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Everything posted by Xtractor

  1. Yesterday on mountain on that server ,Id layed some mines (mb 6 mines in a w pattern) on Bar path where we always do ,to prevent SBH from coming in our base .And no where else ,What was my surprise to had been kicked for that purpose because of 'shit mines' been told by Jean claude van dam. Do we have to mines perfectly lined mines or otherwise we will be kicked? What About New players how will they react to some decision like that ..Very good for a Game we try push population . Are you gonna kicked anyone that doesn't do like you do !!??. Next Time I will Think tweice Before joining That Server
  2. I used to "talk" a lot in Old Renegade, Now i'm more silent until I decided to Bind some 'statement/orders' I like the Q function that Im considering to add to my mouse button. What I did today (but idk if it did something at all ) when I spoted a nuke I Q 'it ,After that I though That would be great if that simple action show my position (via the Big green arrows over my head) and the Nuke position to my Teamates
  3. Yesterday in Wall ,Got my orca Destroyed and I fell there .I armed my ion there .Got Killed the sec I finished armed .I think there should have an invisible mini wall there to prevent this
  4. Again it happened to me I think its last week end .my Orca wasnt shooting nothing and AGAIN it was an incoming Flamers rush in Wall.After a while it unblocked but Flamers had time to reach our base
  5. nOOb question : What's exactly do the silo in the regular game ?
  6. same here for me . I dont really understand whats in the middle of the sketch ( where you zoom it) what is it ?
  7. There is a variable that's hard to take in consideration ,That is :TASTE What's Fun for one might not be for another one . I'm suprise to see how many ppl like Field ..me I don't ,but respect the one that do. Tryng to stay in some standard guideline is ok ,but deviation of it is ok also and bring some non repetive pattern .I dont want to see copy and paste set up maps look a like in only different scenery
  8. Lakeside is my best loving map with volcano,witheout
  9. That would be awesome !!
  10. I would like this unnecessary info box gone .1 click too much
  11. I was on a map for 2hour and id never could access the dam thing ,always saying pending (-8705) or what ever numbers
  12. would be good if Pc Gamer could do an article in the mag will full screenshots
  13. Compared to the classic field it' bring something much different ,surely middle lower ground is ano safe zone for repairing vehicules ,it's adding a necessity to get snipers on each side to counter this,I think this map has way to much sniper nests at first look .May be if the back route in the mountain and all along the field was kind of independant to the field aera ,it would bring something more interesting. infantry would battle in mountains and vehicule woulld be able to take field and work much freely. I would only open one space for infantry to field at the back of the field ,no snipers would be able to use higher ground for aiming field except the central classic place on tops of tunnels
  14. yep just a place holder
  15. I have hard time trying to understand how can the game is going on ok somewhere and me I enter in kind of a ghost town where all vehicules and characters are there but stuck .Im the only one moving all around the map :=)) It's like i'm in a parallel world. I can stay a long time in there looking at everyone position and the real game is still rolling on ok somewhere else ..strange
  16. What East US time ther will be a link for downloading ?
  17. looking forward to this .
  18. looking good will you add some tunnels or some kind of steel ramps at higher grounds on rock mountain side ?
  19. Well people has to understand that's a Beta ,and Beta is a Beta . It could had been Close Beta but I'm very Happy that this Beta is Open to anyone who wants to play I downloaded the SP Black Dawn when it came out and was very unpset didnt like it at all ,id never finish the game . Not long ago I decide to Give a try to Renx and Was addicted right away,But I understand it's still in developpement so Bugs and stuff can happend. As it's state right now ,You can't say its not enjoyable to play except some servers are less stable than others imo.
  20. This Game is awesome ! It deserve to be know by gamers worldwilde. Here few sugestions ,if you have more ideas feel free to add If your on Steam post often Screen Shoots and comments it that its Renegade X with url . Post in your Steam* activity ,homemade videos of gameplays (*Click on your username at the top of your Steam interface , then pick 'activity' from the menu.) The key thing is -----> VISIBILITY
  21. Xtractor


    Don't give up this have to be done . After Renx will be done ,we will need the community to share the words will gameplays videso and cool stuffs and make the phone ring often at EA
  22. After vehicule exploded my character had only the arms showing and Blue repair beam was not showing completed
  23. Few things that idk if it's in the list didn't see on a fast look at it . when doing an airstrike in 3 rd person I'm been switch to 1st person everytime after,would like to stay in 3rd person view. After I go on PT the wall magnet me ,I Have often difficulty to unsticked myselft from the wall . Nuke on Barrack near the flag base pole and on roof Barrack at panels junction is making nuke invisible and unable to disarm . Sometime latetly my character doesn't change to the newly bought upgrade characters at PT ,I have to sucide to fix. remote C4 layed in early game time doesn't explode and stay on ground when trigging them . Flamer veh seem to damage inside characters at MCP repairing the building in Barrack ' also possible to damage outsiders near the wall Barrack by sticking our head in the back wall in a matter that we can see the other side.
  24. Oh sorry then all goes to zixxer then Good job Man ,very nice map ♥
  25. You did Lake side . I love this map ,it's so well done ,the river side in forest and the upper path on the same side Montains pics , able us to drop snipers/engys on it ,this bring something new to the game strategy, not to mention the cristal growing on montains wich look relly nice . Fav map design for me . keep up the good work
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