WhisKeY Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 Played 6 maps in a full server tonight, and instead of crashing at the end of a map, we get endgame cinematics! Nobody was crashing = beta 3 is a success. Volcano looks good (people are calling it the new walls), and the tweaks and fixes make the game feel the best it has yet. Good Job Ren-X team! Now let's start scheduling lobby wars. Tomorrow night what time Quote
cncforever Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 I played a few maps and absolutely love it!. I had zero crashes period, my performance has improved. I play on a P170hm laptop that has a GTX 680M and before I had to use a mixture of high and medium to get really good performance, now I have everything maxed out. I never enable AA but might try that later. I get 60 fps. People were laughing about Field due to the Emp Grenades and other balances making it last even longer. I am loving the fact that the flame trooper is now useful, not sure if I'm just imagining that though because I don't remember any changes being mentioned. It was nice to face off against Fartland and live another day, I really like the new details on the soldiers clothing, armour and I love the Laser chain gunner and Black hand changes. I couldn't be happier with this release, it has a pure quality feel to it and every battle is now a lot tougher due to the balancing and extra defense options. You guys have done such a great job and I really appreciate all of your hard work. I can't wait to play another game! I also enjoyed the end game cinematic, everyone seemed really surprised and caught off guard by that one haha. I hope this Beta 3 brings back a lot of those players that left due to crashing. Already I noticed there was twice the amount of people than usual and there have been over a thousand downloads the last time I looked. Ive posted a few details about this release on Google Plus so hopefully that will help a little in getting the news out. I feel very blessed to be able to play this. Quote
Kil Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 I am loving the fact that the flame trooper is now useful, not sure if I'm just imagining that though because I don't remember any changes being mentioned. Yeah the flames are now volumetric projectiles, and no longer require the unrealistic pinpoint hits like they did before. Quote
RoundShades Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 I am loving the fact that the flame trooper is now useful, not sure if I'm just imagining that though because I don't remember any changes being mentioned. Yeah the flames are now volumetric projectiles, and no longer require the unrealistic pinpoint hits like they did before. Oh good, so if you hit the center of the flame all the hits around the center all still hit the center because they have a large hitbox. If you hit the edge, more hits still overlap and hit the enemy, but not all of them since the right side don't overlap the left. As long as it has the arching napalm look to it still, I am happy with it. Good job Totem Arts! Quote
boxes Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 I love it. Just a few things though. 1. Vehicle explosion freezing still occurs here and there. 2. SBH visibility bug still exists. I'm not sure if the SBH spectator bug is fixed or not, didn't play enough of this class. 3. Xmountain has a lot of rocks that can be clipped with vehicles. Example, the rocks next to the GDI powerplant. I was hiding in an APC there for like. 10 minutes. 4. The airstrike circle when zooming in seems to be bugged, it's just floating really close to you and it was nowhere close to where I pinpointed my strike. Quote
GatsuFox Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 Railgun/PIC crosshair still isn't fixed up. Orca/Apache have too much HP. Pretty good otherwise. Quote
AlienXAXS Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 Brilliant release, no more crashing it seems - yay! Some points: - C&C_WallsFlying still has the same issue since Beta 1 where the GDI harvester loses its pathing and just sits at the Refinary until 600 seconds has passed and blows up. - XMountain, a fantastic looking map - vehicle clipping issues, I recommend you put invisible vehicle walls around the outside layer of each base to prevent vehicles getting onto the rocky walls. - "Advance Repair Gun" should read "Advanced Repair Gun" (yeah being picky here i guess) Quote
BoMbZu Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 Yes I also played Beta 3 today, this is what I thought about it: - The game performance improved significantely over here, I had some issues in the past on Ren-X with my commodity hardware but they are all gone (No crashes yet). Also maps load faster now - The new features look very nice (Maps, blackhand, end game cinematics, donate command, able to change settings ingame) -People actually play the game how its meant to be played now (Maybe it is just because Renegade-x is now out for a longer time) Saw some good rushes, tactical beacon/disarms, people cooparating together on field. - Chat messages are stacked on top of the bottom message instead of hanging under the top message. Which feels less logical for me (maybe its just a personal preference). About the balance/damage: Classic Ren had a rock - paper scissors system, I have the feeling that in X everything just tends to hurt everything in more or less matter instead of dealing with extremes. I find it still very hard to snipe people (Maybe due to the UT movement) I find myself better off with a mobius/mendoza. (Which could also be a good thing because snipers are now actually sniping and not like in ren used as a general anti infantry unit) -Laser Chain gunners and apache/orca missles do a lot of damage to inf. -Patch does quite a lot against light and heavy armoured vehicles and not so much against inf (Not sure if intended?) -The beacon sound radius is large, and also very divirgent which makes it hard to locate beacons. (Eg if you stand in the middle of the base you hear it everywhere lol). -In infantry vs infantry combat you tend to die a lot quicker then in Ren, also survivability with either tanks and infantry is a lot harder in X but I cant seem to put my finger on what the cause of that is yet. Conclusion: I am very positive about the changes made in Beta 3, this is generally a large step in the direction of creating the old renegade feeling again. Will be playing X now occasionally. Good job devss!! Quote
Mrcod Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 Very positive initial impression, and Volcano is really well done. Will play more later tonight. Good stuff devs! Quote
Truxa Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 Very nice update and very suprised to see X-Mountain. Well, apart from some of the collisions. I could park an entire Humvee in a rock, though no one would notice as it was quite out of the way. What I would have loved to see was a mute option. Even though there is a 60-second client cooldown for voting, some players continue to abuse it as much as they can. Island stalemate, only bar and Hon were left, tunnelwars never ended. Was on EKT server, thus marathon and no time limit. Even though we had enough players playing (2 servers full, TmX and EKT) those people were still not satisfied with the speed of the game. Volcom's servers (Rencorner it was I presume?) run the standard settings: 30min, 30 mines, guaranteed of "short" games, yet people still stick to the marathon server and force-vote a map change... Yes, I went on a rampant at the time and needed some time to cool down, so regretfully I did not finish that epic islands game. However, I will not appologize for my behaviour. I still am of the opinion: don't want endless games? Don't join a server running Marathon settings! Quote
XD_ERROR_XD Posted October 9, 2014 Posted October 9, 2014 Very nice update and very suprised to see X-Mountain. Well, apart from some of the collisions. I could park an entire Humvee in a rock, though no one would notice as it was quite out of the way.What I would have loved to see was a mute option. Even though there is a 60-second client cooldown for voting, some players continue to abuse it as much as they can. Island stalemate, only bar and Hon were left, tunnelwars never ended. Was on EKT server, thus marathon and no time limit. Even though we had enough players playing (2 servers full, TmX and EKT) those people were still not satisfied with the speed of the game. Volcom's servers (Rencorner it was I presume?) run the standard settings: 30min, 30 mines, guaranteed of "short" games, yet people still stick to the marathon server and force-vote a map change... Yes, I went on a rampant at the time and needed some time to cool down, so regretfully I did not finish that epic islands game. However, I will not appologize for my behaviour. I still am of the opinion: don't want endless games? Don't join a server running Marathon settings! I like Marathon games as they don't promote massive whoring and camping as much as AOW. However... sometimes i do like AOW more because the fact that you can also win by points adds another reason to keep playing if you reached those good 'ol stalemates. Stalemates w/o base defences = fun (just an opinion), stalemates with base defences generally lead to massive whoring the buildings you can shoot, instead of trying to infiltrate or overrun the enemy (again it's just an opinion, my experience tells me this). Quote
Soldieroffate Posted October 10, 2014 Posted October 10, 2014 No crashes is always a nice addition. Seeing the new models for the Black Hand Sniper, Black Hand Heavy Weapons Soldier, and Chem Warrior was a fresh feel too, as the old skins for them was sorta stale. Volcano looks amazing too. Too bad we can't go for a dip in the lava, haha. Also, was the Marksman Rifle buffed? I noticed that the bullet no longer had a significant travel time, which was an issue for it in Beta 1/2. That really diminished its usefulness compared to the other instant-hit sniper rifles. Quote
Truxa Posted October 10, 2014 Posted October 10, 2014 I like Marathon games as they don't promote massive whoring and camping as much as AOW. However... sometimes i do like AOW more because the fact that you can also win by points adds another reason to keep playing if you reached those good 'ol stalemates. Stalemates w/o base defences = fun (just an opinion), stalemates with base defences generally lead to massive whoring the buildings you can shoot, instead of trying to infiltrate or overrun the enemy (again it's just an opinion, my experience tells me this). Agreed! From time to time I don't want a specific stalemate and just leave the game instead of trying to force a vote for a map-switch ... Geesh, people ruin the fun for others by voting for this shit! I understand the need of the voting system though, but if there are 40 people in the game, 30 people need to vote(=75%) and of those 30 people, only 16 (the majority of voters) need to vote a yes to change the map! Thats actually 40% (16/40*100%) of the server population that needs to vote yes. To my understanding, thats a minority and not a majority. Part of the renegade gameplay is to destroy the enemy base by using teamwork. If that teamwork fails then you should lose or a stalemate happens. It's the game! Coming up with a tactic to break through that stalemate is also part of the game. Chem Warrior This is my new favorite skin imo! I just LOVE it Also, was the Marksman Rifle buffed? viewtopic.php?f=13&t=74038 Changelist doesnt show Marksman in specific, but I also noticed the Marksman damage increase! It takes 4 headshots to kill a free class and maybe 6(down from 10) to kill a 1k character! And also seems to be hitscan. Quote
Soldieroffate Posted October 10, 2014 Posted October 10, 2014 I dunno, I preferred the TibDawn Chem Warrior (black suit with green shades) because the current one looks like a Transformer of some kind. Still a cool skin though. AFAIK, Beta 1/2 Marksman Rifle had travel time. This meant you had to lead your targets. Quote
MSNSazabi Posted October 11, 2014 Posted October 11, 2014 I got a chance to play 4 or so rounds today, and I loved it! The graphics seemed greatly improved, the characters (on foot) don't feel floaty at all, the character damages are much better (especially happy with the Raveshaw damage) and I love the new maps (great work on Volcano!) The absolute best part though? NO MORE CRASHES! I was crashing at least every other map change. There were a couple things I did run across, but they are kind of minor imo right now. Great work team! I'll go submit the bugs, if they aren't up there now, here in a few. Quote
RoundShades Posted October 11, 2014 Posted October 11, 2014 Suggestions: put AT mines in Items catergory, along with beacons and airstrikes. Because refill doesn't refill them AFAIK and because balance with beacons. OR make them refillable, which would be terrific IMO as a defender, I know you can only 2 at a time but when your 2 pops you kinda want 2 more without paying. Perhaps stick a free-class repair-gun as a $250 secondary weapon. Then you have choices of engineer with tiberium secondary, or chem-trooper/mcfarland with repair-secondary, and all other sorts of variety. Hotwires still repair better which makes them competitively best choice for vehicle support compared to lets say a PIC or Laser Chaingunner with a secondary-repair. I know I pitch this a lot, but I like the newest secondary weapons and it looks good. Quote
vlatkozelka Posted October 11, 2014 Posted October 11, 2014 I am loving the fact that the flame trooper is now useful, not sure if I'm just imagining that though because I don't remember any changes being mentioned. Yeah the flames are now volumetric projectiles, and no longer require the unrealistic pinpoint hits like they did before. Always wanted that , was frustrating how u see enemy burning yet no damage ... great job devs Quote
TacTicToe Posted October 11, 2014 Posted October 11, 2014 Servers and game seems to run pretty damned smooth. I think the only REAL gripe that popped up in chat were people complaining about snipers being a bit overpowered. IMO it should be a OHK if it is done right, ie headshot. Torso maybe 80%, limbs 50%? Quote
Mrcod Posted October 11, 2014 Posted October 11, 2014 After playing for a while longer I am very happy with this release. Haven't crashed once and that was the biggest issue for me in past betas. So good to have a stable release to play. Quote
indios85 Posted October 12, 2014 Posted October 12, 2014 thanks dev team for all the hard work, it is indeed nice update, game stop crashing which is huge improvement over the last beta, however there are still 2 major issues (at least in my case) that i would like to bring to light, 1 been the vehicle explosion freeze (on all maps but game breaking on walls) and 2 the overall vehicle imput delay which makes very hard to drive anything otter than a mammoth tank. Quote
sterps Posted October 12, 2014 Posted October 12, 2014 I've had time to play this for a little while, and i gotta say, I'm happy with how smooth the game is running, no crashes, the balance between the games is great, better than renegades balance now! Good work guys, can't wait for what's in store next! Quote
arnyswart Posted October 12, 2014 Posted October 12, 2014 It was a great improvement from the last release. There were quite a few upgrades and improvements as well as the lack of clashes. These are a few of the things for improvement: 1. The silenced pistol seems fairly useless as a weapon. It makes it a lot more difficult to rush with engineers and techs 2. When exiting the vehicles there is a weird sensation for a few seconds where you loose focus. It causes difficulties to exit and be functionally difficult Saying that, for a beta these are incredibly small things. It is pretty much a finished product and generally beyond what something EA would release. You guys have done a great job, you just need to advertise and promote it now. Quote
Blade Posted October 12, 2014 Posted October 12, 2014 Game is running fine on this crappy ass Tesla GPU, no crashes or even freezes. 1. The silenced pistol seems fairly useless as a weapon. It makes it a lot more difficult to rush with engineers and techs The silenced pistol is a lot better than the automatic rifle IMHO, it does a good amount of damage to the head AND is hitscan, so you don't have to lead your shots 5m like you were a fighter pilot. Quote
Kriemhild Gretchen Posted October 12, 2014 Posted October 12, 2014 Game is running fine on this crappy ass Tesla GPU, no crashes or even freezes. >Tesla GPU >crappy Quote
Kil Posted October 12, 2014 Posted October 12, 2014 1. The silenced pistol seems fairly useless as a weapon. It makes it a lot more difficult to rush with engineers and techs I probably have more silenced pistol kills than I do with any other weapon. Just track them heads and you're in business. Quote
cncforever Posted October 12, 2014 Posted October 12, 2014 1. The silenced pistol seems fairly useless as a weapon. It makes it a lot more difficult to rush with engineers and techs I probably have more silenced pistol kills than I do with any other weapon. Just track them heads and you're in business. You sound dangerious. Quote
maxrland Posted October 12, 2014 Posted October 12, 2014 Really excited to play. It's been a good 5 years since I have been online. Sounds like it has improved a lot^^ Quote
Darkraptor Posted October 13, 2014 Posted October 13, 2014 I player a few rounds, and i have to say: Very Good JOB. And I very like the new maps. But there are still a few issues i regonized: - The GDI-Harverster-bug ist still allive on Walls . - The shaking / dancing Helicopter-bug is still alive (I know its a problem with the framerate, buts still annoying) . - there are a view spots in volcano which are to dark und should be more enlightened, especialy inside the NOD Airstrip Tower. (also on Mesa). Quote
dregs Posted October 14, 2014 Posted October 14, 2014 initial thought good time to start ownin sukkas at new ren c u around bettr recognize Quote
Kriemhild Gretchen Posted October 14, 2014 Posted October 14, 2014 initial thought good time to start ownin sukkas at new ren c u around bettr recognize Quote
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