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Hmm I think they way you feel about it really depends on which team you were...

PUG was unbalanced and almost impossible at some moments. The fact that we won on Islands was a miracle cause everybody suddenly started cooperating, but on most maps it took forever to organize a rush and like 1/3rd of the people in our team wasn't responding at all. Reason I heard varied from not having a microphone till unable to understand English.

This looks like my bi-weekly frustration. One moment it is ok and people cooperate, the other week it's just horrible and impossible to achieve anything with teams. Examples:

- rocketrush with whole team while only half of them join after a long time even though we have 1 vehicles on field

- planned defense in every building with Volcano, but in fact not...

- no repairs of vehicles, lost 3 in less than 5 minutes on islands...

- planned rush on complex with maxed out meds, but everybody attacks another target

- beacon rush with people and persons to defend beacon, only person who dies is the one with the beacon cause everybody is busy with something else.

And so on!

We basically let everything fail by the lack of response to everything happened and that's such a shame cause these PUG's can be fun like last week, but this one didn't even come close. Next week better!

  • Totem Arts Staff
ahhhh the pugs aren't about being able to speak English or being or even having a mic its about having fun win or loose ... right?

GTFO! Winning is everything!

ahhhh the pugs aren't about being able to speak English or being or even having a mic its about having fun win or loose ... right?

For me the PUG's are about teamwork no matter if we win or lose. If we managed to do some crazy actions or tight teamwork (like last week) I am satisfied, but if I have the feeling I am playing a normal match and there is almost team response than it's a bad game. Which was the case this week!

ahhhh the pugs aren't about being able to speak English or being or even having a mic its about having fun win or loose ... right?

GTFO! Winning is everything!

+ nine-thousand!

Winning is everything! Especially if BOTH teams are cooperating to the best of their abilities! Unanimity and understanding are key concepts to do that

  • Totem Arts Staff
unable to understand English.


Some dude halfway mentioned he didn't speak english....

That's.... that's just.... dude, everyone speaks in English in the mic, why he didn't tell you earlier, I will never know


Just so you guys know. I havent been around or attending pickup games about 3 weeks now because I recently had an unexpected moving (personal choice due to falling out with someone), and I was ready to play the last saturday pug but my rabbit died that morning and I was really close to it so it was a big damper on that day and I couldn't bring myself to play.

Trying ever so hard to come back. Maybe bring some of my new roommates into playing it.

so uh..... I think our team becomes weary late game. We managed to accomplish many things but ended up losing to small details....

The only thing we accomplished was losing, because nobody did a thing. If they were, they were picking their noses.

2 guys getting out of their tanks each time to repair themselves while they were in field.

a lot of people were afking.

People were doing their own thing instead of listening "Hotwire in Hon!" Nobody cared to check.

Nobody cared to buy an engineer or tech/hot to repair the building, they only stared at it spamming Q.

The only thing that the team was good in was spamming Q and not doing shit.

I don't think some people know how to play the game or know what teamwork is.

  • Moderator

Well yeah, this was probably the most one-sided PUG I have took part in. Team kenz didn't even manage to destroy a single building in the 4 games that were played. Somehow it didn't even feel that satisfying when my team was winning :P

Super-Kh":2e9q50y6]and also we had crashers every game

I also crashed once and was probably not the only one in my team

I don't think some people know how to play the game or know what teamwork is.

Exactly the problem. Last week was in a team with 1/3rd doing the same, but this PUG topped everything I've ever seen before. We won and I had fun, but it was easy.

Only played 4 rounds, this is what I've noticed.


No attacks, no tunnel rush, no vehicles and almost no defence on NOD while GDI could defend the base with one person. Each time something happened our team reported in to check the buildings. NODs Ref went down without defences cause engineers were busy trying to jump on our vehicles. Also notice that when someone gave an order we followed it. DON'T DO ANYTHING BUT KEEP SHOOTING REF. So we did and lost all vehicles, but killed ref. NOD tried to push back, but failed. Than we drove in the beacon, made a nice defence wall and had Boomer deploy it. We lost all our vehicles again while defending the strip, but killed the strip and it was over. Reason we won: don't care about personal progress, care about the team


We had a rough start here and GDI managed to almost kill 3 buildings with C4, but our team anticipated quickly on every attack. From the point that we had our base cleared nothing happened there. We just went to the NOD base and could kill it easily. At this point I (and some other people) started raising questions, how can things be so unbalanced? What is GDI doing?


We (GDI) capped silo, all buildings got defence, we went for HON and died, lost silo, took it back again. And than it became heavy with arties and other vehicles hitting us. Our team responded well, but we didn't have vehicles. As soon as we had we were able to get outside the base in one push and we went for the strip. At this point half NOD decided to take a nap? The vehicles which where bought by them didn't get repairs. We just blocked the strip again and had plenty of time to place a beacon. With 25 seconds left on the beacon counter EVERYONE defending the beacon was down, but like 10 NOD ppl just ignored it. Who needs the strip anway? The rest is history



I think B0NG ask to vote this map cause it usually last longer. We hoped the GDI team had a chance to win for once to raise the morale. But from the start we had the upperhand. GDI had almost no meds, but 5(!) snipers at a certain point. Why? While were busy with normal attacks we just walked to the PP and killed it by accident. This wasn't planned. Funny detail. The PP was 79% or something when the repairs stopped. Than a sniper came in with C4 still counting like 20 secs. I am not sure what happened but the guy kept staring and eventually bought a engineer after waiting 15(!) seconds and he started to remove the C4. IF he had hit the MCT ONCE the building would have been saved...

From there on it got easy (if it wasn't allready). If someone proposed plan A we had the people in 5 seconds. Everything we planned as a team (respond to C4, repair, get a certain amount of vehicles) just happened without a delay.


Once again I see the PUG was very single sided. I know how it feels to lose everything round after round. But this one? Our opponent had SO many fails like most people cared more about their killcount then about the team or the outcome of the match. If you ask me people need to learn to cooperate, or not join the PUG at all (or even get removed by the leader DURING the PUG if only going solo). What was the commander (Kenz?) doing when half the team was a sniper... ? Our team didn't really need a leader, we listened to eachother and tried to sacrifice our self for the greater good. This method made many ppl lose their vehicles or characters, while for example the suicide attack was the extra hit we needed to kill something.

  • Totem Arts Staff

Admittedly, we did let two new(ish) people lead and pick teams. There's a good possibility that A) kenz doesn't know people, and B) Internet sort of just got his team stacked. When it's the usual crew leading we make some valid attempt (note: attempt) to balance out teams while we're picking... but in all honesty we know for a fact there is an first string, a second string... and then the people we just sort of have never seen... or know they're about a C-level player that we let play for the sake of letting people play. We try to keep a good balance of all of them... but usually the last group is sort of the most abundant, and some of the C-level players are better than others with coordination at least.

I mean... at least we still get some good PUGs out of this. Hopefully those who're newer slowly catch on to the fact that solo-ing rarely works against a team with a bunch of competent and coordinated players, and B) doing really stupid stuff (aside from the occasional crazy idea that EVERYONE is aware of) is just detrimental to your team. I'm mainly talking about the attempts to remote Meds with technicians...... in the middle of the field.

Honestly, as much as B0ng is a decent player, the fact that he alone was literally able to defend the base on Islands does say a lot about the team balance on this one.

  • Totem Arts Staff

I was in field on Under. I quickly yelled "PP, PP, PP, PP" No one with mic usage responded. Then boom goes PP.

After that I think people has lost morale. Even when I told Minji that people can jump on the sandbag in Under after SBHs tried to c4 us (Minji mined the entrance of bar), I was only responded by "bla bla, do it yourself" by Minji and then I was like, "I would, if you disarm the mines" 'cause indeed we were at 34/35. I wasn't even angry. I just gave friendly advise (although yes I did sound quite tired, but only just to keep my voice low, it was late on midnight)

Posted (edited)
I was in field on Under. I quickly yelled "PP, PP, PP, PP" No one with mic usage responded. Then boom goes PP.

After that I think people has lost morale. Even when I told Minji that people can jump on the sandbag in Under after SBHs tried to c4 us (Minji mined the entrance of bar), I was only responded by "bla bla, do it yourself" by Minji and then I was like, "I would, if you disarm the mines" 'cause indeed we were at 34/35. I wasn't even angry. I just gave friendly advise (although yes I did sound quite tired, but only just to keep my voice low, it was late on midnight)

On under when we lost the PP, i saw a group of SBH's. I warned our team but of course! Nobody responded. So i went back to base to mine every single building. I kept looking at the mine limit. I went inside every building again and again because of that group SBH's and i found them in bar and i saved it. No wonder i made a mistake if i was concentrating on this. Even though, i did disarmed my mines and i dont know who mined bar after that. I went out of base because i didnt cared anymore about the team, bah not even going to call it a team. Soon after i left, bar just died because nobody saw that the minelimit went down.

On the other maps. I always started to mine. When i saw someone else was mining, i went out to either sneak to their base or defend our base. Mostly i defended because nobody did shit. When i left the base, because it was quiet, the buildings just blew up, one after another.

Really, if i ever get picked in a "team" like that again, i will just quit and do something else.

I didn't know people could be that horrible in a game.

Edited by Guest

Ok the case is clear. PUG's have to be fun for everyone, can't we come up with:

1. Clear rules people have to follow. I don't want to punish people who don't follow them, but I don't see another way.

2. When Patch 5.04 is released a mass mail to inform about the patch and PUG?


Would be a good idea, BUT the problem isn't speaking but listening. Go check the PP can also be answered with 'affirmative.' I guess the problem isn't the microphone / headphone but the player himself :)

Super-Kh":89kkshvs]what if everyone that doesn't use microphone has (NoMIc) tag in the teamspeak server : so that next time teams can share the people who don't use the microphone 50% 50% that way both teams have a chance ?
Would be a good idea, BUT the problem isn't speaking but listening. Go check the PP can also be answered with 'affirmative.' I guess the problem isn't the microphone / headphone but the player himself :)

What Ryz said. Even if they use mic they still don't work as a team and they rather do what they want.

I don't think most of the people realize that the PUG is an organized match were you have to listent and act.

I guess most people think it's just a classic AOW game but then with the same team.

Every pug there's always these issues:

- Whining about Ping

- Afking

- Leaving mid game (not that it's that bad, but it can be a issue)

- Don't listen to what the team says

- Don't work as a team (like buying a sniper the whole game instead of joining rushes and such)

- People getting out of their tanks in field

- Staring at a building spamming Q instead of buying an engineer/hot/tech

- No communication (either Mic or Chat)

- No attention to the chatbox (Most just ignore chat because hey! we got TS! /logic)

- No Teamwork

- People not switching to the right team

- People in the wrong TS channel

- Not keeping an eye on the mine limit

- People camping on the same useless spot

- 3-6 people camping the tunnels (mostly on islands)

- People who don't know what they're doing

And so on...

I don't mind people making mistakes, but every damn time it's the same people who played for months.

It's kind of annoying and makes me want to quit the PUGs.


If people don't want to listen and use teamwork, they should go play in pubs. Competitive matches are organized for winning. Winning = fun for those involved. If you make mistakes, try to learn from them and not make them again and again.


When I play pugs in Team Fortress 2, a rule says that the captains must pick the teams as evenly as possible and they are always chosen based upon how well they know everybody's skill level, regardless how good or bad that captain may be at the game itself. We're not playing to win, we're playing so that everybody has a fun, competitive experience without getting completely stomped. Fun experiences bring back players for future pugs.

When we pick teams, everybody goes to spectator mode while the captains duel in some form to get the first pick or second pick. While picking teams, captains must tell everybody their decisions one by one as people from spectator join that captain's team. They choose in a 1-2-2-2-2... fashion until everybody is picked.

After the teams are set, we don't straight up jump in to the game, we talk and decide who plays what role during the games, and also decide what strategies we're going to use. When we're done, we "ready-up" and wait for the other team. We do this before every map change.

Another thing I think might be worth trying out is to flip a coin for GDI or Nod after a map is picked. Swapping factions after every map can lead to biased map votes.

When I play pugs in Team Fortress 2, a rule says that the captains must pick the teams as evenly as possible and they are always chosen based upon how well they know everybody's skill level, regardless how good or bad that captain may be at the game itself. We're not playing to win, we're playing so that everybody has a fun, competitive experience without getting completely stomped. Fun experiences bring back players for future pugs.

When we pick teams, everybody goes to spectator mode while the captains duel in some form to get the first pick or second pick. While picking teams, captains must tell everybody their decisions one by one as people from spectator join that captain's team. They choose in a 1-2-2-2-2... fashion until everybody is picked.

After the teams are set, we don't straight up jump in to the game, we talk and decide who plays what role during the games, and also decide what strategies we're going to use. When we're done, we "ready-up" and wait for the other team. We do this before every map change.

Another thing I think might be worth trying out is to flip a coin for GDI or Nod after a map is picked. Swapping factions after every map can lead to biased map votes.

I wholeheartedly agree with CampinJeff.

When I play pugs in Team Fortress 2, a rule says that the captains must pick the teams as evenly as possible and they are always chosen based upon how well they know everybody's skill level, regardless how good or bad that captain may be at the game itself. We're not playing to win, we're playing so that everybody has a fun, competitive experience without getting completely stomped. Fun experiences bring back players for future pugs.

When we pick teams, everybody goes to spectator mode while the captains duel in some form to get the first pick or second pick. While picking teams, captains must tell everybody their decisions one by one as people from spectator join that captain's team. They choose in a 1-2-2-2-2... fashion until everybody is picked.

After the teams are set, we don't straight up jump in to the game, we talk and decide who plays what role during the games, and also decide what strategies we're going to use. When we're done, we "ready-up" and wait for the other team. We do this before every map change.

Another thing I think might be worth trying out is to flip a coin for GDI or Nod after a map is picked. Swapping factions after every map can lead to biased map votes.

I wholeheartedly agree with CampinJeff.

Especially with the last point.

When I'm in the PUG I mention it many times that "we are on GDI/Nod the next map, so pick a map suitable for that team" or something.

E.g. non defense maps for Nod and hard-to-infiltrate maps for GDI


Yeah we always vote for the map which suits the best, part of teamplanning, but what if you 'toss a coin' on the map to see who is who?

I know Yosh has something in the works to keep teams balanced during map switch. Would be cool if we could have this + a go signal as soon as both teamleaders agree. Also: what happened to his commander mod?


oh yea,commander mode could be usefull for PUGs :D (unless it still destroys my fps )

maybe in 5004 we can have the server admin to decide when we are dropped into the battlefield,and maybe we get to change during the spectator mode (because you can't change teams while in the first 10 seconds atm,maybe it's a bug ? idk)


You can change during the initial 10 seconds, it's just not noticeable.

Pressing teamswitch a few times will show you in the chat window that you joined GDI/Nod

Another point already mentioned is an admin of some sort who can decide when the match can start. Before the start, it should be possible for EVERYONE to join 1 team in other words, temporarily removing the teamswitch restrictions. To make it easier to get on the right team.

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