically make a screenshot in a much more accessible .PNG format and at a much lower filesize. The printscreen is saved to your \Videos\Captures folder. Windows Game Bar is pretty weird about saving a picture in a videos folder, but that's just how it is This is assuming you're on Windows 10. If you're not, a tool like Greenshot is free and pretty easy to set up to automatically save screenshots at your own preference. It will do your screenshots more justice, as the .BMP's are in a small resolution, with no compression, poor quality and still a high filesize. To return on topic: Great work on those maps!
No, Jesus Christ, no. You steal that tank, you take that win, goddamnit It is a good way to learn, that player will probably be more aware next time. That's how everyone learns, I think.
Atomsk replied to roweboat's topic in Feedback & Bug Reports
All my base are belong to you Thank you!