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  • Totem Arts Staff
Ok, Enjoy your vacation Jeff. Hope you enjoy it.

@Yosh When I go on my break later, I will boot up the server (It will be unlisted), I will give you the details later.

I'm not a guaranteed participant so you might want to have a back up around.


Alright, so lets whip out my awesome Saturday checklist:

1:) Raining : Check

2:) Computer not being a bitch for once : Check

3:) PUG is on : Check

4:) Food and drinks : Check

5:) Internet is working : Check

6:) Blankets : Check

7:) Cats have shut up: Check

  • Moderator

Not as good as last week (obviously), but yeah, still some good games. More one-sided this time.


GDI controlled the game with meds for the first 20 minutes or so, destroying a lot of Nod harvesters. Then Nod managed to pull off a successful stank rush that destroyed AGT and soon after a tech took WF down to 20 health and Nod was about 1k points ahead.

GDI didn't panic though and kept rolling heavy tanks out. 5 of them combined with an infiltrating sydney destroyed the Obelisk and soon after a hotwire destroyed the refinery and GDI had a comfortable point lead. Nod tried flame rushing as a response, but failed. Then, while Nod was busy SBH nuking GDI base, another wave of tanks rushed in their base and finished it up.


Best games of Islands in a while - because it only lasted like 2 minutes and we never made it to the vehicle slugfest part.

In the very beginning Nod chem rushed the tunnel, while GDI grenadier rushed the long way (I think). Chems were much more effective and destroyed the whole GDI base. Nod won Islands on PUG for the first time since many months I believe.


Nod destroyed the first GDI harvester and kept theirs alive and then rocket rushed. The rocket rush was spotted early and didn't do any damage, meanwhile an engineer and officer destroyed HoN. Nod did have one technician left who mined the base, but that didn't save the airstrip that got destroyed by a hotwire soon after.

Nod managed to accumulate a few stanks though and those rushed the GDI base. They would have probably destroyed the barracks, but orcas and meds destroyed Nod ref and PP faster and it was game over.


WF and HoN were destroyed very early on - GDI didn't manage to buy any tank and Nod didn't have a technician => no mines. But two people camping played the role of proxies and killed a lot of hotwires during the game.

It felt like GDI had no idea what to do for the rest of the game. Nod first spammed artilleries and when that didn't work we went for an apache rush that destroyed the PP and got ref down to 15 health. The next apache rush failed so we went for stanks and were spotted early, but still managed to finish the ref. Finally, barracks went down to mass artilleries again.


GDI (my team) played bad in the first 7-10 minutes, never making it over 3/10 vehicles, losing all harvesters and not killing a single enemy harvester. I thought this should be enough for Nod on Volcano to just demolish us, but it felt like they didn't commit to arties/flame tanks either and didn't even damage any of our buildings' health.

So we just got meds and MRLS and did what we had to do. At one point our advantage was big enough to rush in the Nod base and we destroyed all buildings but the airstrip. In the meantime, since our base was almost empty, we lost our refinery to not sure what, but that didn't help Nod and a beacon finished the airstrip soon after.


Hands down the best performance from team Yosh this evening - GDI defended from the early chem rush and spammed meds. Soon enough the meds rolled in Nod base and we couldn't get rid of them. An ion destroyed the airstrip and HoN was destroyed just after that. I feel we couldn't do anything once we had multiple meds with repairs in our base.

5-1 total, ~12v12. I had fun. The teams really look balanced, but somehow one dominated most games.


I was on team Yosh, had fun and enjoyed the challenge.

In my opinion, communication on our team could be a bit better.

In final moments of Goldrush suddenly 2 nukes, at PP and WF without anyone on team knowing.

On Volcano, whole squad of SBH waiting in GDI base for what, 5 minutes? On the team of 12 people, that's very irrational.

Tony, if you plan to deploy nuke and there are 8+ SBH in GDI base, tell us about that, maybe we could cover it.

On the other hand, I hope that I'm not becoming too loud on TS. I try to limit my voice chat to:

- recon info (reporting on enemy activity)

- strategy info (sometime suggest plan of action, respond to strategical suggestions of other people)

- bitching about improper use of single voice channel

On the other hand, I hope that I'm not becoming too loud on TS.

There is no such thing as too loud. I mean if you are constantly talking about the game, what you are doing etc etc then what harm is there to be done? The only way I suppose you could be considered to be too loud is maybe while your team is busy building a strategy and you are shouting into your mic about how your sister makes awesome cakes.

  • Totem Arts Staff


In the beginning Nod started with a stank rush and took the AGT down. Later GDI attacked Obby like a mother#*@^!'. A sydney attacked the MCT for heavily damage and they killed it. And later they pushed out while an SBH squad nuked PP, Bar and WF. Nod lost this match


GDI did a Grenadier rush from the vehicle route while Nod rushed all GDI buildings and killed it. GDI lost in 2 minutes


Nod was planning to kill Harverster which failed I guess. Meanwhile GDI killed the HoN which meant Nod didn't had mines. After that GDI attacked very hard till everything was destroyed. Meanwhile Nod did a small stank rush which gave GDI structures a lot of damage but no luck


GDI first sneaked into the HoN which gave Nod no SBH's anymore. But Nod already had an Arty party and gave massieve damage. Later Nod did a massive Apache rush and killed the PP. They did it again and took our Ref I believe. The Arty party finished it off


GDI took the lead and pushed out tanks in no-time. MRLS squad gave HoN and Air heavily damage but I sneaked in the GDI Refinery WITH THE FRONT DOOR and killed it. But GDI already took 2 buildings down after that. And later HoN was killed and APC's covered an ion at the strip


For the first time my team was already better at the beginning. We couldn't sneak in but we managed to kill Air and later the HoN.

I don't know there were more matches cause I had to go after the Snow round

  • Totem Arts Staff
Grenadier rush long route on islands? cmon yosh

Was already happening before I even said it. Didn't think 10 people were going to commit to it.....

Guest Gliven

Haha thanks for the channel plug Quincy. Everyone can see how bad my accuracy really is. If you guys want to leave comments and criticisms about my play style(or lack there-of) feel free, i also wouldnt mind people leaving tips too :P

Also here is the islands video from my perspective


Some things I wish to point out in this recent PUG:

In Goldrush, I got Tech early by money crate + suicide. From the perspective of a "new" player (not new to the game but to PUGs), when I started mining I was promptly called "asshole" for 2 reasons I believe:

1: I was mining, 3 mines per door, adjacent to each other to prevent "down to 5% first and then sweep em all" phenomena. Maybe people are used to see the 3 mines in a row with some distance between each other. I followed Quincy's tip, who is pretty informed about the subject.

It also makes sense to place mines very very close to each other, so that the disarming person has trouble aiming at mines one by one, taking them down to ~5% each and then disarming them at once. That's an useful trick when infiltrating a building and placing the mines extremely close to each other can deny this tactic.

2: I was not speaking while I was mining. I did not know you had to speak while you mine; if there is such rule, then I take the blame. I did not speak because people will get confused with too much chatter.

Apparently someone known as Tony did not like it at all and issued a vote ban against me. Still, others defended (Agent was one of them I think) me, and I am grateful for that.

I believe Canucck also made a good point here:

Kicking/banning/minebaning people for mining is definitely one of the most retarded things I've ever seen. Even if they're fucking up the game, 99% of the time their intentions are right. Actual abuse is pretty rare, and getting fucked over for trying to help your team is very off putting.

In the 4th match, Whiteout, I got blamed (words were "Jarzey I hate you") when I supposedly gave away the position of a potential allied infiltrator, and that might be true. Still, acknowledging that Minji was patrolling steadily with an Apache in that match, and that she knows all the sneaky routes, I hardly believe that the allied Hotwire would have made it through, even if I was not following behind.

Lastly, I do not like people who brag around in chat. I believe not many do, and that's why there is such rule on the PUG TS channel:

"Please keep all-chat friendly, excessive gloating/saltiness/annoying will be muted"

Now, I have no idea when the gloating gets excessive, but in my opinion, the player DCG909 (nothing personal against you) could have kept to himself instead of voicing his achievements in all-chat.

Call me a wimp or something like "oh, I hurt your feelings, bitch"; go ahead, I do not give a damn. I only want to point out and possibly remind why that line is written under the PUG rules.

Of course, no personal offense taken, but if PUGs should be user-friendly and open to new players, then I believe insulting them is not a good way to welcome the newcomer.

On the other hand, if they are supposed to be competitive matches between friends, then you may just call me an asshole, consider this as a salty rant, and disregard everything I have said.


Perhaps the all-chat rule can be enforced a little stricter with a mute as soon as you notify a mod that you're annoyed. Sometimes others trash talk each other for fun. People who play the pugs should be aware of the rules before the games start.

Guest Gliven

Hey Jayzey! First off, welcome to the PUG! Always cool to have new people join in. Don't let the others get to you too much. I also don't like to ban people from mining, especially on PUGs, because its super easy to communicate with team speak to fix any "mistakes". Also dont be afraid to jump on teamspeak when you spot someone in a pub game, makes it way more fun!

In the 4th match, Whiteout, I got blamed (words were "Jarzey I hate you") when I supposedly gave away the position of a potential allied infiltrator, and that might be true. Still, acknowledging that Minji was patrolling steadily with an Apache in that match, and that she knows all the sneaky routes, I hardly believe that the allied Hotwire would have made it through, even if I was not following behind.

I caught the other person

Plus im pretty sure Yagi was back there watching the ref. I also heard quincy calling the hotwire out. I also don't like that both of you used a map exploit to get into our base. Not cool bro. If its okay with PUG organizers then thats fine. Personally, i dont like it.

I was the one that told you " I hate you"...but I kinda tell that to about everyone. Don't take me seriously, I like to mess around with people :) (I still hate you all :< ).

About the exploit thing....as far as I know it is allowed...just like stanks getting over the GDI wall on Whiteout. I admit that I used both of these things xD.

P.S. : Don't be afraid to tell me to shut up directly (im a bit too noob / stupid to get subtle messages so is best just to tell me to STFU :D ). My apologies if I do talk too much / disrupt the pug events though ^^.

I caught the other person
Plus im pretty sure Yagi was back there watching the ref. I also heard quincy calling the hotwire out. I also don't like that both of you used a map exploit to get into our base. Not cool bro. If its okay with PUG organizers then thats fine. Personally, i dont like it.

I was standing, watching all 3 doors along the backside, as chaingunner. The entire team was swarming the airstrip with high traffic.

Also, Lavadragon had called them out. I specifically told them "do not divide attention to infantry paths, let them waste their manpower spending their time trying to reach me".

I was the one that told you " I hate you"...but I kinda tell that to about everyone. Don't take me seriously, I like to mess around with people :) (I still hate you all :< ).

No offense taken.

P.S. : Don't be afraid to tell me to shut up directly (im a bit too noob / stupid to get subtle messages so is best just to tell me to STFU :D ). My apologies if I do talk too much / disrupt the pug events though ^^.

I am in no position to say that to you. The privilege is exclusive to Yosh and B0ng only. (sarcasm)


Depending on availability of a project partner, I may not be available for this week's pug due to tight deadlines. I have something with 4 days remaining to work on, and if they are available, tag, they're it.

If they aren't, I am at a bottleneck in work and might just join in. Might help my grindy burnt out attitude towards it lol...


I would really like to play PUG and have wanted too for quite some time however the servers use Team Speak which costs £3.99 to download on my phone (access to microphone). If the hosts would update to Discord we could get more players online every weekend including myself.

IGN: Newbie


Don't think they would change as we use team speak for other games as well and you don't have to have a mic to join, many play without one team speak is so you can hear everyone who does so we can be better organized.

  • Moderator

1 close game, 3 meh games.


The early arty rush was defended and after that Nod never stood a chance in field. First, a lone gunner (?) infiltrated Nod PP and took it down to ~50 health. Soon after meds finished it up. Next fell the airstrip, to a beacon with air cover and Nod surrendered. While our base was under siege, my team tried stank rushing and SBH c4, but team fffreak was good enough to not only dominate the field but also to keep 2-3 people constantly camping and looking for SBH. And that was also the case in the next maps.

Somehow I don't like starting PUGs with Walls. It's so hard for Nod to get a grip in the beginning and establish themselves on field, especially when the better players (better vehicle drivers/snipers) are in GDI. I think Walls as Nod is my least favourite combination on a PUG. Lost far too many games like this here.


The closest game, but not that intense. With both teams camping sneak paths, the first 30 minutes were a vehicle slugfest, meds vs. flame tanks and with 10 minutes to go the score was roughly equal. Then Nod combined a nuke behind PP (got disarmed) with a stank rush that damaged our AGT and they went a few hundred points ahead in score. GDI responded with a 5-man gunner rush on HoN that damaged it to ~30 health and score was equal again. Finally, with 3 minutes to go Nod launched a stank rush that finished up the AGT and GDI surrendered.


Not much to see here. Arties and flame tanks > GDI. They didn't lose a building for the first ~20 minutes though which was already an achievement considering how difficult it is for GDI on this map. But then ref, bar and pp all fell within 2 minutes and GDI surrendered.


Chem rush was defended and both first harvesters destroyed. Early artillery spam was fended off by meds and GDI looked like they could stand a chance. But then SBHs C4'd barracks. It was risky to contribute like 5 SBHs to this, but GDI didn't have enough tanks to press Nod at that time. With barracks down, GDI tanks had no hotwire support and arties and flame tanks finished this.

3-1 total, ~14v14. Not a bad PUG, but the games could be more interesting.

Don't think they would change

I doubt they would change but it was something worth mentioning.

could be more interesting.

What's the most interesting game you have played in PUG?

  • Moderator
What's the most interesting game you have played in PUG?

Oh man, such a hard question :D I've played too many to remember. From the ones I remember, the last moments of this one is a classic:

There were also some pretty sick games on Mesa, with great comebacks. And that one game on Whiteout, when we made a comeback from being 2 buildings down as GDI with a single orca rush, I still remember that.

But looking not at single games but at PUGs as a whole, the best PUG that I played in the last year was probably the one 2 weeks ago.


Chem rush was defended and both first harvesters destroyed. Early artillery spam was fended off by meds and GDI looked like they could stand a chance. But then SBHs C4'd barracks. It was risky to contribute like 5 SBHs to this, but GDI didn't have enough tanks to press Nod at that time. With barracks down, GDI tanks had no hotwire support and arties and flame tanks finished this.

Not quite true. What really happened was I sneaked in being a Technician and a single SBH (FloMannheim) just happened to be there and then supported me. Someone had been calling for a SBH C4 rush earlier but we decided against it for the very reason/risks you mentioned. :P

Overall I have to say I've been really enjoying the PUGs of late, will certainly miss next week though.

  • Totem Arts Staff

Overall I have to say I've been really enjoying the PUGs of late, will certainly miss next week though.

Probably because things can actually happen when it's not.20v20



a few people have asked me in-game in the past if I would participate in a PUG someday. Yesterday, I tried, but found out that my machine can't handle both Teamspeak and RenX at the same time :(


I am running most things on medium now and things like shadows on low I think. Before, I had it a little bit higher, but GrassyKnoll was impossible to play around the large tiberium field area with all the trees, so I downgraded the graphics. Now all maps run well.

Edit: I used the modified ini from the link and customized the settings a bit. Runs good now with TS, thanks. However, the water looks weird now and I don't know which lines have to be changed to make it look normal again. Gotta read up on UDK workings.


Hello all, I have the chance to play PUG tomorrow. This will be the only chance for me to play with super fast internet connection as I am moving apartments. Can't wait to play with you all, get as many people online as possible :)


Spoke to freak yesterday and he will be hosting it.

Speaking about unstable servers: the USA Mpfforums one is pretty stable past week.

The PUG will run as standard.

Good to know, could we try something spectacular today? Perhaps placing beacons on every building at the same time and watching all buildings blow up together :D

  • Moderator

Yeah, a lot of games and balanced teams :)


The initial infantry chaos resulted in WF getting damaged to ~50 health. After a few minutes of arties vs. meds, somehow (sneaky stuff I'm guessing) both airstrip and WF blew up within 1 minute.

GDI then took the initiative, controlling the wall with patches, mobiuses and gunners. A gunner rush managed to damage the health of HoN at one point. But Nod patiently defended and airdropped a few APCs, that, combined with 2 nukes on barracks, finished the game.


Not much to see here, Nod winning the first harvester and dominating. Arties killed ref and PP first, then apaches finished WF and barracks. GDI could do nothing.


See above, except there were no apaches. Both first harvesters were destroyed, but that didn't stop Nod. Arties killed barracks, then a tech destroyed PP. The rest of the buildings fell one after another.

That weird humvee rush on Nod ref in the very beginning was interesting though.


Despite GDI taking control of the field with meds, a few stanks managed to sneak through and kill GDI ref. Soon after some sneaky magic and the airstrip was dead.

Then GDI rushed with 2 APCs + ion and destroyed ref, but while that was happening Nod destroyed all 3 other buildings within a minute by 2 nukes and a tech/SBH infiltration.


Weird game.

Rocket rush on barracks in the very early game didn't do any damage. But just after that, a triple tech infiltration... hell yeah. At one point me, Newbie and Luhrian spammed "Defend c4 on MCT at AGT/WF/Barracks" independently. And that was without any coordination. GDI saved AGT, but WF and bar were destroyed.

That should normally be game over - especially how the first stank rush destroyed all vehicles that GDI had left - but apparently rocket soldiers and 1-2 camping hotwires are enough to stop all kinds of rushes, even 8/8 flame rushes... Fortunately GDI surrendered to save time - they had no chance to win anyway because of the points difference. Fair play to them.


Early Nod APC rush got WF down to 30 health. They tried to finish it with an apache rush, but failed and meanwhile a hotwire destroyed PP. Another Nod attempt to finish WF off, an SBH outside c4 rush, failed as well (but got very close). GDI responded with a 5-man gunner rush from plateau (lol), that targetted ref and provided decoy for a hotwire who destroyed HoN. Nod kept trying to finish WF, this time with stanks... was expected and failed. GDI finished Nod off with a big orca rush.

On a side note, GDI gave away at least 5 vehicles to SBH in this game.

The score is 4-2 for my team, ~11v11. Nod won all games except for Walls, but that's because we sticked to the rule of losers picking next map. As GDI lost first, they picked a Nod map next and so on - as a result, most maps played were Nod maps. That rule helped to keep the PUG balanced, too.


We can pick what team the losing team would also like to play as, if you guys are fine with playing the same faction consecutive times.

I also might be able to make it next week, if nothing random comes up

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