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  Quincy said:
Yeah, good games :)


Well, this one actually wasn't that good. GDI having advantage in field for the majority of the game and at one point almost killing our refinery with a med rush. Nod managed to kill the barracks with a rocket rush combined with spy ion at GDI PP, but that still left us 3k points behind.

To tell the truth I don't know where GDI got all those points from, Nod didn't even buy & lose that many vehicles to feed them.

GDI win on points.


Probably by killing harvester many many times

and Tomb is not a map that i played before so i was a bit a like a tourist not knowing where to go ..didnt enjoy so Id I left

  Quincy said:

BTW, is there any kind of way to learn how to use the commander mod? I'd love to use its potential, but I struggle with it right now.

Should be added to the main game if you ask me.

  Henk said:
  Quincy said:

BTW, is there any kind of way to learn how to use the commander mod? I'd love to use its potential, but I struggle with it right now.

Should be added to the main game if you ask me.

Wasn't it? I distinctly remember it being added to vanilla game. Which means, go to skirmish, and vote yourself as commander? Then you can practice using the spotting.

  YagiHige said:
  Henk said:
  Quincy said:

BTW, is there any kind of way to learn how to use the commander mod? I'd love to use its potential, but I struggle with it right now.

Should be added to the main game if you ask me.

Wasn't it? I distinctly remember it being added to vanilla game. Which means, go to skirmish, and vote yourself as commander? Then you can practice using the spotting.


  DoctorB0NG said:
  YagiHige said:
Wasn't it? I distinctly remember it being added to vanilla game. Which means, go to skirmish, and vote yourself as commander? Then you can practice using the spotting.


Then, can you pull the mutator from the cache, host a local server of Renegade-X with the config set to load the mutator, and join same-machine to the server and vote yourself commander and use spotting...?

What I know you can do, is probably vote yourself commander and some bots, on an empty CT server during down hours if they run the commander mod, or after a PUG when everyone leaves oneday since it certainly runs the commander mod.


Is there a pug tonight? If so can I come? :P.

Pretty sure I have played long enough to atleast have my name recognized every now and again. (I'm the techie that puts up those annoying surveys of random crap every now and again :D)

  • Moderator

Cool :)


Quick game where Nod standed no chance, overwhelmed by meds & orcas early on.


Early game brought the exchange of GDI Ref (killed by rocket rush) for HoN (sneaky hotwire). Looks like a change benefitting Nod if you ask me, but it turned out that the lack of tech support on vehicles was very troublesome for Nod. GDI had advantage in field for the rest of the game, building up a huge point lead and killing Nod ref (vehicle mass) and the Obelisk (sneaky hotwire again) in the final minutes of the game.

Nod seemed organized, tried flame rushing, rocket rushing and chem rushing but all their attempts were called out early and answered. GDI win on points.

So far this map guarantees at least one destroyed building on both sides.


Close until the last minutes, probably the best of the games on Eyes on recent PUGs.

Sneaky hotwire killed HoN early while sneaky technicians barely killed PP and Ref so that the score remained equal. Then 30 minutes of vehicle combat happened, with the score being close the whole time. GDI tried med rushing twice and they failed, which probably gave Nod the few-hundred-points advantage that was enough to win. Also GDI PP was finished by a sneaky engineer in literally the last seconds of the game.


Both refineries fell early to a sneaky tech and a sneaky hotwire... and then Bong stole a flame tank, I brought a med and planted ion at the end of strip and it turned out that this was enough to cover that ion (kinda lame if you ask me :P).

I must have played at least a hundred games on Canyon by now and I've never seen Nod make a comeback here after losing the Airstrip. And guess what? That didn't happen this time either! Second ion killed HoN and finished the job.

3-1 total, ~18v18. What's worth noting is that a total of 6 buildings were killed solo by hotwires/techs/engis. Must be a record, I remember solo kills being fairly rare on PUGs usually, where teams are organized and losing mines is being called out early.

  • Moderator

On a different note; Kenz just uploaded the recording of Tomb from last week's PUG (here:

) and you can see probably all flaws of the PUGs.

People ignoring the commander, complaining and blaming the map/balance the whole time, talking off-topic instead of focusing on the game...

Kenz, no offence, but you played so bad, you literally did nothing to help the team the whole game. You took part in killing their ref, but that was only thanks to Lava randomly showing up and helping you. Apart from that you were just getting random infantry and dieing like a noob every time. At 7:10 you were a tech in our base and there was a guy q-spamming that ref needs repair, but you didn't even look at that direction - instead you chose to leave the base and die like a noob one more time. We lost the ref a moment later and that was the turning point of the game imo.

I hope you guys consider this as constructive criticism and not flaming. Maybe on next occasion PUG players will think one more time before doing stuff described above.


May be like me some people was their first time in that map ..idk

Cant complain really about the lay out ,i must first explore it ..I think the fartest I went is at the silo in front of our base :0)))


Okay, so 7pm GMT? So, 1pm US Central as of last month? So 2pm US Central as of last week, due to daylight savings adjustments?

So.... WHY 1pm this week? :/

EDIT: Apparently, because daylight savings came 1 week after it came here, in GMT. Go figure. At least it's 1pm again for not on.


Walls - Nod tries early rocket rush, deals about 25 perma damage to ref. Vehicle slugging ensues for the rest of the game, with artys managing to continue chipping down the ref down another 50 HP. Nod overall performed better with their apaches and inf, and held onto a strong 2k point lead. GDI made one final push with Orcas and trannys with gunners and other inf to bring down the Hon to 2 HP until the final seconds, but sadly wasn't enough. Nod wins on points

Volcano - Nod tries a huge chem rush through the tib field, but got chewed down by officers. Both starting harvys were destroyed. After a couple of minutes of vehicle slugging, a tech brings down the WF. GDI tried a gunner rush on the Hon but failed to do any perma damage. GDI then crumbles to flamers and nukes.

Lakeside - Both GDI and Nod went for Orcas and Apaches right off the bat. Nod rushed first and brought the Bar down about 30 HP, and GDI rushed right after and failed to do any perma damage. Nod then decided to take some field control with ground vehicles, and GDI went for another orca rush and brought the strip down about 30 HP. Nod transitioned back to Apaches and both teams went on a staring contest. GDI got impatient and rushed the ref and failed to do any damage, and a tech brought the Bar down and Nod retaliated with their Apaches and destroyed the Ref. Nod then went for Stanks and defended against another orca rush, but failed to do anything productive other than that. A tranny filled with Ravs and LCGs along with SBH nukes and apaches finally brought down the WF.

Complex - Standard silo slug-fest, GDI beatdown. Nod did have a somewhat successful stank rush bringing the ref down about 70 HP, but other than that, there wasn't much hope. Ion at the end of the strip with all tanks covering sealed the deal, and finished the game by taking the ref down with tanks and the Hon with an Ion.

Xmountain - Nod decided to go for a full out SBH rush but got interrupted by an APC rush. The SBH then decided to take and hold the field. Nod tank play was overall superior and held the field for the majority of the game. When GDI finally pushed out and held the field somewhat, an SBH nuke at the PP brought it down. GDI then crumbled by mass tanks after an attempted hottie rush.

Team2 wins 4, Team1 wins 1

Nod 4, GDI 1

  CampinJeff said:
Lakeside - Both GDI and Nod went for Orcas and Apaches right off the bat. Nod rushed first and brought the Bar down about 30 HP

I thought we only got it to 75? Then the following orca rush got the airstrip to 65


One thing that does need to be mentioned is that people who join the PUG must be on teamspeak and in the correct team/channel, no teamspeak no PUG quite simple :D


For me, this PUG was a bit mediocre.

Being on TeamSpeak for communication is great, but that is just a tool, it's how we use it that determines it's efficiency.

IMHO, team needs one of two things to function properly:

1. Good strategist that comes up with plan and loudly/clearly commands other players (drunk Yosh would be good example of that) OR

2. Good and fast way for multiple players to diplomatically come up with a plan which whole team then follows.

Also, would it be possible to make bots aware of commander mod and follow given commands, so that people could train use of commander-goggles in skirmish with bots?

  Testman said:

1. Good strategist that comes up with plan and loudly/clearly commands other players (drunk Yosh would be good example of that) OR

2. Good and fast way for multiple players to diplomatically come up with a plan which whole team then follows.

I don't really play any PUGs from Renegade X, but i do play a lot of competitive games in World of Tanks and have played a handful in the original game. I can say that the concept of field commanding means that there is only one commander, which is the absolute leader for the game. there are multiple things to remember when playing "competitive" games:

- Listen to your commander. PERIOD. If he tells you to jump off a cliff, you do so, and nothing else. Complaints and/or Feedback follow after the game.

- be simply quiet if you have nothing useful to say. You can say "1 shotgunner in Nod side tunnel", but such information is rarely relevant and will only flood the teamspeak channel. A commander only has 1 set of ears and is already under a lot of pressure, often it's better to simply press Q to spot, and let the commander decide if the info is relevant. This will create a balance between visual feedback and audial feedback, so neither of your senses get overloaded.

Voice for important messages, Text for un-important messages.

- sometimes it's a better idea for the commander to command only, and not carry his team. The more he has to focus on fighting, the less focus he/she has left to tell the others how to fight. Sometimes it's simply better to mine as a commander, or drive around in an APC, or simply repair vehicles so he can listen and read other's messages more easily.

One of the nice things about competitive games in Renegade (X) is that each player has relatively much freedom to do whatever he wants. If the player is not given commands, he/she can do pretty much whatever he wants, as in World of Tanks, getting no commands would pretty much mean "do not change what you're currently doing." So if you were never given a command specifically, you wouldn't even be allowed to move.

I believe that RenX PUGs could really take on a new level if these guidelines would be taken more seriously. You can have casual fun in a PUG but there are only a few things that feel better than defeating a worthy opponent after an exciting battle. :)

  LavaDr4gon said:
Pre-PUG commander warmup. Before the start of the match, the commander gives orders to his team to see how obedient they are.

Hehehe, you could say so. But if the players don't take the game seriously, they won't take their commander seriously either. I don't know about the current mentality of players when they play a PUG but this definitely needs to be there, otherwise you cannot have a high-quality game.


I think this is part of the problem that there are often a handful of players that join the PUG and decide to just play as they would in a public server and completely ignore teamspeak and any said commands ingame, these are the people we should filter out for the PUG, but that's just my view :P


I think Pug are not like clans .where every body know the full potential of each other.

That's make the commander job harder ..more pugs ,more xperience, more games and Pugs will go better and better ...just saying :P

  Glacious said:
I think this is part of the problem that there are often a handful of players that join the PUG and decide to just play as they would in a public server and completely ignore teamspeak and any said commands ingame, these are the people we should filter out for the PUG, but that's just my view :P

Every week we always also have at least one person who hops on TS for the pass then either mutes or logs off TS after getting the pass...

  Glacious said:
I think this is part of the problem that there are often a handful of players that join the PUG and decide to just play as they would in a public server

Because it is a pub. Wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people mute their teammates, not everyone wants to listen to kenz+others whine and moan for 2+ hours

These things are probably still good for the game anyway

  • Totem Arts Staff

i dont whine and moan :P .. that much

90% of what i say is / are suggestions and spotting

then again mehhh if people dont like it they can mute me on TS i couldent give a shit :P

  DoctorB0NG said:

Every week we always also have at least one person who hops on TS for the pass then either mutes or logs off TS after getting the pass...

Well those people when found ingame not to be on Teamspeak or have muted there TS sound should be removed in place of people who are on Teamspeak in the waiting channel wanting tojoin the PUG and use Teamspeak, had it this week Jasper I believe was waiting for a spot and the "solo nuker" "Non Teamspeak" player was removed and Jasper join TS and the game and that's how to PUG should be if you want just a normal game of Ren then go on the public server lol quite simple really. Surely the PUG games are for the more organised players who want to participate in rushes etc.


People not talking on TS during the PUG are the worst. I think we once had an SBH spy who was unable to talk. Just aargh!

  Glacious said:
Not talking isnt so bad as they can type all be it abit annoying but long as they are listening its not to bad :)

Agree, but these creatures were unfamiliar with any form of communication... :mad:

  Ryz said:
  Glacious said:
Not talking isnt so bad as they can type all be it abit annoying but long as they are listening its not to bad :)

Agree, but these creatures were unfamiliar with any form of communication... :mad:

Most of us don't have mics though :/


Thing is.. people on teamspeak with mic only listen to people who speak. They clearly don't have any attention to the in-game chat. So if someone without a mic says something in chat, he gets ignored.

Also lots of people talk bs on ts and because of that, a lot of stuff what's going on gets ignored and nobody pays attention.

So you can say people without a mic is trouble.. but the same goes for people with a mic.


Maybe we can 'hire' two people to read written teamchat out aloud :P Will try to make it next week (finally a PUG)

  Cudaker said:
If you talk to me and I dont answer its probably Id didnt hear you ..you may have noticed in my YT videos some voices sort very low ..sometime i hear my name but not the rest ..sorry

I highly recommend you to turn up the voice receive volume around +10 to +20db. The in-game sounds at the highest volume are too loud for you to hear anybody talking in the default TS volume

  Minji said:
Thing is.. people on teamspeak with mic only listen to people who speak. They clearly don't have any attention to the in-game chat. So if someone without a mic says something in chat, he gets ignored.

Also lots of people talk bs on ts and because of that, a lot of stuff what's going on gets ignored and nobody pays attention.

So you can say people without a mic is trouble.. but the same goes for people with a mic.

This is because the only person that actually should be talking in TS is the commander. if a teammember is going to talk in TS, it better be urgent or important. This way people would be more likely to listen to TS because the messages said on there generally become more useful. Once again, the commander should also read the messages in chat and relay on TS on what should be done with it. If someone says in the chat that there are enemy vehicles on the right flank where-as the commander's strategy leaves the right flank open, it's up for the commander to say: "we need meds on the right flank, if you're still in base or nearby cover it"

Instead of sending messages, you can also hold Q to spot a group of enemies, which then will be shown on the minimap. You could make an agreement with the commander that when you spot an enemy, you also press ctrl + 0 (Enemy spotted!) straight after to signal that this is an important message. Once again, this prevents a single sense like your ears from being overloaded.

This is also why the commander should mainly command, and not be super-engaged in tank battles. He needs his focus on let his team fight the best possible battle.

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