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Everything posted by HIHIHI

  1. I'd say it's still relatively active. Most days there are about 64 players on FPI (the most played-on server) around 9:00 GMT, I think. There are varying amounts at other times, but you can find 20-30 players pretty often. I never played Renegade until a year or two ago, and I've only played online once. I found RenX while looking for Renegade mods. It's pretty fun! HIHIHI
  2. Hope you get to feeling better!
  3. Here are a few screenshots I took while checking out the new version on Try-Out's server. One: the moon is missing. (The stars look great, though!) Two: the river looks really bright to me. Maybe it would look right if you could see the moon; I don't know. Hope this helps! HIHIHI
  4. I guess just this. : ) And you CAN tag SBHs for 30 seconds, if you manage to hit them. It is pretty much a useless crate, but so is a money crate once you've already got 5000 credits.
  5. They do not. They DO explode with a little puff of dust after 30 seconds, but they do 0 damage. They're flowerpots! They're not weapons! Although your mirage mines idea on Discord was neat... I may have to do that. It seems so easy... @Goku is there anything you need me to do to get the thing in crates? Send source code or something? If I write the cratetype, it may take a while... Although I will do it if you like. Coding practice always helps. Thanks, HIHIHI
  6. For sure! That would be neat! I can look about coding a crate for it and then update the release. Really this is pretty cool - I never thought this would be on any server, except of course that Try-Out might put it on his. EDIT: unless implementing the crate would be easier for you if someone from FPI coded it - you just let me know how you want this done and I'll try to work it out.
  7. Version 0.8.0


    (I messed up editing the description, so here's a little text for you.)
  8. View File FlowerpotGun.zip Are you tired of drab environments? Do you long for a glimpse of home? The answer has arrived! A portable flowerpot gun to brighten up any combat zone! Unzip FlowepotGun.zip to your base RenegadeX directory. This should put the files where they need to go. If not, the *.upk file goes in UDKGame\CookedPC\RenX\Weapons, the *.u file goes in UDKGame\CookedPC, and the example *.bat file goes in the base directory. When the mutator is loaded, (the example *.bat will load this mutator in Skirmish mode on Field) hit F5 or ~ to bring up the console and type, without the quotes, "mutate FlowerpotGun". This will add one flowerpot gun to your inventory - it will not replace any weapons you already have. This weapon has a primary fire and a secondary fire - try them both. Known bugs/issues: 1. Flowerpots don't land perpendicular to surfaces at too steep an angle. 2. Flowerpots don't move with vehicle turret rotation. 3. When aiming near vertical, the weapon has no spread. NEW AS OF 2019.02.02: 4. Some animations are missing. 5. The flowerpots can inflict damage upon their owner when they explode. 6. No HUD indicators show over units/structures when using the weapon. 7. The weapon is supposed to use two rounds on secondary fire, but it can still be fired with only one round in the magazine. (For reference only; this may not be fixed. This behavior is also present in the standard Flak cannon on secondary fire.) Thanks to Try-Out, Silent-Knight, limsup, and Reivax for helping me test this and reporting some bugs I was not aware of. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Remember: PEACE! THROUGH! FLOWERS! Many thanks to those who helped me get this working, especially @Sarah.. Submitter HIHIHI Submitted 02/01/2019 Category Modifications
  9. That Hunter... THAT is what miniguns should sound like. : ) Nice!
  10. Oh dear. Not here, though. It is pretty cold for this area, but not that cold.
  11. Do you mean colder than -35 °C or warmer? If you mean warmer, I am for sure. I don't think it ever gets below -35 °C here.
  12. Quite simply what the title says. The launcher was not showing on the taskbar, but the process was still running, and consuming 30% of my processor time (or whatever the processor statistic is in Task Manager) and 30 MB of memory. I realize that the launcher isn't in great shape to start with; I just thought I'd report this anyway. Thanks, HIHIHI
  13. Small games can be fun, and intense! And teaching new players can be fun too, and it's good for the game. Glad to hear the server is still used! I'm don't often look that late at night. : )
  14. Hm... The mine fire would probably stay out IF you got it to cool down. I think. The gas fire... I would just leave it alone, really. One: it's pretty cool. Two: if you put it out, you'd just have all that gas in the atmosphere, which might be unhealthy. And since some of it would probably stay concentrated in the pit, if there was ever a little spark, or a lightning storm, or anything like that, it would probably go BOOOOOM! Interesting thoughts.
  15. Yeah, you DO NOT want to make EA mad. RenX must be kept alive. [F1]: buy EA. Now Totem Arts makes the rules. [F2]: if for some incomprehensible reason Totem Arts does not have enough money to buy EA, kidnap the CEO (anonymously, of course, so nobody would guess it was TA) and set the ransom at full freedom for Totem Arts to do whatever they like. It's really a shame that Totem Arts is in the position they are. Maybe someday EA will send an email saying, "Go ahead and make money, have fun!" but probably not. : ( HIHIHI
  16. So when is someone going to make the list ranking the lists? : ) EDIT: @Xeon Wraith Thanks for the list; you can learn just by reading the ranking qualifications.
  17. So many gifted people playing Black Gospel. I love it. : )
  18. I, along with Nexus and Reivax, have discovered a bug. Nexus and Reivax were using their translated versions, and when they said "Attack that vehicle" while pointing at a vehicle, it would show up on MY screen with the vehicle name in French. Obviously, this would make it harder for new players to learn, especially with more versions, because they will see all the different languages at once. Screenshots follow. Hope this helps, HIHIHI
  19. I was just wondering, does anybody here other than me use RPN (or RPL*) calculators? For those who don't know about RPN, it is a method of expressing mathematical statements without needing parentheses, and it is quite handy as an input method on a calculator. Instead of pressing two numbers with an operator between them and then the equals key, you enter the two numbers (separated by ENTER) and then the operator. Ever since I learned RPN, I have vastly preferred RPN calculators it to normal calculators. If you use calculators a lot and haven't heard of RPN, look it up. If it clicks with you, and you can find a good RPN calculator, I'm sure you will be very pleased. HIHIHI *RPL is a programming language that can be used like RPL, but is more powerful.
  20. Ok, thanks for the offer! I'll let you know if I get stuck! Rating: 20/10 prompt reply. : )
  21. Ok, I wasn't aware that would work. I had thought that seat properties were unchangeable once running. This could simplify things a bit. : ) Thanks!
  22. So, I am thinking of writing a mutator that will allow vehicle drivers to hand over control of the turret to a passenger in the second seat, as I think this could make for more fluid tank battles. I am thinking that the way to go about this would be to have a state to be in when the driver is in control and a state to be in when the passenger is in control (Or maybe just a bool and an IF statement?), switching between them at the driver's discretion. Then in whatever state the vehicle is in, it will call the function/functions required for turning the turret and firing the weapon for the proper player. Each seat would have a weapon of the same class, but the occupant would only be able to control it when the state (or bool) is right. Basically what I need to know (I think) is this: what function/functions are used to control weapon firing and turret rotation? Or at least, which class are they in? I've looked around, but I'm really not sure which functions are doing these things, especially turret rotation. I have a feeling it's GetWeaponAimWithOptionalPredefinedAimPoint(UTVehicleWeapon VWeapon, vector AimPoint), in Rx_Vehicle, but I'm not sure. Thanks, HIHIHI
  23. I saw today that there is only one icon with the Ref on it, which shows the health of the silo. The health of the ref cannot be seen by pressing tab. The two screenshots below were taken one after the other.
  24. Another report: in the little area next to the Barracks, the ground gets darker when I jump on top of the crates. EDIT: This is on Forest Night.
  25. Some more screenshots from Forest Night.





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