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Multiplayer Open Beta Patch 5.004/Build 5F Released

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  • Totem Arts Staff

See, I wasn't lying! 5004 is a real thing. For this one however, we also released a new build to go along with it, so there's no manual patch, as it would be hellishly large anyway.

So if the launcher doesn't push this... rather large patch, you can go to the "Download Renegade X" page and download beta 5F there!

Mostly Comprehensive Change List:

5004 Changelist:


Vote option 8 is now a mine-ban vote that will ban, or un-ban a player from mining. There is also an RCON command to do this.

Added Day/Night versions of Mesa, Field and Canyon.


Infantry you can not buy when the HON/Bar are down are now not visible in the character menu

Aircraft are no longer drawn in the purchase menu when it is a non-flying map.

Mine Limit is now displayed above the reticle when proximity mines are selected

Building armour now displays in the scoreboard/pause menu scoreboard as a light blue bar that is drawn over the building's health. --

Icons at the bottom of the screen now use building armour(when it is enabled) to determine whether the icon is to be red or not. They turn red whenever armor is depleted, meaning the building is susceptible to permanant damage. --

Changed target box to show building armour as an overlapping bar on the health bar. The armour bar is translucent, and the health can still partially be seen underneath. --

Beacon deployment and Building destruction messages now display mid/upper screen (ala commander mod)

Surrender vote now taunts instead of giving a Mission Accomplished/Failed message. It also is less "And now it's over"

Progress bars for planting beacons/airstrikes have been redone in flash, and are now different colours by team.

Bug Fixes:

-Fixed a bug where being on a team that last their vehicle building, having an airdrop ready, then switching teams would make your first vehicle purchase on the other team cost double.

-Fixed bug where pressing a number on the Vehicle menu would kick you out of it whether or not you could actually purchase the vehicle

-Fixed Nod Chinook's right gun not having any animations. Also fixed an "accessed none" that directly corresponded to that.

-Fixed being unable to purchase units when you had the exact amount of credits needed

-EMP Grenades should now work more reliably and not randomely stop disarming.

-Turrets no longer fire at passengers in air vehicles

-Air-Drops now update correctly for players that just joined.

-Fixed an accessed none from the PT_Pawn every time the PT was opened.

-Building repair/defend messages now work correctly with building armour --

-Editted ChangetoSBH() in RX_Controller -- May fix the SBH spectator glitch, but not a guarantee.


Sniper Rifle/Ramjet Reload/FireRate time increased.

500 sniper damage on headshot reduced to 300.

Added points for building destruction: 1875, with half going to the player, half just to the team score.

Points for repairing/attacking buildings reduced about 1/3rd

Airdrops now only allow Buggies/Humvees and APCs

All maps have gone back to having static mine limits.

GDI APC, Nod Buggy, Humvee, and Stealth tank have all been given some of their gravity back so they don't take-off at a moment's notice.

Fixed TS Recon Bike and HMRLS being WTF...bewm vs. aircraft. No more killing off Apaches and Orcas in like a second

TibSun Buggy damage vs. heavy armour further reduced. Light armour damage slightly reduced more.

Airdrops are now limited to tier 1 vehicles (The Humvee/Buggy and APC), to mimmick the Barracks/HON changes.

EMP Grenade arm time reduced from 6 to 4 seconds.

EMP Grenades now do a 25% burst damage vs. mines, then do damage over time. Damage over time does not stack, but now multiple EMP grenades will disarm faster.

Updated Scoreboard and Pause screen Flash files for Building armor.


Surrender Vote is unavailable till 15 minutes in.

Added a specific timer for Change/Restart/Surrender votes. They are 5x longer than the normal timer, just for the sake of preventing spamming.

Added TeamInfo RCON command

Some minor corrections to GameInfo/ServerInfo RCON commands

Corrected some RCON command help messages.

Known bugs:

The Chinook's guns still don't replicate firing to other clients.

Mine-Banning needs some adjustments that will likely be hot-fixed sometime this week.


GJ not even mentioning the dmg change on sniper headshots in the change log (triple nerf to a single class not touching and rebalancing anything else, seriously?). GJ not even touching hotties+sidearm-opness at all again in this patch


Nice, nice. nice!

Also post the 'full' package on known torrent and usenet sites? People might accidentally download it!

  • Totem Arts Staff
GJ not even mentioning the dmg change on sniper headshots in the change log (triple nerf to a single class not touching and rebalancing anything else, seriously?). GJ not even touching hotties+sidearm-opness at all again in this patch

Actually just forgot about the fact 500's don't OHKO 1000's anymore.

GJ being just as much of an annoying prick as per usual.


Also, will move Resolution out of the current config file it's in... because it's in the same file as the version number which obviously has to change with every version.


Works all fine on my end with the launcher update.

I think the new armor interface is looking pretty good. Hopefully this means it'll get more popular on the more populated servers. It's a great feature.

GJ not even mentioning the dmg change on sniper headshots in the change log (triple nerf to a single class not touching and rebalancing anything else, seriously?). GJ not even touching hotties+sidearm-opness at all again in this patch

I don't see how it's a triple nerf on a single class, but that single class is a 500 credit infantry destroyer at any range, particularly important that they destroy the repairs tanks depend on in the field.

1) People beg all the time to remove snipers in general from the game as a whole because they don't belong, at least that wasn't in this patch or the look on your face would say it all.

2) People also want to remove the 500 and leave just the 1k. Others want to leave the 500 and remove the 1k or make havoc a stronger building killer than hottie. I am also glad we are trying things to make sure where things may head, as well as trying alternatives as this to tie things over or just see what works.

3) Before, there was no practical use given the headshot-kills on both and the overkill of the bodyshot damage, both snipers killed in 2 bodyshots and 1 headshot and you spend twice the cost of the unit just for a chance that a bodyshot could kill a slightly more expensive unit. Now, at least there is an actual difference for their cost, 1k infantry can get out of instant-lethality of cheap snipers.

As far as hotwires with sidearms go, I always thought hotwires should have their abilities re-appropriated because they will always be overused if not overpowered as long as they both repair everything the best and are the only unit with the chance to instakill a building, as well as mining a base.

my bet is that he installed 5.004 over his old copy ... uninstall and delete the renx folder then reinstall (the built in uninstall sometimes misses files)

Thanks kenz, deleting the folder did it for me. Uninstalling and reinstalling alone wouldn't work! Cheers :)


The sniper changes are B.S. imo, there is also some new bs where I can't HS while not in scope view even if I have an engine dead set in my cross hairs, what is up with that so now only scoped shots can H.S.?

Basically this made rave/sydney the only choice for anti infantry/tanks :mad:


Sniper nerfs are fine. I think I am qualified to say that.

There's plenty of other classes to use for infantry fights. Also the 500 sniper is still useful considering its price. 1000 is still the normal sniper pretty much with a slight nerf.

Snipers have always been way too dominant in all ways. They should have some weakness. Preferably I see them as a SUPPORT unit. Taking out engis and stuff. Not dominating the tunnels and headshotting everyone.

There will probably be more infantry rebalance anyways. This is just directed at snipers being dumb. Yes hotties with sidearms are still dumb. Snipers being nerfed without other changes doesn't mean people have forgotten about them.


As far as hotwires with sidearms go, I always thought hotwires should have their abilities re-appropriated because they will always be overused if not overpowered as long as they both repair everything the best and are the only unit with the chance to instakill a building, as well as mining a base.

Hm... Since the devs wanted the Sakura/Havoc to be retooled into commandos/building killers, how about giving them the engineers' remote C4? Maybe give the engineer units something else for that, like 2 free short-fuse grenades.

only scoped shots can H.S.

Sounds like a great idea.

  • Totem Arts Staff
The sniper changes are B.S. imo, there is also some new bs where I can't HS while not in scope view even if I have an engine dead set in my cross hairs, what is up with that so now only scoped shots can H.S.?

Nothing regarding whether you're scoped or unscoped was changed... so that was just something on your end more than likely. Nothing anyone purposely did anyway, and last I checked during testing it wasn't changed.

Basically this made rave/sydney the only choice for anti infantry/tanks :mad:

... lol, how? It's still 3+ seconds between shots with a PIC... and they can't shoot you from across the map. The rocket launcher and the PIC/RG are probably the only 2 balanced single shot weapons in the game.


Sadly, The Ramjet and Volt Autorifle are actually probably the best of the 1k weapons. The autorifle maybe not rightfully so, maybe they are too good. The Ramjet though, you should definitely have to pay 1k for what it does, my problem hasn't been the hipfire accuracy, or the existance of a high lethal weapon in a low-lethality game...

...but rather the existance of instakill as a mid-high cost weapon. It cost as much as an APC, and delivers one of the most necesary and effectual single-unit benefits in the whole game. Right alongside of repair, and building destruction, and vehicle destruction. It delivers infantry destruction better than Gunner delivers vehicle destruction, and light armor destruction equal to Gunner's building destruction. Trust me, 8 gunners can kill a building, but 8 snipers can kill an apache.

The free marksman class is very effectual and delivers counter-sniping so mass-sniping is less effective even when Bar/HoN is down. The 500 sniper could be less lethal than a ramjet and less effective for their cost, and 1k cost more than vehicles so they could definitely use more survivability, so this patch tests both of those in one single change.

I am embarrassed to ask this but I won't play the better-than-thou game, so I will just ask: snipers can still kill hottie/techs with headshots no? If not, I might consider the problem to be the hotwire/tech's healths, but if so I don't see the problem since 500s are still important for just that.

Remove snipers from the game, for instance, and vehicle gameplay would be sorta kinda bland, but with snipers in the game even post-nerf, any team without a sniper is at a massive disadvantage especially when an enemy has a sniper that has nothing keeping him suppressed. There have been SO MANY PUGS that have been complained about when 1 team got a sniper but not another, that is why a HUGE PLANNING FACTOR goes into balancing Bananas and Minji against usually Kenz and Tokyio.

Because snipers simply are not balanced for their necessary utility, and I think the answer isn't removing one or any of the sniper classes, although, like this nerf, I can even support trying the removal of one just to see. I think it is simply making them balanced for their utility. If they cost 500, they should do their specialty against units of equal or lesser value (<500 infantry) and a side-role (light armor mediocrity), and if they cost 1k they should do their specialty against units of equal or lesser value (1k infantry) and a side-role (light armor mediocrity +25% damage over their cheap counterpart).

Sniper nerfs are fine. I think I am qualified to say that.

There's plenty of other classes to use for infantry fights. Also the 500 sniper is still useful considering its price. 1000 is still the normal sniper pretty much with a slight nerf.

Snipers have always been way too dominant in all ways. They should have some weakness. Preferably I see them as a SUPPORT unit. Taking out engis and stuff. Not dominating the tunnels and headshotting everyone.

There will probably be more infantry rebalance anyways. This is just directed at snipers being dumb. Yes hotties with sidearms are still dumb. Snipers being nerfed without other changes doesn't mean people have forgotten about them.

You are one of the very few voices in the game which can be taken seriously. Rest is just crybaby-sniper-haters/lovers just like me, overreacting all the time, arguing with almost 0 logic.

Personally i think the 1k even got buffed with this patch. 1k now got superior dmg (takes 2bodyshots or 1HS vs 500 who needs 4bodyshots or 2hs to take down 1k snipers), C4, more hp, faster fire/reaload times.

I almost never played 1k, but new fire/reload rate just feels like the old 500 - way too fast. Nothing else got changed beside the fact your feeling even saver now camping the shit out of enemy infs, because if your noobish enough to get HS by a 500 (the only dircet counter to 1k) you can just hide n run back now.

I still dont get how a 500 should not be able to HS a 1k sniper, just doesnt make any sense and is just protecting noobish camper snipers even more - if sniping 1k's is too easy (which is not, unless your running straight through main battlefield in a straight fukn line and wonder why u get hit, which 90% of antisnipercrybabies do all the time) then change it to only sid/rave and mobi not getting instakilled - but let 500snipers still be able to HS 1ksnipers.

Its still my opinion that ppl are just too dumb n lazy to play&adapt vs snipers, not snipers being op. There are only like 6 players in the whole fukn game i have troubles with playing against their snipers (Bananas,minji,canuuck,gaysha,dienoob,thedestroyer) and thats because they are all super-skilled, not sniper being op. Vs anyone else i have absolute 0 problems if i just use some brains&teamplay and adapt to their playstyle (and i play inf-only most of the time, so deal with alot snipers). Everytime i read about sniperwhine i feel like snipers are shooting laser-guided, heat-seaking mini-missiles hitting every single shot with ease - its still not that easy to HS properly even in close combat, it just is vs dumb players not being able to take u down or move properly. If a sniper misses his first 2 shots against me in close-mid range battles hes just dead or its my own fukn fault and i deserve to die - this is a fukn shooter, not some pollypocketwonderland.

You also said "There's plenty of other classes to use for infantry fights". I totally disagree with that. For me its just sniper or hottie/techie+sidearms because thats the only viable thing atm to counter all those duo/trio hottie gangs healing themselfs and killing everything in their way with sidearms, even being able to take down your buildings - but thats just fine and super balanced for several patches now because most of sniperwhiners use this kind of playstyle (which is ofc not balanced at all as u stated aswell).

Sry for my engrish but i am just a german wurst :(


I really don't understand why you would make the snipers weaker and I have never heard anyone (good players) complain that they are overpowered. It makes no sense that a headshot doesn't kill.

This is renegade, renegade is supposed to have plenty of snipers and it really isn't that hard to avoid getting hit by them. People who complain about them should just learn to play, never stand still and always keep moving or hiding behind something just like in reality. bullets kill.

I really don't understand why you would make the snipers weaker and I have never heard anyone (good players) complain that they are overpowered. It makes no sense that a headshot doesn't kill.

This is renegade, renegade is supposed to have plenty of snipers and it really isn't that hard to avoid getting hit by them. People who complain about them should just learn to play, never stand still and always keep moving or hiding behind something just like in reality. bullets kill.

So thats why all the other wepaons in the game basically only do a fraction of your health in damage in headshots.

And for the records: real wars fucking sucks and makes for the worse gaming influences. I'd kill just to stop every fucking "realistic" or low TTK shooters.

I really don't understand why you would make the snipers weaker and I have never heard anyone (good players) complain that they are overpowered. It makes no sense that a headshot doesn't kill.

This is renegade, renegade is supposed to have plenty of snipers and it really isn't that hard to avoid getting hit by them. People who complain about them should just learn to play, never stand still and always keep moving or hiding behind something just like in reality. bullets kill.

a) You must be deaf or willingly ignoring entire conversations.

b) No, this is RenegadeX.

c) Reality is irrelevant for RenX.

  • Totem Arts Staff

Using reality as a basis for anything in Renegade(X) is grounds to just make your points irrelevant.

If you think no good players rage on snipers then you literally just ignore them them. Hell, like the best sniper in the game, Gaysha, uninstalled over the fact that once you hit a certain level of twitch reflexes you really have no reason to use anything that doesn't just one hit kill.

Also, as much as Jake is a crazy anti-everything-after-2002 he brings up the biggest point which is that Ren is a high TTK game yet Snipers totally break that mold. Right now snipers are just under attack because they don't fit in, especially in a game where the average TTK against someone actually dodging is a good 3-5 seconds with people that can track well, and holy hell if you put two people that suck at tracking against each other you're looking at 10+ seconds.

Honestly snipers are only as strong as they are with being as mobile and having no statute of limitations on their weapon because Hotwires and Techs exist. Watch a PUG, it quickly becomes apparent that there's only about 2 relevant infantry in the game, as all of the rest are hard countered by just having a decent sniper or throwing a remote in their face if they overstep their bounds and try to actually get into a building. The SBH and LCG are both situational... and both of those get hard-countered by the aforementioned infantry anyway, unless you get the complete drop on a sniper, or if they just happen to let their twitchiness go downhill for awhile.

Being good is fine... a broken mechanic is not. Case and point... give Cannuck anything... and he will probably kill you in that 3 second minimum no matter what. Granted, him and Gaysha are some special cases.

P.S my phone is raping my messages...so Ima just stop there.

  • Totem Arts Staff

I really have no idea why sometimes people get half downloads. Honestly I'd love to just have the launcher download the entire game, and players just download the 10MB or so Launcher.

  • Totem Arts Staff

No.... no, please no. Unless you can introduce us the download that can be resumed when interrupted at anytime, making the launcher that downloads out the entire game is a bad idea. Not everyone has the download speed that even reach 1 MBps and can finish at that exact day


It looks like Training Yard, Eyes, and Valley were removed from multiplayer rotation. I have not seen them played yet, or seen an option to vote for them. Any chance of a micro-patch to fix this if this was an error?

  • Totem Arts Staff

Server owners can pretty easily just add them in. I also plan on patching sometime in the next two days to fix something evil and wrong with mine banning anyway.

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