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I'm also an old school player. Back then my username was something like sniper_2444 (I think). Back then I was still in elementary school so I guess no one would remember me. I grew up playing this game,so I'm really excited to bring back a piece of my childhood back into my life.

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Good to see you 2d, got ya added on steam. I got whipchain, gridloc, and trukiller on there too, looking to add you too, (Ballstein) and see if we can all meet up for a game soon. Steam ID is cereal_klr, or it might come up as FivinTheEyE. Bring your old -BiO- T-shirts, if they still fit. :)


So many oldies! i remember playing with 90% of the people that have posted here o.O

I first started off playing on the UN server's then jumped too the Black-cell servers where i met many amazing people back in the days on teamspeak 2 my god that was so long ago, i remember losing my life to that game.

I used to go by the name of Buster/Buster177 was in a fair few clans back in those days ones i can remember being Black-Cell & DSG.

But i look forward to losing my life to this game allover again!


I played the demo and later full version actively on GSA, around 2002-2005-ish. Still got a lot of screenshots from clanwars against AoHx, AoA, IFF, 109thGW, ApM, BA, BiO, CEO, FLY, TTC etc...

Yo just found out about this today. But don't start hatin'. This could be a new beginning for us. Good to see y'all!

Hello, Ramrod.

It's 10 years ago, so I may have the wrong guy, but did you hit the spacebar with your forearm? For some reason I have a memory of a video of this. :P

I played the demo and later full version actively on GSA, around 2002-2005-ish. Still got a lot of screenshots from clanwars against AoHx, AoA, IFF, 109thGW, ApM, BA, BiO, CEO, FLY, TTC etc...
Yo just found out about this today. But don't start hatin'. This could be a new beginning for us. Good to see y'all!

Hello, Ramrod.

It's 10 years ago, so I may have the wrong guy, but did you hit the spacebar with your forearm? For some reason I have a memory of a video of this. :P

Yes I am the same Ramrod :)


I find this to be just freaking awesome!! so many memories and people from the past I just love it and am in ahhh! Cant wait for RenX .. I finally was able to get my old ren up and running and even remembered my wol name and pw! it wasn't complikae like I first thought turns out im complkat lol. I have only gotten to play once since I got it working and I was like a kid in candy store! I entered jelly like I was going to own the place then quickly realized how much I forgot and have no shooting or driving skills anymore.. but my awesome tech skills are still there hahaha the easy job ya know! Glad to see so many returning!!


When I heard Renegade X was finally coming, I think I jizzed in my pants. Ive been looking forward to this for a long time. Hoping to get some of my real-life friends in on this action.

I played Renegade religiously up to around 2005 and played on and off for another year or so. Started off playing mostly on the Pitts Renegade Server and then moved over to n00bstories, where I was a mod for a short time, and Jelly after the Pitts shut down. Back then, I went by Arconian.

Was a high rated sniper for a bit, though I was known to join in the vehicle fun if my team needed it. After a couple year break I came back to Renegade, but found that my sniper skills were really rusty so I didnt play a whole lot after my initial departure.

Never really got into the clan thing...


Old School player here aswell, played for years on this game, Played with the likes of Tzrah, Silenthunter, Sky. few of us started a clan called Spartan Forces -={SF}=-, Really looking forward to this game brings back so many good memories and it looks fucking awsome now aswell!!


I registered some time ago to check up on the progress of this game. It looks great! I can't wait to try out it, and can only pray that I can run it smoothly on my not-so-very-up-to-date pc.

Although I believe I would be justified in calling myself an oldschool player, I'm leaving a post in this particular thread mostly as a sort of beacon. I'm hoping it will attract some other former Gamespy clanplayers, wanting to play some (casual) games of Renegade X when it comes out.

Any former CEO/gse players (or any other familiar and friendly faces): drop me a pm!


I registered some time ago to check up on the progress of this game. It looks great! I can't wait to try out it, and can only pray that I can run it smoothly on my not-so-very-up-to-date pc.

Although I believe I would be justified in calling myself an oldschool player, I'm leaving a post in this particular thread mostly as a sort of beacon. I'm hoping it will attract some other former Gamespy clanplayers, wanting to play some (casual) games of Renegade X when it comes out.

Any former CEO/gse players (or any other familiar and friendly faces): drop me a pm!


Hey Elessar, good to hear from ya!! I'll be seeing ya in roughly a month. I'm not sure about any other CEO members coming back but it's drawn a lot of interest from tons of old players that I think we'll be seeing quite a few familiar faces!!

Reminiscing is awesome!

Who remembers the clan Exile(Xil) and the st0rm server/website with wilost0rm and that?

I remember XIL, good bunch of people, was part of the clan myself for a wee bit there.

Reminiscing is awesome!

Who remembers the clan Exile(Xil) and the st0rm server/website with wilost0rm and that?

I remember XIL, good bunch of people, was part of the clan myself for a wee bit there.

I was XilGlac back then :P never changed to st0rm tag but we played alongside / were part of st0rm group iirc.


StripeyTL here.

Really old school player, from release through 2003 probably. Didn't play much after that, worked alot behind the scenes on the Clanwars league for a while.

I was in clan [CW] while we were active the summer of 2002. Played with most of those guys from a computer lab at the university of pittsburgh. Still know most of them in real life. We had some epic feuds with the likes of WL, OPs, FooFoo, and DoA. Lots of other clans too, but those are the ones i remember the best. We never played on gamespy, so its cool to see that there was an entire world going on over there.

Probably my biggest claim to Renegade fame was starting up the first marathon server. I used a PC hidden away at the university's lab to host it. (OC3 connection was awesome at the time) Called it the "Free Beer Marathon Server". Our clan loved no-time limit games because it stopped all the base camping that the other clans liked to do. I was trying to get more people to realize how much fun games of Renegade could be when there was no time limit and the points didn't matter. Had a blast on that server.. some truly epic 3-4 hour games. I hosted the server through the summer until the network guys caught me and shut it down. Years of logging into Renegade i would always find people hosting "marathon" servers.. so i was quite proud that i helped to get it rolling.


How do you guys still remember your Renegade names after 10+ years, I forgot mine already and the last time I played was 2007. But I still remember some other peoples', especially those who've killed me many times. I'm talking about you, jez636363. If you play Ren X I'm going to hunt you down.


Hey I remember your name! I was in DZ at some point as well I can only really remember jalipin0 was that the same clan as you qwik? And we went on to play halo for a bit after. I was always changing my name though so I couldn't remember most of my log ins.

How do you guys still remember your Renegade names after 10+ years...

Spend a lot time there ... we had a great community ... sometimes still think about the time

How do you guys still remember your Renegade names after 10+ years, I forgot mine already and the last time I played was 2007. But I still remember some other peoples', especially those who've killed me many times. I'm talking about you, jez636363. If you play Ren X I'm going to hunt you down.

Ive only had 3 internet aliases in my entire online gaming career. Id be rather easy to DOX.


There are still a few active communities for those of you who might still want to play. MultiPlayerForum's Ultra-AOW and Jelly-Games Marathon both still get 50 player games going consistently. Mostly in the North American late afternoons-nights plus weekends.

Forgot about Rencorner there :P We still get full servers, mostly in early morning american time.

But anyways, I am [synC]Trojan[L] on GSA and Volcom on WOL. Been playing Renegade for over 10 years and also been the part of many communities. I mostly played clanwars, but I recognize quite a few names. Also I am currently the owner of Rencorner.com. Anyways I look forward to seeing you guys in game in the near future!


I am, as well, an old school player. I was 12 when the game came out and I started playing it on launch day IIRC, bot that I could ever remember my name if I tried. Can't wait to see this game and do some destroying of bases with all of you. Btw Kwik, for some reason I feel like I recognize your name, which is surprising since it's been so long. Anyway, 15 days!


Played Renegade from its release to whenever the official servers shut down. I recognize a few names.. mine was the same as my username, Mrcod. Looking forward to getting back into it.


Well, thought I'd register and say hello to any who might remember me. :)

In the now-ancient past, I used to go by a name called "Naamloos", which actually means nameless in Dutch. I ended up changing my name to what it still is today when I first played Renegade online. Other than playing Renegade a lot, I used to work for the team that developed Red Alert: A Path Beyond, amongst other C&C projects. I stopped working on that several years ago, but ever since then I never really had the time to pick up any new modding or general game development projects (and to be honest, I actually miss doing it).

I've followed the progress of this project a little bit over the years, as I still do with several other C&C projects, I guess it must be nostalgia that keeps me from forgetting C&C, or the community around it.

I'll be sure to check out Renegade X when it releases this month!



Being playing Renegade from Day 1. Cool to see some old names

I still play at Ultra and sometime Jelly. I hope to see you guys in either Ren X or good old Rene


Well after reading about the shenanigans that Wilost0rm conducted, I'm not surprised. I chose my alias of St0rmbrkr (favorite book was Stormbreaker - Alex Rider series) before I became associated with the St0rm server. I hope that my name won't bring negative connotations, as I am very excited to be a part of this game and I hope I see and catch up with some other gamers from back in the day.

Played Renegade from its release to whenever the official servers shut down. I recognize a few names.. mine was the same as my username, Mrcod. Looking forward to getting back into it.

We meet again, old friend :)

Hello there.... Old School gamer as well... Fell in love with this game from the Demo with C&C Under... I went go by Dedf3ar still... that's always been my name... But I for one cannot wait to have no life and only online friends again because of this game... My real job keeps me social enough...

I recognize quite a few of the more memorable names... i was in the Clan [JtEK] and a couple others.. but Jtek was my main one.

Forgive me, but I don't remember you. :\

I was/am a cofounder of JTeK. I was most active between 2002-2005, mostly via clanwars.cc. Along with Stripey, I most remember guys in the higher-end of clanwars... CW, FooFoo, WL, DoA, FC, OPS, etc. I also remember some of you BIO guys. I still might have a few of you on as steam contacts. I'll be following this game pretty closely, as it would be amazing to re-live the epic Renegade days.

"2v2cw??? y u dodge???"

Oh man...

Any old black cell players around? :)
Was gonna ask the same.

I'm not sure I'm part of the old or core group there (I guess it depends on who you ask), but before they closed, I definitely spent most of my time there as my home server. I wasn't too active on their website/forums/IRC though. Some may recognize me as H3llian07. I can't say I recognize your name though (I recognize the NXC tag though); was it different?

I recall participating in one of the Black-Cell vs Jelly matches that Jelly hosted. Black-Cell was already closed by then, and I (and many other Black-Cell players, it seemed) moved more to Jelly. I sided with Black-Cell in those matches.

I would love to see some of the old group, maybe even play on a Black-Cell server if it could be active enough. I notice their forums are still up but I'm not sure as to what their status is these days with the game. I stopped playing original Renegade years ago.

(edit: they have a forum section for a Renegade X server but it's empty at the moment, and seeing some of the posts/names there took me back; would definitely jump back with them if they had a consistent play base when I went to play.)

I used to rock oo00o00oo back in RenStation.
I remember you. I went under a different name then, but RenStation was so legit. Favorite server by far.
I was/am a cofounder of JTeK. I was most active between 2002-2005, mostly via clanwars.cc. Along with Stripey, I most remember guys in the higher-end of clanwars... CW, FooFoo, WL, DoA, FC, OPS, etc. I also remember some of you BIO guys. I still might have a few of you on as steam contacts. I'll be following this game pretty closely, as it would be amazing to re-live the epic Renegade days.

"2v2cw??? y u dodge???"

Oh man...

Haha {DoA} represent! I remember playing y'all a few times, those were fun days. I might have been F15pilotX at that point though.

Before NXC I was akiller51. I was definitely a nobody until NXC lol, then the only reputation I may have had was being a loudmouth bossy asshole hahahaha. I was always yelling at the team to do something instead of farting around xD I was maybe above average, but definitely not one of the top ridiculously good players lol. A lot of the black cell clan members will remember me, as I drove them crazy all the time hahaha. I started in 03, when I was 13 lmfao, and played regularly till I was 18ish, so 08/09 maybe. Once BC shut down my regular renegade days went away, I've played jelly a bit after but never regular. Just every once in a while with some friends lol

Oh gawd I remember clanwars.cc. Haha we hated it.


hey maybe someone remembers the Top German Clan "RAF: Renegade Attack Front", i was in there for a long time.

My Nick was "RAF Knallgott"

When i was playing Renegade since 2002 i meet my girlfriend there. We are in a relationship now since 9 Years. C&C Renegade made it happen! Thx for that ;D

hey maybe someone remembers the Top German Clan "RAF: Renegade Attack Front", i was in there for a long time.

My Nick was "RAF Knallgott"

When i was playing Renegade since 2002 i meet my girlfriend there. We are in a relationship now since 9 Years. C&C Renegade made it happen! Thx for that ;D

Hey good for you two :D I mostly played on US servers so i don't really know the EU communities that well tbh.


IGN was Usheen / ~SOC~Usheen for a long time then started to rotate it quite a bit. Hopefully will see a lot of faces I remember!

Former SOC here. Any OSTK's that used to play on Atomix around? I miss one of them in particular :(


I haven't played in many, many years, but I used to be one of the top players in the game. While RenegadeX confuses the shit out of me, it's somewhat nostalgic to just be playing something similar to a game I wasted so much of my youth playing.

And I remember your bitch ass akiller. Unfortunately...

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