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Everything posted by Xtractor

  1. Amazing how fast you do materiel all these connections pfff ! I dont understand nothing yet of these ) How long you been working with UDK ?
  2. Wish this mechanic could be done by someone at one point,I'ts something that we see in c&c universe.And can be add to some of newer maps (Totem or Fans). Would be a great scene to see Flying destroying a Bridge while a Rush ennemies vehicules would trying to use it
  3. That a suggestion project^^ for you ,I have no skill for that
  4. Would it be possible to do a map where engys could repair a bridge for alternative path for vehicules ?(that would be awesome )
  5. Yesterday there was a nuke on rock near back side door of weapon factory .Hard to defuse due to the position and too far from wall of the WF. it shouldn't destroy WF its way to far from wall
  6. eager to try the new maps
  7. usualy while flying ,The map stop like I will crash but after few second it will dejam and I would be teleport somehere else .I can be outside an enemy Base then I jam & dejam teleported deep in ennemie base ,never Know where I will be teleported ,usualy not far from my initial position I dont think I have this issue in Lakeside and other maps
  8. After refilling or purchase ,I stay stick on the wall like a magnet ,I have difficulties to unsticke myselft to go out from the purchase panel aera (Happend often)
  9. I have this problem also . And sometime when I really need rockets they dont work ,usualy when there is a rush of vehicules ,Yesterday on Wall there was an flamers rush incoming and only my orca machine gun was working never could fired a rocket ,wonder if there was a config still on for test that was still on.
  10. Add me http://steamcommunity.com/id/cudaker aka xtractor
  11. K Thanks man!
  12. I have UDK version 10907.Do I have to uninstall it to get newer version ,I have already stuff made in there That I want to keep ? Can I have 2 version of UDK installed ? Can I do some stuff in there and and export in the Renx editor when it will go out ?
  13. I'd never notice that ,Adding the words (enemy airstrike.. ) would be clearer for new comers in the c&c world .Now that you had show the difference I'll paid attention to it .Still I beleive that it should be Clear for a First time ingame player .
  14. Dealing with it right now. Also adding a one minute teambased cooldown. That might be enough. That should help Knowing from whom the aisstrike is coming would be also an plus. eg if its friendly pretty sure we don't have to move from our position. If I hear Eva saying a NOD/GDI (enemies) airstrike isbeen called would help us make a decision of movements .because I don't see where the airstrike is been called
  15. In big open maps it's not too much of a problem unless its airstrike spam fest .In field its way too OP ,I saw Nod wiped out(artys ,flamers and enginers)in the bottleneck base entrance . Nod base has a tight bottle neck entrance they already have to deal with that and the Harvey that keep pushing them in field ,with airstrikes on airstrikes by GDI its OP and give no chance to Nod to get out of base . I heard much complains about airstrikes from ppl that use to play renegade . I think airstrikes is usefull but it need to be limited somehow not a spawn fest same on ion/nuke, the engys has enough to deal with it to disarmed with a need to deal with 5 consecutive AStrikes . That's my opinion and so far I love the game and play everyday ,but this thing is my BIG Con of RenX and I will be and will speak against it, if its stay like it is .
  16. As Big is my love for Ren X this is the One only Thing that make me Hate the game when its over use .Im sure This will be the mechanic if unmodified that will hurt renx a lot .
  17. I only see Nick name 'Orca' but no character and i been actacked by him http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc ... F1FD60DCF/ http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc ... 5C7D3F5F9/
  18. Be limited somehow ,its breaking the fun of the game aas it is specialy in Field
  19. I think you can just scale down the ship to fit the size you want in the map
  20. I'm eager to get B4 to be able to start this
  21. yeah but the launcher doesnt work now have to start the game from another way wich show UDK
  22. STEAM STEAM Friends asking me if i do maps when UDK is Open need to show its Renegade X
  23. cool stuff
  24. I guest there are some website that sell some already made stuff ?
  25. suppose I want to add a train wagon or a city buildings or any meshes that is not included in the renx udk editor will I be able to find some and add it to the maps ?
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