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I have been playing C&C Renegade for a long time and I was just wondering if you guys could introduce:

Grenades - In Renegade, you could get a grenade launcher, but what about the fun of throwing grenades?

Blue Tiberium - If there is going to be Blue tiberium, could you guys make it damage infantry more than green Tiberium. Also do you guys remember the little yellow arrow that you can click to change the characters skins, well I thought you could use that to change the infantry that has green tiberium and when you click the little yellow arrow, it changes the colour skin to blue and they shoot out blue tibrerium.

More Vehicles - Could you guys create new vehicles to add to the others and also when you select the purchase terminal, have more selection to vehicles. Other than like in Renegade, you could only select 8-9 vehicles.


Forbidden Saviour

  • Totem Arts Staff

Welcome to the forums.

Grenades - In Renegade, you could get a grenade launcher, but what about the fun of throwing grenades?[/b]

I can't say much about this yet, other than that the Grenadier will get his grenade launcher as well as something else. You'll have to wait for our next updates to find out.

Blue Tiberium - If there is going to be Blue tiberium, could you guys make it damage infantry more than green Tiberium. Also do you guys remember the little yellow arrow that you can click to change the characters skins, well I thought you could use that to change the infantry that has green tiberium and when you click the little yellow arrow, it changes the colour skin to blue and they shoot out blue tibrerium.[/b]

You probably won't be seeing blue Tiberium in the multiplayer maps we make, because blue tiberium isn't seen until Tiberian Sun. You see a blue Tiberium gem in Renegade's singleplayer, but Mobius explains that it's a very rare sample.

More Vehicles - Could you guys create new vehicles to add to the others and also when you select the purchase terminal, have more selection to vehicles. Other than like in Renegade, you could only select 8-9 vehicles.[/b]

We've already got a large amount of vehicles which need to be made and set up. As it is right now, C&C Renegade has 17 vehicles and we will be making all of them. So we're not thinking of creating new vehicles that weren't in Renegade or Tiberian Dawn.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Totem Arts Staff

Either way though UT3 is probably the cheapest game with the Unreal Engine. I just saw it for $29.99 at the local game store, which is dirt cheap for a game that is less than a year old. 30 bucks for a good game and a good mod isn't that bad :P

QUOTE (NEFobbyGEN @ Aug 8 2008, 08:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm pretty sure we wanted to lock the vehicle to the person who first gets in, unless he types a command or presses a button to give it to someone else.[/b]

But if this locking means that no-one but the owner can enter, then I would rather hate it. The system where any friendly unit can enter, but you can kick them out when you want (or lock it anyways) is far better In my opinion. But I find it rather irritating that you have to type !Vkick to get someone out. As typing !Vkick means that the thief can drive away from you, and has a lot more time to do whatever mischief he wants with your vehicle then you have time to get your vehicle back.

Yours sincerely,
  • Totem Arts Staff

Yeah that does sound like a better idea. I thought that was what I meant until I read my own post :P I think what I was trying to say was that when you bought a vehicle it would be "bound to you" in the sense that you could kick people out of them when they are inside, unless you unbound it for others to bound it.

QUOTE (NEFobbyGEN @ Aug 24 2008, 08:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah that does sound like a better idea. I thought that was what I meant until I read my own post :P I think what I was trying to say was that when you bought a vehicle it would be "bound to you" in the sense that you could kick people out of them when they are inside, unless you unbound it for others to bound it.[/b]

Glad to hear that you meant it would be bound to you.

What system will you be using to kick people out?

Yours sincerely,

Ok, a hotkey sounds best to me.

Another question arises, while I want to know about all the 'special' things you've done for things like the grenade launcher, you already stated that you will show us in due time.

What I want to know now is where you deal how much damage.

Hitting the head will be the best ofcourse. But hitting a shoulder with a bullet would deal less damage then in the torso. However, having an EXPLOSIVE shot against your shoulder would deal, in my opinion, about the same as a shot in the torso. As your head will be caught in the explosion pretty hard as well.

One of the reasons why I want to know is: The ramjet always deals at least 200 damage. Wether you hit in the foot or the torso doesn't matter. Will it matter in Renegade-X? Will it matter much when shooting with other weapons? or will shooting in a foot or hand be almost, but not quite, as effective as shooting in the torso?

Perhaps give it a layout:

When shooting with a pistol in:

The head: 50 damage

Torso: 10 damage

Arms and hands: 5 damage

Legs: 7 damage (legs have much more arteries, making it more dangerous when you are shot in the leg then in an arm)

feet: 3 damage.

Crotch: 200 damage (éh, are you going to get up when you are shot in your crotch? Didn't think so).

Neck: XXX damage (In renegade there are for some reason neck shots, I still don't know how much damage you actually receive from it, it seems like about 1,5 times the damage of a torso shot)

That kind of thing.

Yours sincerely,



At this point no campaign is planned. Renegade's main strength was its multiplayer which we intend on completing before we would ever do a campaign.

QUOTE (Mighty BOB! @ Sep 3 2008, 09:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
At this point no campaign is planned. Renegade's main strength was its multiplayer which we intend on completing before we would ever do a campaign.[/b]

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease do a Campaining after the MP!

Question: sounds.

For renegade I have used only 2 programs on the side: a countdown mod for nukes and ion cannon's, and a countdown mod for C4.

The beacons is straightforward, you hear Eva warn that a nuke/ion is comming and then count down towards 0 and then the nuke/ion hits.

When you throw a remote C4, you hear 'I got a present for ya', IF either you or a teammate throws it. Not if an enemy throws it. The same is for a timed, you hear 'C4 is set, fire in the hole' followed by a series of beeps that keep beeping faster.

But, I found that some people are using different mods for the C4, one counts down for real (making the 2 remote+1timed one hit kill on buildings too easy) and the other makes the sound of an ENEMY throwing C4 very good to hear.

Which is a bit unfair as you cannot place timed or remotes without your enemy being unawares of it. So my question is: Will you add sounds for placing C4 and beacons, and who will be able to hear it?

Yours sincerely,


  • Totem Arts Staff

Right now as we have it there are no sounds for placing C4s other than the "beep" when the C4 is placed, and the explosion itself. Though, if you look at the C4 itself, you will see the timer count down to 30, so you can still see when it will explode, you just shouldn't risk standing that close to it :rolleyes: Replacing sounds as well isn't as easy as it is in C&C Renegade.

As for the countdown timer on the Ion I think we may keep that.

QUOTE (NEFobbyGEN @ Sep 7 2008, 09:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Right now as we have it there are no sounds for placing C4s other than the "beep" when the C4 is placed, and the explosion itself. Though, if you look at the C4 itself, you will see the timer count down to 30, so you can still see when it will explode, you just shouldn't risk standing that close to it :rolleyes: Replacing sounds as well isn't as easy as it is in C&C Renegade.

As for the countdown timer on the Ion I think we may keep that.[/b]

you keep what?
you keep it like it was, just the warning when its planted and like 5 seconds before it comes down the alert
or do you add a countdown from some time to count down?

i would like it pure, just the 1st warning and the alert and no countdowns at all :)

In renegade when on GDI if you go into first person and you can't see the tip of the obelisk it won't shoot you... will this still be the case in RenegadeX? because i've learned to rely on that when im either sniping close to the nod base, or when im trying to get into the base with infantry with ob still running

  • 3 weeks later...

I am returning to the statement I made far earlier about the third person view.

I tried it, experimented with it, and now I think that you should not recreate the renegade third person view, but use the Unreal third person view.

Why? Because in renegade your looking partly over your shoulder, making it always possible to aim at a wall BEHIND your opponent. If you do this, you will ofcourse hit your opponent.

This mean that, if you do it right (also when you do it wrong), you can increase the amount of area to hit your enemy from +0,5 on very very long range, to more then 3 times at point black range. Which is ofcourse a huge advantage when using instant ammo (lasers, sniper bullets and everything that hits your enemy the moment you fire). There are cheats called 'bighead' and such, and they aren't allowed for a reason: it makes it very easy to hit your enemy by increasing size of the body or head, or making the entire body count as head. This third person view looks a bit too much like that. The only disadvantage is that it aims a little different from first person view, just a matter you have to get used too.

So, which third person view will you take? The UT version doesn't seem to have this being-able to fire behind your opponent thing that Renegade has.

Yours sincerely,


QUOTE (F15pilotX @ Sep 25 2008, 12:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The thing is, anyone can do it, so it's not like that's an unfair advantage ;) [/b]

My point is: I would prefer it if third person view would be just as usefull as first person view when it comes to shooting. Some people prefer to shoot in first person, and some prefer to shoot in third person. I would say that the choice between the two should be even, not as uneven that everyone shooting in third person suddenly have a far greater chance to hit then everyone shooting in first person.

Yours sincerely,
QUOTE (Demigan @ Sep 25 2008, 11:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My point is: I would prefer it if third person view would be just as usefull as first person view when it comes to shooting. Some people prefer to shoot in first person, and some prefer to shoot in third person. I would say that the choice between the two should be even, not as uneven that everyone shooting in third person suddenly have a far greater chance to hit then everyone shooting in first person.

Yours sincerely,

why not playing in 3rd person only then?
You can even get it for REALLIFE!! (<-- click!)
QUOTE (Pr0eX @ Sep 25 2008, 08:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
why not playing in 3rd person only then?
You can even get it for REALLIFE!! (<-- click!)[/b]

Nice video! But like I said, I still prefer first person view above third person view, even in real life. Especially as in real life, aiming isn't much improved as I don't have a targeting reticle that keeps perfect track of where I aim my gun, and as I'm in third person modus I can't really use the sights on the gun.

Tough luck, but you can try third person modus in real life if you want.
QUOTE (~Aydynbek~ @ Sep 27 2008, 01:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Each has its own advantages. First person is good for accurate firing, while 3rd person is good for observation.[/b]

Each has it's own advantages. But I think that having a much larger area to hit your opponent is a bit too much of an advantage.
I want to keep the advantage to third person modus to being able to see around corners. The first and third person modus should be a choice between what you like best, not between number one is way better then number two.

Yours sincerely,
  • 1 month later...

Getting hit and death.

When you die by base defences in renegade, you die in a specific way from where you were hit last. If you were hit in your arm and died, you would make a strange turn. Hit in your head would mean you fall right backwards, and getting hit in your crotch would make you slowly sag to the ground.

Question is, will this be in the mod too? or will you use the Unreal way of dieing (I.e. body's flying about etc.)

You've probably done the same thing sometime: You see a sniper on a rock and he doesn't see you. You sneak up to him and grab your best weapon: the autorifle. Now if you keep hitting him in the head from this range, you can kill him in less then a second!

But, the moment you hit him, he will bent double because he's hit, forcing you to move your mouse carefully to keep hitting that head, and praying you hit him enough that he doesn't get the time to turn and kill you.

Will this stay in the mod too? or will it be handled differently?

Yours sincerely,


  • 3 weeks later...

What points system are you going to use? The old one or the new, "fixed" system? I think you should use the old points system by default and perhaps give an option for the fixed points system. How about naming an MVP not based on points, but on a formula that includes buildings/vehicles destroyed, damage dealt, taken, etc.

  • Totem Arts Staff

We're relatively conservative when it comes to points, so what we're going to do is have a slightly modified version of the original Renegade point system. Meaning, the points system will be the same except for things like a Ramjet getting 12 points or so for shooting a Mammoth Tank and not damaging it.


Will Renegade X have those numpad commands which made your character salute, kick, punch and do all other funny things? :rolleyes:

  • 2 weeks later...

but it supposed ...

Rendering Technologies

* Direct3D 9/10, OpenGL 2/3 support

* Improved and enhanced hybrid scene management

* 64-bit and 128-bit color High Dynamic Range lighting and rendering pipeline

o Full day-night cycle with sunrise and sunset effects

* Many post-processing effects

o Light bloom

o Lenticular halos

o Depth-of-field

o Motion blur

+ Full scene

+ Object-base

+ Some scene

o Image based lighting

o Image based rendering

o Many more


well it was supposed .. not sure if the source is ok ... beyondunreal is normally not so bad .. but on unrealtechnology .. they dont talk about it .. sorry for the mess ..

  • 1 month later...

1) Are you going to add stuff that couldn't be done in renegade like a gunship on islands or something? :P

Nod could have that submarine, with a rocket pack attached, from the boat level in single player.


2) I probably asked before but I don't remember getting a "yes or no" answer. Will the tranny chopper be able to carry vehicles? (as a server side option?)

Maybe only cretin vehicles, say the light tank can be carried but not the medium tank!

You CAN do this in renegade! I SWEAR! It is just the vehicle goes onto of the tranny and it is really. freaking. hard.

QUOTE (epicelite @ Jan 7 2009, 04:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
1) Are you going to add stuff that couldn't be done in renegade like a gunship on islands or something? :P

Nod could have that submarine, with a rocket pack attached, from the boat level in single player.


2) I probably asked before but I don't remember getting a "yes or no" answer. Will the tranny chopper be able to carry vehicles? (as a server side option?)

Maybe only cretin vehicles, say the light tank can be carried but not the medium tank!

You CAN do this in renegade! I SWEAR! It is just the vehicle goes onto of the tranny and it is really. freaking. hard.[/b]

no and no
  • Totem Arts Staff

In Renegade all you were able to do was drive the vehicle on top of the aircraft. I guess you can try to do it in Renegade X, I cant guarantee it'll work.

It was obviously extremely difficult to do it in Renegade and never was part of the game.

QUOTE (NEFobbyGEN @ Jan 7 2009, 04:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
In Renegade all you were able to do was drive the vehicle on top of the aircraft. I guess you can try to do it in Renegade X, I cant guarantee it'll work.

It was obviously extremely difficult to do it in Renegade and never was part of the game.[/b]

Plus if they designed all that stuff and found out that it was worthless in the end, then they wasted more time than they could have had making the mod. It's just another detour down the road to handle if they started this.

I'm glad your just keeping it simple; and not adding more crap. I like the vechs in Renegade; but the quicker this mod is released, and the better it looks is more important to me. I love the texture; and specifically the design more than anything. You all agree with me; and if you didn't I'd be shocked...

In the lastest trailer, the characters move like they do in UT3. Will the animations be changed to match renegade's ?


How do you make your buildings? Are they completely staticmeshes or are they made of brushes?

Do you use 2 meshes like in the original game? (interior and exterior mesh)

I'm making my first steps in UnrealEd and 3D modeling ;)


And how will the mod look? Is RenegadeX going to be a game mode like CTF or Deathmatch or will it be a >Total Conversion< with the original menue from renegade and so on...like Reborn or APB

thx for answers :)


im not sure if the maps are that long that you really need that... but i can see a "random" time of day at the start being fun... not all was the same (which i know some fans will hate but o well)... or having it server side on what time of day a map is... if that possible :D

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