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Everything posted by Xtractor

  1. yep Looks a good way ^^ need to figure all the stuff you done in there..but giving me how it can be done. ty
  2. Legs out of Orca !? :-))
  3. flipped landscape is a good idea but it will block my sky ..What can i do ? ,i think landscape has to be set to a minimun size 127x127
  4. Wich one is the real Hand of Nod ?
  5. I want to Make an big vehicules Path that go through an landscape's mountain or to join 2 mountains peek together to do the same effect ..I don't want to use rocks to do it ..Any idea How a simple way i can do that ? Thanks in advance
  6. I'm taking course #1 of Kenz video, and Hoping I can make it to release ,I may fail because lack of understanding ,but i will try my Best Have an idea for a Map, should be cool. Wish me luck 8o))
  7. Make it Sticky it will come popular Anyone in There ? I guest they were all In my Base
  8. Well Thank you Xpert Great Job you done for RenX
  9. I Didn't see a Sticky thread of this ..any reasons? Well here's one
  10. Edited X2: The Map is super Beautiful But the Main con is the Sun direct in the eyes http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.c ... 36F84AA7C/ Indeed its huge, long walking ,but found pretty easy walking and climbing on rocks .I like how smooth it is. NoD Base part look pretty basic ..I like Better the GDI config So huge map I didnt find the other side of the underground tiburium field ..and I walked a lot :0))) Rocks are so well assembled ,they look great and functional.http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.c ... 8979778C1/ Was Hoping a small hiding place in there to hide http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.c ... 6EFCD9768/ There is kind of hole there ,got stuck in it http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.c ... 21C93C6F9/ Got stuck there too near Between the wall and the tree at NoD base http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.c ... 0AE835F4C/ Because its so large between the 2 bases ,you have lots of ground to cover ,wonder what it will do in a game ,Death matching in mid ground ? Vehicules figthing or fast Bases destroyed by either SBH or by Flying ..I have no idea Nice Map but I would cut at least 1/3 of it . Sure I will watch all your TuTo serie ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I must do something wrong RenX kind of stuck on Loading when I copy your files in my folders ..It,s not responding Have to ctrl alt del Deleting your 3 files dejam my renx Forget That^^ I was coping the compressing files ;S
  11. I like this map I see great potentiel in it . The con are the Bright direct sun light Ions storms is cool , would prefer that they would last much shorter and not as often, and a long shot would be very cool if one ligthing per ion storm (or every 2 storms)would hit ground a random place. This will make a hit ) Noticed that agt doesnt fire when my char was on rock somewhere near it but do fire at long range like near the fence at field.http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.c ... A8DB8100E/ also got stuck in rock in front of the sniper tower.http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.c ... 1378B5F3F/ Would try to make a transition for storm sky to clear sky ..as it is its snap on clear sky very fast ) Overall, nice job ,looking forward
  12. fixed I see now
  13. Can't see images ^^
  14. Tbh I don't like playing maps done at night ,I just need to see far away But hey your map could be cool idk didn't see much ...but please avoid night maps
  15. Both side (Dev and servers owers) plus us the players is important . Few months ago I brought some points to ajust and TobiArt devs agreed and fixed some of them. So I can't say that they don't listen .. Well i dont have to remind that one wish for the game is not necessarly good for it. And what Some may call " shit" some stuff that are in RenX I Call them Great or Awesome . Things that at first I was not used to because Im a former originalrenagader.. like : Airstrikes,2 seat orcas/apaches, Titans and wolverines,Air drop and so many things in RenX i like now . I Thanks Devs for these they done and doing a Great Game ,I just Hope you guys(Devs) Stay focus and devote to RenX . I wont mind if some servers would make their own RenX style ...but for sure I'm pleased with The Base Game as it is and still improving ..Devs if you could feel the fun and emotions we having playing RenX that should Boost you Be proud working/playing your Game . TY
  16. Wow..just Wow
  17. Dunno if this is related to the map or RenX in general Watch what happen wen I try to get rid of remote c4 a teamate put on my head and I shoot pistol in Obelix
  18. Ah ok Thanks
  19. fine.. that it is missing or fine that i should have it ?
  20. Steam User could edit your nick profile(adding RenX link) like this and it will be show in friend's friend list
  21. Was thinking about that ^^ How would it cost ? EA wouldn't mind if WE pay without receiving $$ ? Some community ask donations for servers, what if we Do to pay Ads ? If all this is possible ,we could start small, then grow bigger the ads frequency on YT Would have to be an Epic very beginning video to hold viewers to watch the entire ads
  22. Right,and to breach part of the Barrier ,destroyed a pylon
  23. I wish there were some of these in RenX http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/11 ... ht_152.gif
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