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Everything posted by Xtractor

  1. @Jarzey Thats cool ,Gj gathering this ..Your user page should be linked at the main page tho .Can go to main from yours but not from Main to yours
  2. I will rewatch the video .but pretty sure i was counter attacking mrls and others..but couldnt stay alive. I was hit most of the time from all side.GDI had good anti apaches stuff.plus recruit apaches are too slow for escaping
  3. Couldn't hear some guys talking to me because too much Voices was Talking at the same time wich cover other lower volumes. Had to Scream once for PP ..like nobody was aware and they was just talking stuff
  4. K ,So Stealing a tank you aint stealing the rank also ?
  5. Vehicles will also be subject to veterancy ranks: they take the rank of the player who is currently driving it or, if vacant, the rank of the last player that drove it. Their rank bonuses are the same as the infantry ones. What if the tank is stolen ,is the Rank will be transfer to the Stoler ? If I give my tank to someone Im giving my Tank rank ?
  6. Thanks Guys
  7. Idk what exactly it does and when ..Where can I read this ?Shame on me to play PUGs and dont even know this
  8. Btw Where Yosh ? Didnt see for a while ,its been 14 days he didnt log at STEAM
  9. I noticed China Dragon Start their server..I remember them in the last days of old ren ..Nice to see Them playing Renx ..Welcome guys !
  10. The only thing.. dont be to near of it (your veh) ,SBH could crush you before you try to detonate ..so not a good idea to stand directly in front or on the back of the vehc
  11. I think Middle map (in Fort) is problematic ,There is too much Path/Hiding spots ..imo
  12. Losing connection :))
  13. My Bad !,I didnt saw it at first ,Id pass over it
  14. I'd watch the movie "SNOWDEN" yesterday very informative movie but it's things I knew/suspecting since a long time so not a big suprise for me
  15. There was once in RenX some Alien adductions ,It was fun to see ,If something could be done with that Aliens theme ..could be really fun ,
  16. This kind of thing need to be done regulary ..Wasnt there but Keep doing it, but promote it in advance to make it a popular event
  17. The exact same Date as me Dec 29th ..Anyway Congratz
  18. https://twitter.com/hashtag/steamdown?lang=en
  19. Ok im not that sure, being neewbie myself,t but I think UDK doesnt know where is your stuff is. In the newly copied 2 files in Your PKG select(yellow square arround it) the other one( The INST one) Now go in your map and rigth click some where on the ground .That should bring a list..Landscape properties ..clic on it Under the line Lanscape Material Clic on the green arrow That should paste your material path Because you had selected in the content Browser Close and try again ..:)
  20. Mb check also integrity of Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars then retry
  21. Have you try to check the integrity of the files ?
  22. Thanks IllumZar My first Main idea ,was making this map a Mountain Battle .Wich I kept ..But for the rest I didn't have any real Plan So I changed many things from what was show at the beginning ..(Buildings locations and selection,Landscape .. ) first I took off the obelix/AGT than I'd brougth them Back change them from place to place Paths were changed also . But Now I think it shouldn't change much ,I'm pretty Happy with the overall map . I just want to wait a little bit more before showing more that it's really settle and adding more stuff like the Tiburium fields . At the moment there is none Haversters goes in empty fields So ..Give me more time and I will gladly post one ..soon™ ..I hope
  23. Thanks ..oki ! another view
  24. Update ..Mb not really realistic but kind of cool imo
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