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Everything posted by HIHIHI

  1. I think it would have to be 1v1 with one team replaced. For a three-team match (which would be cool) a lot of two-team-specific code would have to be rewritten. EDIT: I wish you great success!
  2. Thanks for the support! @Marinealver the idea is to make control toggleable. @isupreme this seems to me like another way to increase player voice without complicating the game very much at all. I haven't worked on it much recently, but maybe I'll get back on it sometime. It's just hard to get motivation when I have no ideas. : ) HIHIHI
  3. Yeah, I like how the bases are spread out - there's more to break through after you get the first buildings, and then you run up against the AGT/obi. I do hope to play a full game on it - I've just played a little bit and lost. : ) As to the invisible walls - I think that once we get used to them, they'll be just fine. I like how they make it seem like the map keeps going.
  4. Hm... I'll look into it. I'm pretty sure everything can damage them in the editor. There's one important thing - if you were shooting the black rocks, they wouldn't take damage from anything, I think, because they are only on the client. That is also on the to do list (making rocks spawn only on the server). Thanks for the feedback! HIHIHI
  5. I am looking forward to playing it with others! I had heard some people saying that it was disappointing, but this is an encouraging post! Thanks, HIHIHI EDIT: I just looked around in Skirmish, and I am really excited to play this map! Sure, the AGT and obi seem to be in weird positions, but it looks like a really fun map. I like Crash Site because of all the rocks you can run around in as a tank (when I have a low enough ping to actually drive, haha), and this looks to have plenty of the same type of play.
  6. Oh no... Definitely NOT as a main feature, please. : ) Some of the best battles happen when you have sustained such losses. But it's a neat idea for an alternative style of play. HIHIHI


    https://renegade-x.com/forums/forum/143-tutorials/ Here you go! The basic mutator tutorial is included there, as well as several other things. Hope this helps, HIHIHI
  8. I only have 15 My Game Long Names... But I have 13 Renegade Xs and Black Dawn. I also have 14 different flavors of Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable. : )
  9. I believe this is related to your frames per second (and possibly also the server-side vehicle physics that unfortunately cannot be changed to client-side). I have this problem too on my laptop - on a more powerful computer, it doesn't happen as badly (if at all). It's just something we have to deal with. : ( Hope this helps, HIHIHI
  10. Is your version 5.371? On Discord they said that the 5.371 hotfix messed stuff up, so if you click "Verify game integrity" in the launcher settings, it will roll it back to 5.370. I haven't actually done this, but that's what I saw. Maybe it will help you. HIHIHI
  11. HIHIHI

    Hello again

    I hope it does re-interest you! I haven't been playing RenX for long, but it's a great game and it keeps getting better. : )
  12. Eh... That would be really powerful. You could get a whole bunch of dozas and other powerful units into the back of a base unseen pretty easily. And then BOOOOM! The duration would have to be a lot shorter than 3-4 minutes to not be OP like that, I think. Probably 20 seconds or less. But let's keep thinking, I like this topic!
  13. I kind of like this idea. And yeah, the reduced damage from chems and doza is perhaps more appealing than the reduced damage from plain tiberium.
  14. So, I have been working on and off on a mutator to switch control of a vehicle's turret between the driver and a passenger. I have (mostly) successfully made control of the weapon switch between the driver and the first passenger, but switching control of the turret is another matter. I can make the driver GIVE control of the physical turret to the passenger, but once that is done, BOTH seats can control its rotation, and this control cannot be taken away. My question is: does anyone know how to take control of the turret skeletal controls from a seat? Rx_Vehicle.uc All modified/new code is in Rx_Vehicle there, in lines 106 and 1264-1620. You can also just search for HIHIHI in the comments to find it. Thanks very much, HIHIHI
  15. I think most vehicles are around 10K polygons. The Apache and the Chinook have almost 20K, and the Mammoth Tank has about 15K. It looks like most character models have about 7-12K polygons.
  16. Version 1.0.1


    Here are some short-range, nerfed versions of the A-10 and MiG-35. To spawn them, type "Summon TO_Mut.Rx_Vehicle_A10_SR" or "Summon TO_Mut.Rx_Vehicle_MiG35_SR" (in skirmish) or "Sandboxspawn TO_Mut.Rx_Vehicle_A10_SR" or "Sandboxspawn TO_Mut.Rx_Vehicle_MiG35_SR" on a server with the sandboxspawn command available. Installation instructions: Extract the zip file into the base folder of your Renegade X installation. TO_Mut.u should end up in UDKGame\CookedPC. IMPORTANT NOTE: Previous versions of TO_Mut.u included a mutator - this is no longer present, as it was not functional. Do not attempt to start a server with this mutator anymore.
  17. View File Short-range planes Here are some short-range, nerfed versions of the A-10 and MiG-35. To spawn them, type "Summon TO_Mut.Rx_Vehicle_A10_SR" or "Summon TO_Mut.Rx_Vehicle_MiG35_SR" (in skirmish) or "Sandboxspawn TO_Mut.Rx_Vehicle_A10_SR" or "Sandboxspawn TO_Mut.Rx_Vehicle_MiG35_SR" on a server with the sandboxspawn command available. Installation instructions: Extract the zip file into the base folder of your Renegade X installation. TO_Mut.u should end up in UDKGame\CookedPC. IMPORTANT NOTE: Previous versions of TO_Mut.u included a mutator - this is no longer present, as it was not functional. Do not attempt to start a server with this mutator anymore. Submitter HIHIHI Submitted 02/14/2019 Category Modifications
  18. So, not including this post, 1/3 of this thread is about engineering and stealth, and the other 2/3 is pretty much just about RenX philosophy. I don't care, it's just funny. From "Don't repair stealthed units when GDI might see you," to "FIGHT TO THE LAST TOOTH AND NAIL YESSSS = D." : )
  19. You gotta give it all you got! No time for half-heartedness! Although I admit that there are some matches where I never really get in the mood - but then others I'm energetic and enthusiastic. : ) HIHIHI
  20. I don't know if our ice is crazy, but we did get some ice, and then more last night. Although hazardous, it does make the woods look nice. That was taken from the backdoor of our house. HIHIHI
  21. T.O's servers are great. : ) It's funny; here we went from -17° C to 18° C in less than a week. And now it's back down to -1° C.
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