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Everything posted by Xtractor

  1. Can we use RypeL's demo cam or only Mod can use ? and I would prefer mesa a few bars more bright..we can't even see the red color of Artys
  2. Very Cool Liked also the Bird view at the start
  3. Why I have no problem with volcano ?,but other maps seem too dark ,I dont ask for days maps but less darky would be better ..imo
  4. If you refering to me as" Blaming the Devs" I don't Blame anyone ,I'm just saying
  5. I don't like dark maps ,I have to ajust my brightness everytime ,that's why some of my day maps SS are so Bright it because I forget to readjust my brightness
  6. I Do that kind of stuff sometime when getting a crates with enemy uniform ..I Shoot my team vehicules and team mates while back in up behind enemy line :0)))
  7. Oh i was using internet explorer ,wasnt working with it ..Chrome Do ,TY edit: FYI internet explorer has to be drag to the adress box (just found out
  8. K Thanks Kenz Will Watch your video The purpose of Wanted to see the Vehicules coming out of the WF in the SDK editor Windows is to see if my vehicules go out ok. The Line : VehicleLimit=10 Doesnt seem to do anything in the SDK editor Windows ? I guest I did do from Vehicle factory some drag and drop on map btw SS with Text in it, is very hard to read the text
  9. How do I import yo the game ? Like that below ? mine- VehicleLimit=10 Whats Vehicules factory ? Guys ,keep in mind Im newbies you have to be Clearer
  10. How to I Make the PT vehicules enable ?,Cant but any vehicules at the moment
  11. Rework your paths. The harv system is fine. Is there something To set to get him repeat infinitly the sequence? He doing right twice , he goes from WF to Tibur ,go to ref ,come back to Tib,go back to ref ,unload, then Stop. EDIT: FIXED Id place the ref_navigationPoint on the Steel platform instead of out of it
  12. Harverster: Got my Harvy working ..But He drop 2 loads and at the second drop he stop at ref .He advance few feet and stop there
  13. Attack the Silo ...Affirmative!
  14. Np! That's really weird though, try and find out what kind of projectile the SAM site actually fires by searching it's code! Also, try checking the tickbox @ "Block Rigidbody' Block Rigidbody Done ..no change AGT ,Turrets ,SamSites find holes a certain spot in differents mountains ..So idk if the type of missiles is for something ..and idk where to see these code
  15. I try to convert my Buildings with the ramps and.. With the Barrack after all done I got this Huge green box around it when selecting .. Normal ?What is it? EDIT : It resized to smaller around the building by itselft ..I guest its ok/fixed now
  16. Yeah I think it's the only solution for now ..will do that. ty Check the landscape collision properties, set that to blockall ?? Found and Done ..no change Ty for sugesting
  17. Yeah I think it's the only solution for now ..will do that. ty
  18. We need to find a serious way to Test maps with some dedicated testers ..I agree with that. I'm working on one and it might take me a long time before it's done i'm neewbie . But i want before I'll start texturing and stuff to be tested for the game play so I won't work for nothing if its no good . First gameplay then I'll finish it if Testers say ..Good to go on ! Then second test for Final product I can be part of a team testers but I'm might not be super good to see everything that pro players know
  19. it's all on the pathnodes. By logic I would never let the path cross that rock, not that it's possible anyway. But I see your point little push from a vehicule passing by and ..there you go ..harvy stucked lol
  20. Here a SS : Sam site the other side shoot throught the mountain ..What can be done against these issues ?
  21. Yep those entrances are too narrow ,wider space would be apreciated.For THE rock Harvy will get stuck on it lol.GJ looking to improve the map
  22. My AGT doing the same somewhere else ..wondering if I can put like an invisible wall or something that block the missiles ?
  23. Thanks yosh ! Id move my turret ,its somekind of bug I think because it shooting at the landscape mountain ,like if it see a hole at one spot in the mountain ..if i move a bit left or right it doesnt see that hole ..strange
  24. Do you really think that? Mesa never gets played and isn't even out of the rotation. Still, custom maps doesn't get in right away when it's made. It still needs to be tested if it's good to play. If we really just put in custom maps right away and see if they are popular or not while they suck, that's just wrong right there and no, it's not up to the server owners. That's just retarded. Just need to have a group of testers that will test the map like the beta testers did for beta 4. Every weekend on saturday or sunday at the right time, so both EU and NA players don't have any issues when it take place. They report bugs and glitches ect. Give feedback and say if the map is good enough to get in the official rotation or not. (and please use people that know how gameplay works) ^^ This:)
  25. No But making more reasons to leave...aint good either Custom maps dont get forced into the rotation. Owners enable it. So the Warning is To the Server Owners
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