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  • Totem Arts Staff
So, are we going to try again, hopefully better?

I have been inspired. <3

Also.. no team retention mutator... we ran into some issues with senor RCON


Sorry I had to go like that!

I told my team (B0ng's) in chat my GF was in an accident. I just want to let you guys know it was nothing serious. Just a fender-bender, but I still had to be availible, if you know what I mean.

I hope you guys had a great remaining game and I hope my team whooped your Banana's asses! :P

So, when is the next one? this saturday or sunday? What time again? Bro's countdown timer is @ 0:0:0

1:00 PM Central US

6:00 PM GMT

It is the same every week. But I will work on countdown timer for the next weeks game. I have been unable to attend because I moved very unexpectedly and having life issues and all. I made it online 1 hr late for this pug, with no install of RenX, so I will try better next time?

Speaking of, how well was the new update? You guys do all 3 new maps? How about building armor, did it help or hurt the gameplay at all?


This was a good one!

We lost all 3 rounds before I had to leave but it was fun cause their was good teamwork. Only Island sucked (the new field...?)Nod could point whore us from a great distance while we couldn't reach them, meanwhile they just were able to protect their base by camping tunnels and sieging the field, while we had to protect too many places (tunnels, sbh spots, field where we were sieged from).

Too bad we didn't win any off the rounds, but the best PUG if you ask me. Also great support by team in any action we took. Good control (as far as the enemy let us), nice repairs, a lot off 'special operations.' Fun :)


On Islands, I kept noticing you guys giving up on hottie repairs. It was easy for us to stop your counterattacks because of that. Also, I think you all needed to call in a lot more airstrikes to assist in med pushes.

Our plan on islands, for the most part, was to completely ignore SBH unless it's a part of a planned rush, and only buy techs+tanks while Tokiyo and DCG cover the tunnels. That's why we didn't plant any nuke in front of WF while we kept point whoring the ref. To be honest, SBH are not really good on this map because GDI's buildings are so close to each other.

On Islands, I kept noticing you guys giving up on hottie repairs.

Nope we didn't, most of our hotties got shot and at certain points we needed to push far out the base to reach for the arties pointwhoring the ref while 5(!) people had to repair the ref in order to keep it alive.

The arties where just shooting from such a long range that we had to choose on sacrificing vehicles or losing a building. Past few weeks people suggested this was a GDI map, but if Nod controls the tunnel and camps the front with arties and flamers there is almost nothing you can do as GDI to break the siege.

  • Totem Arts Staff

ALRIGHT.... last week was kind of weird since B0ng suddenly was gone, and The Yosh.... well The Yosh ended up sleeping on somebody else's floor instead of in his own room. Anyway, that is behind us.

This weekend, we re-commence this smash-faced spectacle of teamwork, honour.... and rage!

Roll call.


That was fun, and we won 2 rounds (Me on the winning team, what's wrong with this world :P ?). Pretty balanced games and we had to fight hard to win things, this is how I like it!

  • Totem Arts Staff

It's not that good on our end. Our team sorta ignored text chat and costed us some of our building deaths. Super's quite pissed about it. I remember these cases :

1. Peeps are trying to take out the base, I was about to ion when mines went down and Super cried for help at WF. I turned my hmw 180 degrees and try to help Super, only to meet 5+ SBHs storming WF and another nuking ref. Suffice to say we lost both a few seconds later. It's quite bitter since we managed to take their PP first

2. We lost Hand of Nod while trying to assault them, all the while Super's been crying about Obelisk beeping. I tried relaying the message, got lost in comm.


well....yes I was so pissed,I wanted to leave after volcano,also I was spamming stank rush help me plz! I got AGT to 40% with !-1-! stank,if I had 3 or even 2 stanks,we could have got agt and maybe ref too,but Nooooooooooooooooooooo,also minji was requesting a rocket soldier rush,only 3 came out of 12

1. Peeps are trying to take out the base, I was about to ion when mines went down and Super cried for help at WF. I turned my hmw 180 degrees and try to help Super, only to meet 5+ SBHs storming WF and another nuking ref. Suffice to say we lost both a few seconds later. It's quite bitter since we managed to take their PP first

We were just lucky there, me and someone else placed C4 after removing mines. Then I planted the nuke and went back to the WF to see 3 other SBH's waiting at the door. I think I shouted something like get in and kill it now, which we did. We died there, but nobody came for the beacon. Overall it was a hard fight with loads of repairs on your vehicles.

2. We lost Hand of Nod while trying to assault them, all the while Super's been crying about Obelisk beeping. I tried relaying the message, got lost in comm.

I guess the HON was kinda lucky while we a hard time to archieve anything after we took the ref down.

I can't judge for the other team but I had the feeling there was a quick response to every attack we did. The time the games took confirm this, It wasn't like previous matches where one team just got slaughtered. Kenz team wasn't the best team, but still pretty good. It sucks when nobody communicates, but I was under the impression most people did.

  • Totem Arts Staff

Yeah, actually 4 or 5 Super. Once again my rocket blew on my face.

I also kept requesting another rocket soldier rush from our entrance because I alone managed to bring ref to 66 because lack of repair, and the fact that Obelisk guards the only entrance to the hill (Kenz tried and died, instantly giving up. On the other hand, I survived 3 trips and back, loading my rockets to the ref pole) Instead peeps went to field and hit AGT, which prompts it to fire back. Our first plan was to hit PP, so I dunno who the hell has the idea to hit AGT from the building


I wasnt there last night/during last PUG but judging by the comments here about it, it's all too obvious everyone needs to have a mic to be "heard".

I had the same experience the 1st or 2nd time I joined the PUG and was unable to use my mic (due to GF sleeping) I was MAD as hell about people simply NOT responding to chat.

On the other hand, more often than not, people (purposely not naming names ...) ignore anything I say BY USING a mic. So, requesting help or notifying the team about an incoming rush isnt always heard even WITH a mic.

This is a PUG, a PUBLIC pickup game, meaning, meaningless banter is part of the experience. Meaningless rambo-ing is also part of the experience. It's like a more-organized public game with set-teams, where more people use a mic/headset for communications rather than chat

  • Totem Arts Staff
I wasnt there last night/during last PUG but judging by the comments here about it, it's all too obvious everyone needs to have a mic to be "heard".

On the other hand, more often than not, people (purposely not naming names ...) ignore anything I say BY USING a mic. So, requesting help or notifying the team about an incoming rush isnt always heard even WITH a mic.

True story, especially if you're not too good at speaking English

Speaking != Typing

I wasnt there last night/during last PUG but judging by the comments here about it, it's all too obvious everyone needs to have a mic to be "heard".

On the other hand, more often than not, people (purposely not naming names ...) ignore anything I say BY USING a mic. So, requesting help or notifying the team about an incoming rush isnt always heard even WITH a mic.

True story, especially if you're not too good at speaking English

Speaking != Typing

I want to believe that I'm astong English speaker. Not always finding the right words, but still gets the point across. However, without playing the racism card here, accents between different nationalities are tough to listen to. Let me explain.

At university in Europe, your common language spoken is English, simply because you only meet foreigners. As a Dutchy you speak (broken-)English with Spanish, Italian, German, American, Australian, Russian, Hungarian, Chinese, French and even more different ethnic groups. You learn to listen to dialects, differences in intonation, differences in sentence structure etc etc.

In Europe you learn to cope with those differences and manage.

In my experience though, when I talk to people having English as their native language (UK/GB, US, AU) they tend to have more difficulty understanding the broken-English version spoken by non-native speakers.

I can say this because I've been in Australia for 5 months. I can say this because I met a few Americans during my stay there saying just that; same as Americans I met in my home country (The Netherlands).

By far the hardest for me to understand due to dialect are Indian or Pakistani people. They speak as if everything is 1 big sentence, never pausing. (Had to listen to a presentation from a very nice Indian guy)

In short, (and this is my experience and/or opinion) we may all be speaking near-perfect English, but the different dialects make it difficult to understand eachother and I feel this is particularly true for American people.

Not to piss you guys off or anything! Please dont receive these comments as an insult!

  • Totem Arts Staff

Let's forget about irrealistic expectations, and instead focus on the fact that WE NEED PEOPLE.

The usual roll call for that sweet PUG life.


Also arranged for Machette to join us, he will come over to my place and if he survives dinner....

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