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This map is now officially a joint operation between Ruud033 and myself :cool:

Well hello there,

I'm back for more mapping adventures. Now that CNC-GrassyKnoll is done (At least, until its get's played more and people find bugs to fix), I've picked up another idea for a RenX map.

I present to you: CNC-Arctic_Stronghold





Yes, It's another "semi" remake of one of my favourite UT2004 maps. The map features many paths and height differences to try and destroy your opponent. There is also an infantry route that branches of into one of many vehiclepaths and features a big cave for all your infantry fights.

The map is progressing well. The GDI base is quite done, needs some more bits 'n bobs and perhaps a relocation of the barracks. The nod base on the other hand... Well let's not talk about it :rolleyes:

The overall shape of the map is quite set. The nod base area may change, but I'll let you guys decide with me.

I'm also planning a feature with a tech powerplant, but I need some information on the advanced base defences. Is it possible to deactivate/activate the Obelisk & AGT via kismet? Because they are actually bots in a turret.

For now, I'll need to place more rocks (YAY) and flesh out the infantry cave. After that I'll take a look at the nod base.

What do you guys think? Any complaints, ideas or improvements? Feedback is welcome! Keep in mind though this map is heavy WIP, so a lot can be changed.

Edited by Guest

Small update with some screens to keep you all happy :D

Started on the nod base today, will take some time because I don't want it to be a mirrored GDI base.

And Madkill40, you got your chasm :P I liked the idea so there is a blue tiberium chasm in the making.




  • Totem Arts Staff
As far as I recall it should be possible to disable AGT/OB through kismet, since there is a mutator that disables them, I am sure the kismet can done it as well.

I only managed to make a disable-able Obelisk if that's what you're referring. It used a set of derivations from the original classes


Nice work @ Rypel!

I'd suggest to move the Nod base towards the GDI base a little bit, it feels a bit to large as far as I can see on the screenshots.. Don't have the map to test it yet :P

This map is now officially a joint operation between Ruud033 and myself :cool:

Prepare for more awesomeness thanks to Ruud033 and his pirate eyepatch :P

This keeps getting better and better :)

  • 1 month later...
"Oh god :D , now thinks of Alien ship in the snow at night"



Hehe, I love the enthousiam :D

Just a quick update.

The map is progressing well.The overall map has changed quite a bit since the last screenshots. Scale has been reduced and the map is "Roughly" done. (Really rough)

We are going to introduce something "new" to the map and Ruud is busy with it at the moment.

Perhaps I will post some screens this week to show some of the progress.


Interesting. My initial assumption is that it will be used to open/close a path depending on tech building control. Like Nod has tech building, so GDI can't use a certain vehicle path without being emp'd. Capture the tech building and now you can use it without fear. Just my guess. Should be interesting either way.


Update time.

I promised some screens and I will deliver. :cool:

Without further yapping, some screens:


Center tiberium chasm


GDI base entrance


Part of the GDI vehicle & infantry route


Nod base, still WIP


View from center to tiberium chasm


Infantry cave as seen from GDI side


Part of the nod vehicle & infantry route


View from nod sniper/overwatch

What's the minimum distance Infantry will have to run in order to reach the opposing base?

Front GDI to Front nod is doable in 2 stamina cycles of a normal soldier.

GDI via inf route to nod base is doable in 3 to 4 stamina cycles depending on your walking etc.

Inf path is longer, but a lot safer.

You can also take a part of the vehicle path and then go on to the inf path (Like in goldrush)

  • 2 weeks later...

I've been working a lot on this map recently, I almost completed the EMP sequence. Here's a preview below:


The actual shooting is around 3 minutes!

Furthermore I've done many changes to the map, We hope to release the first playtest soon on the testing server!

  • Totem Arts Staff
I've been working a lot on this map recently, I almost completed the EMP sequence. Here's a preview below:


The actual shooting is around 3 minutes!

Furthermore I've done many changes to the map, We hope to release the first playtest soon on the testing server!

What will happen if emp cannon shoots at your base defence? Will the health be lower? Weapons offline?

I've been working a lot on this map recently, I almost completed the EMP sequence. Here's a preview below:


The actual shooting is around 3 minutes!

Furthermore I've done many changes to the map, We hope to release the first playtest soon on the testing server!

What will happen if emp cannon shoots at your base defence? Will the health be lower? Weapons offline?

weapons offline

  • 2 weeks later...


We've been working hard on getting that thing to work properly. It's quite hard to get it to work seamlessly via kismet. Multiplayer toggle nodes behave differently in kismet than they do in singleplayer.

The rest of the map is mostly done now, we're expecting a full test release soon! :) and after that a full release (if all works right)


The emp cannon sounds and looks awesome. :D:D:D

Both thumbs up for this work :cool:

But only taking out the base defense is a little bit lame.

Why not taking out the whole base. That means when the emp hits the base you cant use the HoN/rack, Airfiled/Waeponsfactory and the refinery dont create credits. And this for 30 secs until a minute.


Is there a current download link for this map so I can test it? I see it's on the official testing server, but the in-game download would take forever or possibly even time-out before it completed.

Is there a current download link for this map so I can test it? I see it's on the official testing server, but the in-game download would take forever or possibly even time-out before it completed.

Not yet,

We are fixing some quirks that need fixing before we send out a testing release. It's mostly optimalisation.

It won't take to long before we fix up a testing release.


Not yet, i'm planning on getting one today. There is a major issue with the searchlights in the map, they cause a log-spam

(InterpActor_3)->(StaticMeshComponent_950) during async work!

[26606.47] Error: Can't call UpdateRBKinematicData() on (InterpActor_2)->(StaticMeshComponent_949) during async work!

[26606.47] Error: Can't call UpdateRBKinematicData() on (InterpActor_5)->(StaticMeshComponent_257) during async work!

[26606.47] Error: Can't call UpdateRBKinematicData() on (InterpActor_4)->(StaticMeshComponent_256) during async work!

[26606.51] Error: Can't call UpdateRBKinematicData() on (InterpActor_3)->(StaticMeshComponent_950) during async work!

[26606.51] Error: Can't call UpdateRBKinematicData() on (InterpActor_2)->(StaticMeshComponent_949) during async work!

[26606.51] Error: Can't call UpdateRBKinematicData() on (InterpActor_5)->(StaticMeshComponent_257) during async work!

[26606.51] Error: Can't call UpdateRBKinematicData() on (InterpActor_4)->(StaticMeshComponent_256) during async work!

[26606.54] Error: Can't call UpdateRBKinematicData() on (InterpActor_3)->(StaticMeshComponent_950) during async work!

[26606.54] Error: Can't call UpdateRBKinematicData() on (InterpActor_2)->(StaticMeshComponent_949) during async work!

that's like 1 second. and it goes like that every second.

So before we add the download link, this needs to be fixed or we crash our dedicated box.


Update! I Fixed those errors who were spamming the shit out of us, now it's mostly debugging the kismet.

AND! I have very good news and also learned something new for all snow maps inside the UDK using the snow material from under/complex (pay attention you custom mappers)

So, In the Artic_Stronghold level we used the UnderRedux landscape material as a base, modified it very slightly but nothing worth mentioning.

This is the tricky part; Normally most of the layers use alphablend to blend over each other, in the UnderRedux landscape material all of the materials are set to heightblend!

This causes a variety of issues such as:

1. Weird square shadows whilst the rocks are baked at 128 lightmapres



2. Seams along the landscape components (where they meet)



We wrapped our head around these issues and tried a variety of solutions, such as:

- Upping the lightmapres of the landscape to 2 and to 4

- Changing the directional light in the map

- Placing local lights near the seams/shadows

- Baking different lightmap resolutions at the trouble area's (32, 64, 128 and even 256 once)

- Trying to cover up the issues

None of those worked.

Eventually I contacted Nielsen (the maker of Under) how he made the landscape material because after iteration through the possibilties I figured that it HAD to be something with the snow layers in the landscape material. Turned out I was right, it is the blend type of the layers (heightblend).

Nielsen said; There has to be atleast 1 alphablend layer present in the entire level in order to produce proper shadowing and blending. That's why there's a layer in the landscape material of UnderRedux called: "AlphaBlend". Nielsen painted this layer at a 0,001 thickness over the entire map. It's a really hacky solution but it works perfectly.

3. Painting the alphablend over the whole map:


So, if you have a snow map (Henk, DoctorAnubis) keep this in mind! Don't forget to place the alphablend layer.


It's been a while since some updates. We were fixing loads of small stuff and were also really busy doing other stuff, I think we're nearing completion, now we need to fix a bit of code that toggles the AGT and OB, then we're good to go I think

Map overview


Nod inf path


EMP Cannon middle


GDI Base


Nod Base


Nod Sniper's Nest


  • 2 weeks later...

So just an update on the map.

Everything is done. Even the code for toggling the Obelisk and AGT.

For now, we need to wait for the new version of RenX to be done so the toggleCode can be published to everyone (Or we will need to supply you guys with custom files risking that your RenX install gets corrupted).

We will publish a new version here soon so people can test the map online. Keep in mind that until the new RenX version is pushed, the EMP cannon wont work 100% as expected.

Keep an eye on this thread :cool:

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