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  1. Never seen Minjis thread before so ty Henk for mentioning it here. But yeh could be the same issue for every zoomed weapon. With Sidney/Raveshaw i get the same bug like in Minjis thread aswell but its not as annoying as getting it with sniper while in zoom
  2. We can argue about his speed, armor and rifle dmg ect. and maybe adjust some things to rebalance him. But what is really stupidly OP about patch right now is his grenade. As free inf you just simply die with full hp when hit by his grenade and even with 1k units you lose over half of your hp and still have to deal with a super fast and strong unit
  3. But you know the bug Schrott is talking about Yosh? Because its really super annoying and happens quite often. I think u can still switch weapons to get out of the zoom-mode then have to switch back to sniper rifle and start reloading all over again - all in all u are kinda stuck and useless for 5s switching weapons or youre stuck in zoom-mode and cant move properly. In both cases if there is any half-decent enemy around you you are normally dead if this bug happens. Anyway, i believe it wont get fixed anytime soon because of this, as i call it, "devs conspiracy" against snipers - they got nerfed so hard yet its still by far the most bugged class in the game which makes them almost unplayable right now in my opinion and i believe you devs are totally fine with that.
  4. Like Henk and others allrdy mentioned i am also 101% certain there is something wrong with PIC/Railgun (besides the bolt action reload and the animation not playing correctly every time, which is super annyoing even if its intended) I cant tell why/when its jamming and i cant replicate it yet but something is wrong with it for sure. 3-5days ago i even managed to completely jam the railgun, i couldnt shoot reload or do anything with it. Pistol, mines ect. just worked fine but when switching to railgun my crosshair just stayed yellow forever and it wouldnt shoot at all, just doing the shot-animation (raise weapon in front of you) Other feedback/bug report: - one can still jump both refs on Volcano - jumping/being mid-air when a timed c4 is exploding will reduce the dmg taken. dont know if its intended but i just found out you can survive c4-crates if you play a class with enough hp - when driving backwards and downhill with nod-apc you reach superspeed, cant be done with gdi-apc. Is this intended because its super-fun to do but shouldnt work for just nod-apc
  5. You are one of the very few voices in the game which can be taken seriously. Rest is just crybaby-sniper-haters/lovers just like me, overreacting all the time, arguing with almost 0 logic. Personally i think the 1k even got buffed with this patch. 1k now got superior dmg (takes 2bodyshots or 1HS vs 500 who needs 4bodyshots or 2hs to take down 1k snipers), C4, more hp, faster fire/reaload times. I almost never played 1k, but new fire/reload rate just feels like the old 500 - way too fast. Nothing else got changed beside the fact your feeling even saver now camping the shit out of enemy infs, because if your noobish enough to get HS by a 500 (the only dircet counter to 1k) you can just hide n run back now. I still dont get how a 500 should not be able to HS a 1k sniper, just doesnt make any sense and is just protecting noobish camper snipers even more - if sniping 1k's is too easy (which is not, unless your running straight through main battlefield in a straight fukn line and wonder why u get hit, which 90% of antisnipercrybabies do all the time) then change it to only sid/rave and mobi not getting instakilled - but let 500snipers still be able to HS 1ksnipers. Its still my opinion that ppl are just too dumb n lazy to play&adapt vs snipers, not snipers being op. There are only like 6 players in the whole fukn game i have troubles with playing against their snipers (Bananas,minji,canuuck,gaysha,dienoob,thedestroyer) and thats because they are all super-skilled, not sniper being op. Vs anyone else i have absolute 0 problems if i just use some brains&teamplay and adapt to their playstyle (and i play inf-only most of the time, so deal with alot snipers). Everytime i read about sniperwhine i feel like snipers are shooting laser-guided, heat-seaking mini-missiles hitting every single shot with ease - its still not that easy to HS properly even in close combat, it just is vs dumb players not being able to take u down or move properly. If a sniper misses his first 2 shots against me in close-mid range battles hes just dead or its my own fukn fault and i deserve to die - this is a fukn shooter, not some pollypocketwonderland. You also said "There's plenty of other classes to use for infantry fights". I totally disagree with that. For me its just sniper or hottie/techie+sidearms because thats the only viable thing atm to counter all those duo/trio hottie gangs healing themselfs and killing everything in their way with sidearms, even being able to take down your buildings - but thats just fine and super balanced for several patches now because most of sniperwhiners use this kind of playstyle (which is ofc not balanced at all as u stated aswell). Sry for my engrish but i am just a german wurst
  6. GJ not even mentioning the dmg change on sniper headshots in the change log (triple nerf to a single class not touching and rebalancing anything else, seriously?). GJ not even touching hotties+sidearm-opness at all again in this patch
  7. Will this PUG be NA or EU or both servers? Will there be Boomer for after game analysis again?
  8. Yes i played field with you yesterday and it was the same like in 85% of field games and like i told u guys yesterday its 100% stupid&lazy&braindead ppl not teamplaying at all and just having fun afking with sniper - its not a sniper-being-op fault. "sniper can headshot you from like 1CM in front of him" : Again, something only stupid&lazy players use as a excuse. First, its not that easy to HS from 1cm away as everyone might think when u get hit again by a sniper close range, its just super annyoing and thats why most players are super biased against snipers. Second thing, sniper only has 4shots per mag with huge reaload times compared to other classes, so he has to perfectly hit his shots. When i meet a sniper at close range and he misses his first 2 shots he's normally dead by then. Sniping&playing vs snipers is all about skill&adapting to enemy playstyle and i just wont accept sniper getting banned cause of ppl being too dumb&unwilling to adapt and get better in this game.
  9. I am terrified by the idea HS will be removed. Things like +2 healers+tanks will be absolute unkillable without sniper HS. Totally fine with removing sidearms and remote for snipers , maybe increase price for sniper...but remove HS, seriously?! It'll mess up and unbalance so many things just because ppl are too stupid&lazy&braindead to play against snipers.
  10. Do it. Can u sniper-haters at least give some reasons why?
  11. Hey there, is there a reason PUGs are only played on US servers? I really like playing PUGs but playing on US servers is no fun for me at all. Is it possible to maybe change the server from US/EU every week or if there are 4 maps played in a PUG to play 2 on each server so everyone can atleast enjoy some lag free rounds?
  12. Yay! Really excited - finally someone working on an InfOnly map. Cant wait to play it
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