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  • Totem Arts Staff

I was going to say something witty, but then I just ended up too tired to do such things.




+Added 8 second delay on refills

+Buying free infantry no longer refills health/armour. They keep the same percentage of armour from whatever class you changed from.

+Added mild respawn delay that gets progressively longer as the game goes on.

+Added fire-mode switching for the Tac-rifle to swap between the grenade launcher and the rifle. (Bound to 'X' by default)




+Damaging building armor is now 50% less rewarding.

+Damaging building health is now 500% as rewarding.

+Repairing building armor is now 33% less rewarding.

+Score/credits bonus rewarded after destroying a building decreased by 50% (1000).



+ Normalized Ravashaw and Sydney's speeds/armour to 100/225 leaving the LCG with the highest armour. PICs and Ravs already have the burst damage advantage, along with being able to run from fights.

+Normalized Ramjet and 500 sniper to ~2 second fire rate.

+AT-mine health tripled from 50-150 so they don't die because somebody looked at them funny from 5 miles away.

+Harvester Regeneration now goes back up to 100% instead of 50%.



LCG: reduced damage on infantry by 10%

Chem/Flamethrower damage vs. infantry reduced 10%

Obelisk range reduced from 11000 > 7000



McFarland secondary fire damage vs. MCT increased. Primary fire vs. MCT decreased

Patch: Added fire-mode switching to the Tac-Rifle so you just use the grenade launcher on the gun itself.

+Added UI specific to the Tac-Rifle.

+Tac-Rifle grenade damage set to 180 + (7.5% damage done)x5 burn

Grenadier: Move speed back to 100, even if it's pretty unnoticeable. Armour increased to 125

Mammoth Tank: Regeneration now goes to 100%. Speed increased 3%

Reduced speed of AGT rockets

Added a bit of spread to AGT MG´s

Reduced AGT range from 10000 > 7000


Bug Fixes


+ No fire bug for single-shot/bolt-action weapons should be resolved.

+ No-fire bug on Volt Rifle resolved.

+ Grenade launcher grenades/Rockets and Flak no longer collide with the person that shot them.

+ Mendoza's primary fire no longer makes burn damage last forever

+ Went back to accurate hit-boxes as opposed to crazy collision cylinder/mesh hybrid thing for bullets.

+ Beacons should no longer fall down into small cracks.

+ Harvester no longer crush enemies to its sides or in its back.

+Fixed an error in Mammoth tank's weapons where firing missiles directly after cannons would make the shells do no damage.




Field day and night


- fixed issues with vehicles getting on the snipers perch

- moved the GDI Ref (bar side) wall up to stop "ren style wall jump glitch"

- added blocking volume to Nod ref side step thing to stop wall jump




- added blocking volume to GDI ref side step thing to stop wall jump




- removed all the boarder blocking volumes

- added soft world boundary's (10 seconds)

- modified the landscape around the island to be more gradual

- added naval mines to places we don't want people abusing (around the shallow paths from island to island

- added naval mine kismet sound and explosion animation plus the dynamic physics volume (2 second delay before every turns off due to sounds and emitters stopping too soon




+Switched to Banana's variant

+Got rid of some kismet stuff that may have been causing crashes.




+Special AT Mines placed in places one should not use to get out of the map. Timer for SoftWorld boundary reduced to 5 seconds.




+Added push volumes in the center of the map to prevent Orcas/Chinooks flying in behind the Nod Refinery




+ Updated mini-map


+ Added custom map: CnC-Tomb (Thommy)

+ Added custom map: CnC-Grassy_Knoll (Schmitzenburg)

+ Added custom map: CnC-Snow (Henk)

+ Added custom map: CnC-Crash_Site (Ruud)

No custom maps are on by default, so they will have to be added at server-owner's discretion





+ Increased spawn delay for vehicles after a harvester delivery by 3 seconds

+ Ref/PP names now include their team name so they can be differentiated in spotting messages etc


yay Snow :D Did you ever get the trailer actually? I could send it to you or one of the other devs so you could post it to Facebook if you'd like.

It really feels like the game is nearing completion with all these bugfixes.



- added blocking volume to GDI ref side step thing to stop wall jump

Do that on nod side too to stop the wall jump there.


"8 second delay on refills/buying free infantry"

My god. This is going to make everything better.

Also I'm going to try to push version 1.3 of CliffSide tonight. I'll send ya a msg yosh. Maybe include in patch?


Posted (edited)


Yosh, you forgot that Crashsite is finished and Beachhead is also ready (I guess). Imagine Tomb, crashsite, snow, cliffside, Beachhead AND GrassyKnoll released. That would add 6 extra map's and will have people talking about the game. Hope you can include them.

Not that I want to rush anything, but when can we expect it?

EDIT: there is also an updated version of Eyes, not sure if you are aware of this?

Edited by Guest

Yosh, you forgot that Crashsite is finished and Beachhead is also ready (I guess). Imagine Tomb, crashsite, snow, cliffside, Beachhead AND GrassyKnoll released. That would add 6 extra map's and will have people talking about the game. Hope you can include them.

Not that I want to rush anything, but when can we expect it?

EDIT: there is also an updated version of Eyes, not sure if you are aware of this?

Yeah! Put every map out there and have people talk about the game how broken the maps are!

Cliffside, beachhead and crashsite aren't tested yet (crashsite was but it had so many stuff that made it broken, should be tested again if it's ready to go)

Don't rush everything. Could always make an small patch after when they are tested.


Cliffside and beachhead were tested this weekend. testing sessions only help with glitch spots, visual bugs, and terrain smoothing.

The only proper way to test a map is a straight up 20v20 real people gameplay. Only way to get some real balancing data.

never played crashsite, but again it was tested. Sometimes u gotta let it out in the wild to learn what needs to be improved. If a map is broken as fuck after we try it for real on the CT server then just remove from rotation.

Yeah! Put every map out there and have people talk about the game how broken the maps are!

Usually I would agree with you and maybe this goes for a few maps. but in case of Crashsite I think it was tested a milion times, but never how it turned out when you play the real game. But doesn't the same go for Snow?

I think that, if a map is properly tested for glitches and stuff, it's a good idea to release it to the public and see what it does when people play it. Also note: there is only one serious server right now (CT) so if a map has serious issues it can be disabled till they are fixed. After all we are still finding issues in maps which have been there since beta1 cause players just do odd things we almost never come up with in a testing session. Also 20 vs 20 is something quite different than a few dedicated testers...

Sidenote: if I am optimistic it's still not good :P

Edit: Redline basically said the same...

  • Totem Arts Staff

This gets better and better

And I agree that Crash Site and Beach Head should be added too. Ruud did a lot of work in this, so did Kenz on Beach Head.


We'll see how it will end up.

I'm not against new maps ect, but i just want them to be fully tested. Of course the map doesn't need to be perfect/flawless. For example..take snow, sure it had some minor issues and few b2b spots and stuff, but it hasn't had anything major. Gameplay wise, it does need to get tested with like 20vs20.

TrainingYard and Eyes got many times removed due bad gameplay, beacon spots,crashes ect because they didn't got tested when they were put in (probably only a few did).

I don't want it to happen to the other maps that gets added. It will also be very annoying and fustrated for the server owners to put the map in and out again and again. Especially when lots of maps get added.

I guess most people just want new maps and don't care if it's ready to go or not.


okay well no beachhead then. I just need to wrap up the endgame camera and I don't have anything else to do on cliffside....besides balancing after a real 20v20 test

mapping is a love hate thing for me. I want this shit map to be done.

"Ready to go" is also a relative term when it comes to map making.

custom maps wont be an issue soon with the new launcher

I know, but still!

I don't mind what happens, as long as CrashSite is in it (if Ruud wants it).

BTW: not sure what's still to be done on your map Kenz, but you can decide if it's ready more better than I can ofc :)

Also good to keep things sharp Minji!

  • Moderator

Looking forward to the new maps!

Some criticism from me:

Field day and night


- moved the GDI Ref (bar side) wall up to stop "ren style wall jump glitch"

- added blocking volume to Nod ref side step thing to stop wall jump




- added blocking volume to GDI ref side step thing to stop wall jump


UH, why? Especially with Field, why would you want to make it even more campy? Field is getting worse with every patch... if something those walls should be REMOVED, not moved up...

On Volcano that ref wall jump was the best way for technicians to sneak, I didn't look at it as a bug. When you remove it, Volcano will become another map where GDI has many more sneaking possibilities.

+Score/credits bonus rewarded after destroying a building decreased by 50% (1000).

I don't see why either. Destroying a building is usually the biggest aim in this game and I liked how much it was rewarded in points and credits (especially when the points and credits were distributed in between players who destroyed it)

Other than that it looks good. I like the LCG, flamethrowers and chems nerf and a slight buff of grenadiers and mammoth tanks. Bug fixes are always welcome as well of course!

This gets better and better

And I agree that Crash Site and Beach Head should be added too. Ruud did a lot of work in this, so did Kenz on Beach Head.

I am working on the MINIMAP right now, just grabbed the minimap psd and a psd plugin for paintdotnet.

Anyone else need a minimap or instructions to do their own?

(WallJumping) UH, why? Especially with Field, why would you want to make it even more campy? Field is getting worse with every patch... if something those walls should be REMOVED, not moved up...

On Volcano that ref wall jump was the best way for technicians to sneak, I didn't look at it as a bug. When you remove it, Volcano will become another map where GDI has many more sneaking possibilities.

(StructureDeathScore) I don't see why either. Destroying a building is usually the biggest aim in this game and I liked how much it was rewarded in points and credits (especially when the points and credits were distributed in between players who destroyed it)

Did you not read? "Damage done to building armor decreased 50%, damage done to building health increased 500%." You HAVE to damage building health to get a kill, and the overall reward of a insta-building-kill is exactly the same score, except now armor gives less credits and score, and scratching health rewards a pretty chunk of credits and score, and the death still rewards as well. If you damage the health from 100 to 0 and get the kill, you get way more score than you used to while just armor gives much less, and you get a hefty credit reward too.

As it should be. Try it.

Ask for Field, the walls either need to be a "wall" or not. It can't be some arbitrary blockade that you can still sneak over top of, that only helps the veteran players feel good about themselves. If a new player looks at a wall, they have to be able to say to themselves "yeah, that looks like it was meant to be climbed". So either put blocking volumes to prevent climbing it, put a narrow ramp on the side-lip so it doesn't require fancy tricks to know you can climb it, or remove the wall altogether. Don't give it some obscure trick though, and call it a "stalemate breaker", a bug is a bug is a bug. That is like calling the siderocks on Walls you can b2b on, a "stalemate breaker".


+Score/credits bonus rewarded after destroying a building decreased by 50% (1000).

I don't see why either. Destroying a building is usually the biggest aim in this game and I liked how much it was rewarded in points and credits (especially when the points and credits were distributed in between players who destroyed it)

+Damaging building health is now 500% as rewarding. Building kill rewards should be nearly the same as before.

Cliffside needs a minimap. it will be a little more difficult due to tunnels and the cave but I can help a bit there.

You basically take a backup-save of the map, and delete the surface until you can see the tunnels from the sky.

Then, you either simply paste it overtop if what was above isn't terrain anyway (canyon/field tunnels), or you overlay it transparently onto the existing top paths (goldrush/complex tunnels).

You just need SDK to take top viewport screenshots, and paintdotnet with a PSD plugin if you need a free alternative to Photoshop.

I can do yours next if you like.


The refill system is a good idea. I wonder about the free infantry delay however. So you can no longer spawn, select a shotgunner, clear the room then instantly switch to engineer to defuse bombs? Could lose valuable repair time in a few other situations too like selecting the wrong class or noticing C4 after you have already selected a different free class. Could be killer when credits are low. My suggestion would be you can switch between the Free classes freely but you retain the same health until 8 seconds have passed and refill is available again.

The refill system is a good idea. I wonder about the free infantry delay however. So you can no longer spawn, select a shotgunner, clear the room then instantly switch to engineer to defuse bombs? Could lose valuable repair time in a few other situations too like selecting the wrong class or noticing C4 after you have already selected a different free class. Could be killer when credits are low. My suggestion would be you can switch between the Free classes freely but you retain the same health until 8 seconds have passed and refill is available again.

Would be a slightly more elegant way of doing it. Most of the time it wouldn't matter because you aren't switching from free infantry. Rest of the time, it would be an added nerf of not having a Bar or Ref (otherwise you could just purchase hotwire).

The only proper way to test a map is a straight up 20v20 real people gameplay. Only way to get some real balancing data.

I agree with this, perhaps the new maps could still be included in the patch so everyone at least has them but leave them out of the default server rotation until community certified. This way someone can create a "new maps" server for 20:20 game-play testing or even use Rudd's existing one (it would surely be popular for a week or two) just be sure to let people know specifically that the maps there are in development and feedback is appreciated so people don't moan "this is crap" etc. The Saturday testing is fine for spotting glaringly obvious bugs, but they never get a proper game-play run through like Eyes and Training Yard benefited from.

Field - fixed issues with vehicles getting on the snipers perch

Why does that get priority over the Orca route on Lakeside?

On field it's an annoyance but can be countered.

On Lakeside it's a game-breaker that pretty much hands GDI the destruction of the HON and Ref; and subsequently the whole round.

Posted (edited)

Awesome, i was already impressed when i got back in the game last weekend and saw the changes done then.

Edited by Guest
Looking forward to the new maps!

Some criticism from me:

Field day and night


- moved the GDI Ref (bar side) wall up to stop "ren style wall jump glitch"

- added blocking volume to Nod ref side step thing to stop wall jump




- added blocking volume to GDI ref side step thing to stop wall jump


UH, why? Especially with Field, why would you want to make it even more campy? Field is getting worse with every patch... if something those walls should be REMOVED, not moved up...

On Volcano that ref wall jump was the best way for technicians to sneak, I didn't look at it as a bug. When you remove it, Volcano will become another map where GDI has many more sneaking possibilities.


The refill system is a good idea. I wonder about the free infantry delay however. So you can no longer spawn, select a shotgunner, clear the room then instantly switch to engineer to defuse bombs? Could lose valuable repair time in a few other situations too like selecting the wrong class or noticing C4 after you have already selected a different free class. Could be killer when credits are low. My suggestion would be you can switch between the Free classes freely but you retain the same health until 8 seconds have passed and refill is available again.

Would be a slightly more elegant way of doing it. Most of the time it wouldn't matter because you aren't switching from free infantry. Rest of the time, it would be an added nerf of not having a Bar or Ref (otherwise you could just purchase hotwire).

Yes you're right, I completely forgot to mention that, once the Advanced infantry is gone it will be at it's most troublesome. We will see how it plays out I guess, I can definitely see it being a hindrance to situations I've encountered in the game.


+Added mild respawn delay that gets progressively longer as the game goes on.

I'm not with this one, will only make it harder for the losing team if anything.

Chem/Flamethrower damage vs. infantry reduced 10%

Reduce chem thrower damage vs MCT. Its pretty insane when 2 chem troopers can take out a building in less then 30 seconds. Can we at least give GDI a chance on Volcano?

Mammoth Tank: Regeneration now goes to 100%. Speed increased 3%

B-But that's not how its supposed to beeeeee!!!

Field day and night


- fixed issues with vehicles getting on the snipers perch

- moved the GDI Ref (bar side) wall up to stop "ren style wall jump glitch"

- added blocking volume to Nod ref side step thing to stop wall jump


Good job, you somehow managed to make field WORSE.

If you REALLY want to fix field:

First start by removing Oblisk/AGT and replace with guard towers/turrets.

Those ramps you added for infantry along the cliffs? Connect them together! Add a cool rope/metal treacherous looking bridge right where the waterfall is.

Add some more obstacles on the filed for infantry to use as cover.

+ Ref/PP names now include their team name so they can be differentiated in spotting messages etc

How about the Silo's on Lakeside? They should be included in this!

First start by removing Oblisk/AGT and replace with guard towers/turrets.

Those ramps you added for infantry along the cliffs? Connect them together! Add a cool rope/metal treacherous looking bridge right where the waterfall is.

Add some more obstacles on the filed for infantry to use as cover.

I agree with this. The same bridge concept could also be applied to Lakeside linking cliff paths creating an extra infantry route.

First start by removing Oblisk/AGT and replace with guard towers/turrets.

Those ramps you added for infantry along the cliffs? Connect them together! Add a cool rope/metal treacherous looking bridge right where the waterfall is.

Add some more obstacles on the filed for infantry to use as cover.

I agree with this. The same bridge concept could also be applied to Lakeside linking cliff paths creating an extra infantry route.

Lakeside doesn't need it. Would increase the amount a defense needs to cover.

Field, I am not against a hanging rope bridge or other suspension bridge. However, to be fair, they didn't "make the map worse". It is exactly the same, assuming you weren't glitching before. If you were glitching before, then here's a protip: Don't.

About Spawn Delay: Just to inform you, RypeL didn't intend to make this harder for a losing team. Score-Events that are to-come, are supposed to inversely affect spawn delay. Basically the idea is, a winning team, takes longer to redeploy their dead, than a losing team. That way, the losing team have a larger opening to push back. Both to get healers back on their field tanks, and to react to a building under attack.

  • Totem Arts Staff

Redacted free infantry being on the refill timer.

+Buying free infantry no longer refills health/armour. They keep the same percentage of armour from whatever class you changed from. So if you had ~50/100 armor as a rifle soldier and changed to an Engineer you'd have ~37/75 armour.

Would it be possible to add an icon to the HUD showing the silo status (ie which side is holding it)? Similar to the building status icons.

Not this update, but something for that's already being worked on.


Oh, so this is actually up for discussion first.

Does the refill timer start despite being full HP/ammo, and then refill everything that gets lost after 8 seconds; including a fresh clip?

Oh, so this is actually up for discussion first.

Does the refill timer start despite being full HP/ammo, and then refill everything that gets lost after 8 seconds; including a fresh clip?

From what I am lead to understand, the purchase for it is just greyed out like Airdrops, for up to 8 seconds after obtaining a refill.

The free infantry swap for equal health, is a nice touch. Great job fixing the ship before it even touches water, we don't want it to sink right out of port...

Does the refill timer start despite being full HP/ammo, and then refill everything that gets lost after 8 seconds; including a fresh clip?

From what I am lead to understand, the purchase for it is just greyed out like Airdrops, for up to 8 seconds after obtaining a refill.

I guess what im asking is: Can you fire off more shots than is in your clip continuously without reloading; If you start shooting instantly after a refill.

For example defending a chopper rush on walls with a ramjet at wf/air or PP doors:

-Grab a refill

-start shooting within 0,5-2 seconds

-fire off 2-4 shots

-recieve fresh clip instantly

-fire off 4 shots

And can you grab a refill before you run out to defend against something, get your HP knocked down but have it pop right back up within 8 seconds?

No, refilling will still require you to use the PT in all cases.

Oh dear, now i understand what was meant by delay.. I thought the actual refill was delayed by 8 seconds after making the transaction at the PT. Not that refilling has a cooldown and is locked for 8 seconds. :rolleyes:

Redacted free infantry being on the refill timer.

+Buying free infantry no longer refills health/armour. They keep the same percentage of armour from whatever class you changed from. So if you had ~50/100 armor as a rifle soldier and changed to an Engineer you'd have ~37/75 armour.

Fantastic decision

What if in the short time we are waiting to respawn, we could choose what character we want to spawn as?

Already planned for a later version.

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