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Everything posted by Xtractor

  1. No But making more reasons to leave...aint good either
  2. I Have to say that I really disagree with this . There are some custom maps that shouldnt be in the rotation . There should be a strict policy for custom map Stamped RX approuved ! its Server owner that decide wich one they want in their rotation I guest. But take into consideration if there is few CMap that are not popular or disliked it will hurt the players online resulting they will leave and wait better map vote . And when you see the server with only 10 players ..you turn on STEAM and play something else ..just saying
  3. Does the turret's actual shell go through the mountain? my character get kill by it
  4. Can you get rid of the Info box when refreshing server list ..The fletching thing
  5. Do you have this issue :Nod turret shooting throught Mountain a certain spots ? I Do
  6. Oh Yeah ..thats true .. now im thinking 2Xobel 2x Agt in one map )
  7. well it works in the editor preview ..just wondering if in the final product it will still do ..
  8. Can This be done when doing maps without any problems or special configs ?
  9. Cool will do ^^ Thanks guys ..Help me a lot and they other that will face the same problems
  10. wow its look good I always want an SBH figurine ,should be possible with that now cost a lot ?
  11. There you go^^ Working now ... Yeee ! ..but ..but.. I want buildings with ramps
  12. I do
  13. PlayerStart errors gone but I still doesnt respawn ..Beside left clic or ENTER there no other Key to force respawn?
  14. Doesnt work ,its lower the kill zone but no change Got these when checking for errors PlayerStart_2 : has no paths, and is not inside the navmesh! (If this is a destination or something for players only set bDestinationonly=TRUE PlayerStart_4 : has no paths, and is not inside the navmesh! (If this is a destination or something for players only set bDestinationonly=TRUE
  15. Try to rebuild paths Done ..
  16. I try to change team to Nod to test the other side but I wont respawn / I do change team in console ,got the message that Im Nod now but I stay there .ENTER (key) doesnt respawn me Id create a start player in both side One set to 0 and the other one 1 in Team index in playerStartProp (?)
  17. K but its ok that they arent the same longer ?
  18. I dont have much Done on my map yet but before I continue I would like to know if these are a problem that I shoud fix before continuing Thanks So many errors
  19. Air Battle Nod outnumber
  20. Just a side note here : It's really Bugging me when I read some negative Statement on RenX like It's doesn't Worth.. I'ts dead..We won't..We can't ..We Will never.. It's pushing a defeating mind into the heads of the ones that Believe in Renx ..like me. And it's push away new incomers That has a interest in RenX Why dont't we try to work/suggesting and play in a positive Mind We will Make it
  21. This (Nice and bright.) and I never play in First person ,Dam ! ion and nuke animations looks great ..Id miss that all this time
  22. ^^ This plus how much of my time will it take •Creativity (!) = Yes if its something I like •Somewhat good sense of humour =Yes but to a certain point ,if its hurting ppl ..then No •Checks mails every day or two = yes Need to know more before Agreeing.. Just make a NDA (non-disclosure agreement )
  23. Thanks for your feedback I know there is nothing as asthetic yet to look for in the SS. First i want to establish a Base for the gameplay. And thinking of how the original Renegade maps was made I concluded that most of the time There are 2 routes in mid map for ground vehicules and 1 route only that enter in the base some have 2 ,one map has 3,Most map has only 1 to enter in the ennemy base . Field 1 ,Hourglass( 3routes to 1 entrance) , Wall 2 to 1 ,Island 2 to 1,and so on . My map (as it is)has 2 entrances to each base but I think I will do 3 (But done a way that the defense team can handle ). The Mountain only route for vehicules will be risky (vehicules could fall the cliff,(intend for some thrill driving) and hazardous. Infantry will have many options to infiltrate ennemy base ,parachute will be handy and for sure ( because I like flying ) ) there will be flying around mountain for suprise rush and supporting ground vehicules ..Oh and snipers will have fun
  24. Thanks Guys My project is like a Block out now no textures and stuff. Wish to have a test playabilty to see were i need to make major changes before going on , But idk yet what its need to be playable for testing the gameplay . Here a First SS of the map at a very Raw stage (Silo in mountain is the objective no1 in the Story) What you think ?
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