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Everything posted by Xtractor

  1. Id install tutorial and iI dont see it it my map list ,Have done everything ok (I think) udk,upk,UDKmenu.ini
  2. From my STEAM : I find this one very special its look almost real picture Guy Hanged in HN
  3. HAHAHA ! found these spectating your map ..) That's great.. fun stuff
  4. This is a perfect map in term of sizing and buildings set up .It's what I could expect coming from original old Westwood studio Nice set up ,nice size map ,nice paths , Not overcrowed of building ..the essentials ..That all Very Nice Job ..you got my vote
  5. Had also took a look at this map tonight in skirmish ..One word ..it's Beautiful map:) Too bad it's taking eternity to load Gdi Base is very nice with the bridges ,If I were you I would reduce the space betwee the 2 bases .Although its very nice as it is 'it's way too big space (imo) Very good job ,,I like the ligthing wich is very relaxing for the eyes
  6. Did Skirmish tonight and took a look .I liked at lot some spots in the map ,and Hoover is nice addition .I understand this is lots of work in there and is in progress .At my taste I like maps with not too much stuff of the same kind(buldings ,turrets ..).Map is big ,Nod base seem OP and bigger compare to GDI .Overall Good stuff in there GJ
  7. AH ok will do tonight thanks!
  8. Whats this costal map ? it's look interesting I like this shots http://i62.tinypic.com/4q6dyv.jpg from this thread
  9. Agreed^ for APCs humvee/buggy of both side are a pain to drive
  10. make the How to public plz
  11. I vote for a drop of 10 ultra Bots enginers that will repair the destroyed AS/WF for the cost of 100 000 credits (realy idk whats the best thing to do
  12. Lets assume NOD has only ref up and GDI has all buildings NOD via airdrops organize an ST rush and destroyed all GDI base ..NOD win ! To me is kind of unfair ,GDI had destroyed previously the AStrip and should have the advantage of this Action . It's like 2 childs playing together and one say to the other ..'No its doesnt count lets redo it' and BTW please stay with us devs you made a tremendous good game honestly.I heard somewhere else "Renegade X is in advance on his time "
  13. Seem a good solution ^^ at first look
  14. I start to think that I would prefer that when a max mines is layed that wouldn't be possible to place more . Game will tell 'max mines reached disarmed other to layed new one' (or smtg like that) And every team tech with mouse right button could disarm any team mines in a snap if they wish Mines will always be problem as newbies and other will have to learn the best ways Edited : This wont work because if some mines are layed in the other base they wil stay there and will be wasted so not a reliable solution unless they disappering after X time if not in our base
  15. Had this game the other day that was awesome. fierce Battle between 2 teams (wall). We (Gdi) finaly could win if we succeed this time to cover the ion on roof of airstrip the last reamining building of NOD. I rush my orca to the roof of the Airstrip ..Got my orca destroyed ,fell on roof ,and As a Hotwire I layed all I had (Mines c4,) to secure the ion . We succed and we won. All to say that further mines of our base/overmining can be a necessity in some case
  16. I'm not a fan of airdrop as it is : Saw a game where vehicules was dropping one after another on airstrip even if it was destroyed. So what the point to destroy an airstrip if it still working at that pace. I think When a building is destroyed it's should stay that way. Why not making the Hand of Nod doing the same thing ? It's unfair for the winning team .it's like giving a second chance to the loosing team to win and All work of the winning team goes unnecessary. Want to make Airdrop or reinforcement make the loosing team work for it if they can't then no airdrop,If they can airdrop should be very minimal
  17. Watched most of them was fun :=)) episode 3 was fun with the guys jumping at the beat of the music :=))
  18. Interesting ! Oo
  19. nice recap thanks but I would like that the idea in my post there http://renegade-x.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=75062&start=15#p147840 to be Brainstorming more by the community . Because it would teach and reward players that mined correctly ingame as they do it without any need of tutorials and whats a cool ways to become a master miners, gain credits/or reputation xp ,I think players will aim to layed mines properly
  20. I dont think kicking a guy for an overmining mines is acceptable nor RenX has the luxury to do this
  21. My mining wasn't incorrect nor overmining and I got kicked for it ..Why? A Player Start a vote that people respond to yes to it . I understand that when we see a Vote kick we ASSUME it's true (not me I don't respond to vote kick If i didn't really see it) ..I think Who ever Start a vote should receive a Warning That its untrue and just trolling , could get Kicked himselft. I was a bit brainstorming about mining preference for different taste of server owners : What if prefab location superior mining was made .. let me explain: A server owner wants doors been mined in a restrictive aera . A player that layed mines in tha radius will get Bonus credits for every mines well placed if he do that for X mines he received an Congratz Expert mining Shout out . If He layed mined in non designated aera , he lost credits accordindly + warning why . So Server owner just clic their prefer aeras or zone in the server confg, Hope you understand what im trying to explain
  22. Tutorials is ok but every servers owers have their own preferences on ways of mining so there is this other dilemma
  23. Instead of kicking a newbies for REAL improper mining , if the mod could just via console ,flushed all xplayers mines and sending a friendly auto reminder how to mines and link to the preference mining server (YT tutorial or text)could be a good start
  24. take Wall: Personnaly I see often GDI base off sbh whent entrance and tunnel are mined ,But some don't like it so I don't do it but its the best result imo . So many mining preferences out there ,I just hate mining becoz of it . some want a straight line other in w shape other around the door on the wall building ..ect
  25. Bar Path wasn't mined at all so I decided to layed some there (6 max) and I didn't layed at no other place was my only place ..If someone don't like something and start a Voted kicked just saying its shit mining and ppl don't eeven know what where when and kicked player like that its fkng lame .. I don't vote on Kicking player because I have to know all the reason. someone just want to kick someone else for no real reason and start a vote kick and some will just say YES not knowing why ,Its lame very lame
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