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Everything posted by Sn4ke

  1. was curious if it was intended due to gameplay reasons. not sure about the current starter cash on FPI, but having a (free) rep tool from the start can make a huge difference. (e.g. small sneaker group or also to keep harvester alive).
  2. have the same issue as @vandal33 - the bar is working, but it's easier to check the number (esp. if you're used to do that instead of looking at that bar) also.. why is the rep tool price displayed as 200 $ instead of "free" (like it was on AGN)? is that because you don't want free inf have rep tools right from the match start? If so, please change the price tag to something else. like "free, but you need some cash to buy it"
  3. @Eagle XI it's based on an RTS game after all. and fictional, maps.... don't need to make sense ;)
  4. uhm, we're taking about RenX. it makes sense. also.. it depends on the server size (max. players) | game settings (as.. public grind or organized match) | and... good old teamplay! Snow is one of the best maps. just like... Walls. So simple. and even though I don#t like it too much with... 18334098930 million players, it's fun to play from 4-4 up to 32-32. Just watch some of LavaDragons or TK's or anyones YT videos. Also - check out TKs Twilight. same "logic". same simple design. well done @TK0104 ###### @Eagle XI don't get me wrong, I really understand your point. but the Snow I remembered from C&C Renegade and the Snow from today... are so different but still the same. @Henk (and others!) did a good job with the revamp... but ofc there is still room for the little extra change that makes the map more fun... like. an Obelisk nah. most issues have been fixed thanks to T.O.s efforts. the rest was the community annoying the devs until someone did it that's up to the individual server owners. but... I think @Sarah! was working on something? or anyone. can't remember atm ..
  5. no just placeholders. we're meeting on TS today... a mate n me just to plan things at lenght. Plan to *post* til Monday, hopefully
  6. http://prntscr.com/jjsw6v l m a o no room for decent NN scripts here? hahaha
  7. just use all of these -> https://www.privacytools.io/#addons -> disable what you dont like. or if they annoy you @SilentKnight easy fix
  8. So today...what have I done? Code? Chill? Waste Money? Just dumped stones with golden mica n shit worth.... the world lmao Just to get rid of em, as all I wanted to do -> make the only diamond happy that matters. for DJ @SilentKnight need some brillies to pay your childrens loans?
  9. @Cephyrus
  10. Chris f* Corner at his best!
  11. ask T.O. he spent so much time on Toxicity. he should be able to tell us more about the long time side effects
  12. team size & game mode changes TBA soon
  13. About maps for RSW: Current map pool: Canyon Complex Field (old) Gobi Islands Snow Tomb Under Walls_Flying Whiteout Possible "regular" additions: Fort Mesa Volcano Xmountain Custom: Uphill Redux (created by @TK0104) Custom: Twilight (created by @TK0104) Note: Uphill has been tested thoroughly and even if Twilight is just v1.0 and has some minor issues the map design would be perfect for competitive matches with small teams (yh, there's an out-of-map-spot on Twilight, but I don't care. tourney rules are strict in that regard). Possible large team additions: Arctic Stronghold Crash Site Eyes (once it's fixed) Field X Goldrush Lakeside Reservoir Tunnels If both teams get enough players - and both teams agree - larger maps could be added to the "ban & pick" process. 12vs12 or maybe even 15vs15 (including the substitute players - if team size gets adjusted) would be adequate for the larger maps.
  14. No, this wasn't a troll topic. It was a reminder to myself to post this at some point topic: RSW related stuff, that would overload the main topic. Note: everything posted here is NOT final - suggestions only - feel free to comment - I've reserved enough PLACEHOLDER's just make sure to check the "LAST EDITED" ##################################################### Thing's that are semi-set* for the next tourney (list not sorted): autumn / winter as tourney season increase (overall) team size to make it easier to schedule matches (note: minimum squad size will be dealt with separately) add more maps to pool (details see below) RSW Discord Server (coming soon) Squad Captains will get access to DemoRec cloud maybe fixed tourney days (e.g. every 2nd or 3rd friday - a big MAYBE though, we have to take time difference into account!) game mode reconfig (details - see below) *semi-set: not finally decided, but likely to just happen... ##################################################### about tourney season: given the majority of RenX playerbase is located in Europe (or at least in the northern hemisphere) more players are active during the cold and / or rainy months. ofc, this is not mandatory if there are teams willing to fight each other... go ahead. schedule match dates about team size (brief comment!): though the first RSW is running, only 2/5 teams didn't seem to have problems to get enough players for the matches. either it#s because of SUMMER (see above) or maybe we just need bigger teams. it's not finally discussed yet if we want to touch the minimum squad size. we'll most likely increase the minimum size to 8. the maximum (active) size might get increased to 12, which results in a max. team size of 15 players (incl. 3 substitutes) map pool: will post a comment somewhere below (soon) tourney days: has to be further discussed, we're open for suggestions though. main issue with fixed days are time difference & ... real life if you have too many shift working people in a squad... it'll be hard to motivate them to sign up game mode reconfig (brief comment only): by request of some players, we'll most likely add crates to tourney matches. @Sarah! & @kira offered their assistance but... we intend to limit the RNG factors to a minimum. will post more ideas regarding that topic soon.
  15. this scene reminds me sooooo much of that epic video sequence -> Diablo II - The Dark Wanderer revealing his true face -> sequence after that or also... RTCW The "Druid" banishing the immortal Knight Heinrich coincidence?
  16. if you just want to hear the music asap... skip to: 1:37 and relax 4 seconds bonus: https://youtu.be/mkGravUoQ9w?t=267
  17. About todays PUG (10 players / team max.) # TK -vs- Whistle 2 - 2 Nod wins only... # Teams were balanced, and I can only speak for team TK, but I guess we lost both maps with GDI because we were way too "passive" at the start. Dunno why, but we couldnt agree on a hard push at the start of both Islands & Tunnels. From experience I'd say.... If you're playing low pop and both teams are balanced, Nod wins the majority of all matches because GDI is.... too cautious. On Islands we were... literally waiting for Nod to siege GDI base, same on Tunnels. We had a lot of good suggestions, but for various reasons the team couldnt stick to one. Can't really blame TK though as there were a lot of "dominant" voices on Discord (including me ). I think if we just stuck on the most aggressive initial push (after 1st harvy dump) - we'd most likely could have won both maps easily. Islands: lock Nod inside their base with tanks asap or rocket rush ref from field through arc as soon, as the team can afford them... which is.... (assuming 0 inital cash -> possible after 125 seconds just through ref tick). [if that fails - just switch focus on arties so GDI doesn't lose Field control Tunnels: once harv is secured -> double humvee action, hide behind WF, get an engi into each humvee and just push the rest of the team (except for the defender) through the map until you got to strip or (as suggested ingame) 2 APC asap, 1 filled with rockets ONLY, 1 as distraction - 5 rockets soldiers on perma break buildings within ~10 seconds max. [assuming they dont get killed, and they use right click only. in theory it's possible to get the armour break faster if I remember correctly] or just mass MEDS in GDI base and push all together through strip tunnel until you're inside Nods base [good old GDI steamroll which is super rare since the introduction of the VP system {even on organized matches!!!}] Whatever GDI does.... just don't let Nod get the field control. and if you have to face Nod on maps with plenty of hard (visual cover)... just do anything that is possible to get the first building kill, even if it's "just" the Ref or the PP. The latter will at least stall Nod#s possibilities to use their organized guerilla techniques. ### Can't really explain "how", but on Goldrush I sensed @boxes around the PP / HoN area. There was... a distraction (OB got triggered) and he hasn't been called out for some time... (or at least I knew he was not seen away from Nod base at this moment). It was just... a typical "boxes" moment. If you know what I mean... the time frame before a building just goes "b00m". So I just fell back and scanned the whole area but not aggressively - just as silent as possible. Think I never ever killed boxes that easy before. -> If you think there is something odd going on.... just go where you "think" that you saw a movement or... guess some players know what I mean whatever I write here - if you have an assigned role... just tell your tanker / inf mates, that you have to check something, which I tried to do most of the time The funny thing is.... I had a similar moment on Tunnels. Thought there was someone sneaking bar while GDI PP & WF got attacked simultaneously (early game...) but as I doubted that Nod had advanced INF at that time... I ignored it and... whoever the sneaker was... almost got the perma break on BAR as soldier... god damn, that was well played. It was pure luck that some GDI didn't "lose" 15 VP to Nod. And Nod needs as much VP as they can get to counter Elite GDI units (assuming GDI lasts that long to get meds / mammoths).
  18. @dr.schrott if some idiot trolls you again. listento this before smashing your keyboard to find out, who is who
  19. @Cephyrus Lara - trolling Andi
  20. you've got a nice Instagram account. I might register just to follow you lol. But since you got "stalked" by a bunch of Germans lately. I thought it's better to wait some more days.
  21. @SilentKnight bitte kaufen stell mir vor wie du damit Raketen in den Chat schickst
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