Ryz Posted October 17, 2015 Posted October 17, 2015 Probably start building this finally. Any chance this week-end 5004 Will be released? Would be good! Quote
Ruud033 Posted October 20, 2015 Posted October 20, 2015 Please take this in patch 5.004 viewtopic.php?f=138&p=155263#p155263 Quote
hht Posted October 26, 2015 Posted October 26, 2015 Good good. Now nerf remotes and snipers. Do it. Can u sniper-haters at least give some reasons why? Quote
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted October 26, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted October 26, 2015 Good good. Now nerf remotes and snipers. Do it. Can u sniper-haters at least give some reasons why? I am terrified of the book that's about to be written. Quote
Ryz Posted October 26, 2015 Posted October 26, 2015 Can u sniper-haters at least give some reasons why? There is a discussion on CT about this, and.... I think, but I am not sure, you played field with us yesterday? The ref went down the first minute of the game and GDI tried some med rushes, but within ten minutes half the team turned into snipers. I noticed at least 7 (!) but maybe more of them. Meanwhile Field lasted forever without ANY attack attempt anymore. Meanwhile I got shot like 80 times while trying to enter the tunnel or sometimes even when I moved out of a building. One or two snipers can be handy to kill engies repairing a vehicle, but this was just really horrible. I think ONE of the reasons is that snipers don't benefit the team if they are just for kill farming, People rather scored some headshots than help the game advance and quite some people left cause of this... Another reason is that a sniper can headshot you from like 1CM in front of him / her. I don't think snipers will be removed, but I think they will get adjusted so they work like a real sniper and are more usefull at a longer range and less when you have your gun almost hanging into someones mouth. Or maybe a hard limit on the amount you have. Noticed the same scenario on trainingyard. WF went down and Nod got like 7 snipers hanging out the window (this was last week) only to score kills instead of making the game move to the next stage... Quote
hht Posted October 26, 2015 Posted October 26, 2015 I am terrified by the idea HS will be removed. Things like +2 healers+tanks will be absolute unkillable without sniper HS. Totally fine with removing sidearms and remote for snipers , maybe increase price for sniper...but remove HS, seriously?! It'll mess up and unbalance so many things just because ppl are too stupid&lazy&braindead to play against snipers. Quote
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted October 26, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted October 26, 2015 I am terrified by the idea HS will be removed. Things like +2 healers+tanks will be absolute unkillable without sniper HS. Totally fine with removing sidearms and remote for snipers , maybe increase price for sniper...but remove HS, seriously?! It'll mess up and unbalance so many things just because ppl are too stupid&lazy&braindead to play against snipers. You... totally didn't comprehend what Ryz said. Nobody wants to remove sniper headshots... that's literally half of what makes it a sniper, and especially for being one of the only things that counters mass healers+tanks (which is a problem in and of itself). Infantry in general in Ren (and only slightly less so in RenX) were always pretty ... well... badly done. Hell, half of the complaints when beta 1 came out weren't about glitches and bugs... they were about how bad infantry were. I like how everyone overlooks this. These were most of the topics where purists just kinda' did their "herpa derp, this is Ren, and you obviuhsly is COD noob... herp a derp"... "Gawd why don't nobody play this? " . Them. Quote
XD_ERROR_XD Posted October 26, 2015 Posted October 26, 2015 You know... when targeting a vehicle, you could shoot the part of the vehicle that is the closest to their repairers to cause as much splash damage as possible, of at the ground next to the vehicle closely located to the repairers. Teched vehicles may be pretty tough to beat but in these situations it's always best to let the enemy get as close as possible to you (but off course always having a emergency backdoor open). Lure them to get closer, out of their safe position, and when they're close enough, make a quick pincer movement (with a vehicle off course), possibly with your ally, to take out the repairers and then run, repair, and finish the job. If that is no option, it's all down to endurance. Mimic their survival technique and wait patiently until they make a mistake, and punish them. I might make it sound easier than it is, but sometimes that's simply the way it is. Snipers? I don't know what to say about that. I suck at them. I don't know a good proposal to "fix" them either at the moment. The best i can come up with is map design and lighting. Some units are pretty much invisible in dark maps like Field, more reflective clothing would help a lot here to at least spot them. What about giving all ammo a bleed effect that deal the same damage, instead of the instant damage? If you get hit for 100, 50 damage would be instant and the other 50 damage would be dealt in 3 seconds? Would this be reasonable? Quote
hht Posted October 26, 2015 Posted October 26, 2015 Yes i played field with you yesterday and it was the same like in 85% of field games and like i told u guys yesterday its 100% stupid&lazy&braindead ppl not teamplaying at all and just having fun afking with sniper - its not a sniper-being-op fault. "sniper can headshot you from like 1CM in front of him" : Again, something only stupid&lazy players use as a excuse. First, its not that easy to HS from 1cm away as everyone might think when u get hit again by a sniper close range, its just super annyoing and thats why most players are super biased against snipers. Second thing, sniper only has 4shots per mag with huge reaload times compared to other classes, so he has to perfectly hit his shots. When i meet a sniper at close range and he misses his first 2 shots he's normally dead by then. Sniping&playing vs snipers is all about skill&adapting to enemy playstyle and i just wont accept sniper getting banned cause of ppl being too dumb&unwilling to adapt and get better in this game. Quote
Glacious Posted October 26, 2015 Posted October 26, 2015 Just curious are we any closer to solving the really REALLY annoying glitch/bug whenever you purchase an SBH from the purchase terminal in the Airstrip on X Mountain, Islands, Whiteout, and Under (Maybe all maps), it then puts you into some kind of free roam camera and you can't do a thing about it, seems to happen when you rapidly double click to buy SBH, works fine with every other unit just SBH.... this has been happening since hmm beta 1, Just curious Quote
Ap2000 Posted October 26, 2015 Posted October 26, 2015 Good good. Now nerf remotes and snipers. Do it. Can u sniper-haters at least give some reasons why? I think they don't fit into the game at all. I thought that back in the original and I still think so. And to be honest, I can't come up with a way to make them not be annoying camperkids. What about giving all ammo a bleed effect that deal the same damage, instead of the instant damage? If you get hit for 100, 50 damage would be instant and the other 50 damage would be dealt in 3 seconds? Would this be reasonable? I don't see any reason why this should be implemented. Quote
Ryz Posted October 26, 2015 Posted October 26, 2015 Final thing about snipers: again nobody said the will get removed, but maybe just changed and / or have a hard limit. Imo you can go to a sniper only server if you just want to snipe. Ofc. one or two of them in a team are fine, but yesterday the noobs make the game impossible. For me having 7 snipers on one team is the same as teamhampering, overmining, ignoring beacon (O yes there was a dude REPAIRING his vehicle 1 meter away from a beacon yesterday) and handing out vehicles to the enemy. Quote
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted October 26, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted October 26, 2015 Yes i played field with you yesterday and it was the same like in 85% of field games and like i told u guys yesterday its 100% stupid&lazy&braindead ppl not teamplaying at all and just having fun afking with sniper - its not a sniper-being-op fault."sniper can headshot you from like 1CM in front of him" : Again, something only stupid&lazy players use as a excuse. First, its not that easy to HS from 1cm away as everyone might think when u get hit again by a sniper close range, its just super annyoing and thats why most players are super biased against snipers. Second thing, sniper only has 4shots per mag with huge reaload times compared to other classes, so he has to perfectly hit his shots. When i meet a sniper at close range and he misses his first 2 shots he's normally dead by then. Sniping&playing vs snipers is all about skill&adapting to enemy playstyle and i just wont accept sniper getting banned cause of ppl being too dumb&unwilling to adapt and get better in this game. Ryz's reasons are honestly not everybody else's... I'd stop fighting his. I could care less if people want to snipe-whore all day long: Ctrl+V+3 exists for a reason if the other team gets that annoyed by it. Listen to Bananas/Gaysha and a few others. I just don't feel like listing everything here anymore... there's already a topic over at CT about all that, and honestly Gaysha has probably the most room to talk about snipers. It has more to do with the fact that snipers are a OHKO in a game where the average TTK (vs. someone actually good at dodging) is like 3-5 seconds: that alone is frustrating to people, but it exists in other games with high TTK as well. The difference is, most other games, the sniper rifle doesn't rattle off one shot per second, and then sprint around like a maniac to make yourself even harder to hit between shots. Aaaand let's not forget that wall-hugging is a thing. Just curious are we any closer to solving the really REALLY annoying glitch/bug whenever you purchase an SBH from the purchase terminal in the Airstrip on X Mountain, Islands, Whiteout, and Under (Maybe all maps), it then puts you into some kind of free roam camera and you can't do a thing about it, seems to happen when you rapidly double click to buy SBH, works fine with every other unit just SBH.... this has been happening since hmm beta 1, Just curious That is literally the most random bug ever. I still barely can ever get it, and have never been able to replicate it on purpose. I took a guess at it in this patch, but I can't confirm anything being fixed. Quote
Glacious Posted October 26, 2015 Posted October 26, 2015 I can replicate it rather often, any way I can get a log of it or help get some data on exactly what happens or is it something you need to do yourself? In regards to sniper's I have never honestly seen them be that annoying, a few times on Walls when you get trapped in base but that is very few and far between that this happens now, other than that you get picked of from time to time and it's really not that hard to figure out where they are and avoid/kill them so I don't really see what people are complaining about really, unless I have got completely the wrong end of the stick here. Quote
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted October 28, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted October 28, 2015 The fact that they can maneuver around while sniping and still has great accuracy is quite disturbing though. It's also unrealistic for a sniper to jump around in tight spot at tunnel, possibly capable of pwning close range specialist. Yosh is also going to fix that crosshair size discrepancy betweem high res and low res in favor for the high res one.... I believe Quote
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted October 28, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted October 28, 2015 Yosh is also going to fix that crosshair size discrepancy betweem high res and low res in favor for the high res one.... I believe Uuuuh totally forgot about that...... 5005 anybody? Quote
Henk Posted October 28, 2015 Posted October 28, 2015 Yes please, if that means a faster 5.004 release. Quote
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted October 28, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted October 28, 2015 I hope 5004 will be released soon Quote
SFJake Posted October 28, 2015 Posted October 28, 2015 It has more to do with the fact that snipers are a OHKO in a game where the average TTK (vs. someone actually good at dodging) is like 3-5 seconds: that alone is frustrating to people, but it exists in other games with high TTK as well. The difference is, most other games, the sniper rifle doesn't rattle off one shot per second, and then sprint around like a maniac to make yourself even harder to hit between shots. Aaaand let's not forget that wall-hugging is a thing. Thats pretty much it for me. You have great TTK in this game that allows for REALLY interesting infantry fights. I actually LOVE infantry fights outside of one-shot kills in this game. Quote
Ap2000 Posted October 28, 2015 Posted October 28, 2015 The fact that they can maneuver around while sniping and still has great accuracy is quite disturbing though. It's also unrealistic for a sniper to jump around in tight spot at tunnel, possibly capable of pwning close range specialist. You are bringing up an interesting point. But hampering a sniper's mobility would just turn them into even bigger campers. Quote
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