Thanks for your feedback
I know there is nothing as asthetic yet to look for in the SS.
First i want to establish a Base for the gameplay.
And thinking of how the original Renegade maps was made I concluded that most of the time
There are 2 routes in mid map for ground vehicules and 1 route only that enter in the base some have 2 ,one map has 3,Most map has only 1 to enter in the ennemy base .
Field 1 ,Hourglass( 3routes to 1 entrance) , Wall 2 to 1 ,Island 2 to 1,and so on .
My map (as it is)has 2 entrances to each base but I think I will do 3 (But done a way that the defense team can handle ).
The Mountain only route for vehicules will be risky (vehicules could fall the cliff,(intend for some thrill driving) and hazardous.
Infantry will have many options to infiltrate ennemy base ,parachute will be handy
and for sure ( because I like flying ) ) there will be flying around mountain for suprise rush and supporting ground vehicules ..Oh and snipers will have fun