Totem Arts Staff [NE]Fobby[GEN] Posted January 8, 2012 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted January 8, 2012 Do you have a portfolio?
nati Posted January 8, 2012 Posted January 8, 2012 like a workbook? to see what things i made? if yes then the answer is no but if you got skype or other way of passing files then i can show you some
Generalcamo Posted January 9, 2012 Posted January 9, 2012 You could start a DevientArt page and upload renders and make an internet portfolio.
Geckos Posted February 2, 2012 Posted February 2, 2012 Hello, my name is Sita Duncan. I am primarily a 2-d artist, but I would like to help with the project however I can, be it splash art, cover art, or "propaganda" art pieces. For an example of what I mean by propaganda art, I will link you to a piece of art done by Jeff Axer on deviantart; one of his images for Team Fortress 2: Something like that, but for Renegade X, I think, would be greatly amusing. You can find many examples of my art work on my portfolio website: Let me know what you think! Thanks, -Sita
Renardin Posted October 2, 2012 Posted October 2, 2012 Well if you still need help on textures, I can help on some stuff. New skills, I got. Just let me know. Also I am up for testing session but lost my access to internals... don't know why.
Totem Arts Staff Nielsen Posted October 23, 2012 Totem Arts Staff Posted October 23, 2012 Did anyone get back to you guys or? Fobby's quite busy at the moment. So that's why I'm asking.
NowhereNews Posted July 4, 2013 Posted July 4, 2013 Hmmm... do you need Music / ambient sounds? I could create some...
Former Developers Havoc89 Posted July 4, 2013 Former Developers Posted July 4, 2013 Do you have a portfolio of sorts? any example work that we can listen to?
NowhereNews Posted July 5, 2013 Posted July 5, 2013 Yes, I have already composed songs, altough none of them are... Finished. I tend to run out of inspiration and/or time to finish them properly. I don't really think they are worth listening to, but I could post them if you want me to. I will start working on something that may be of use to the game next week.
Former Developers Havoc89 Posted July 5, 2013 Former Developers Posted July 5, 2013 Well I am just asking for any sample pieces so that we can figure if you are suited for the job.
Former Developers Havoc89 Posted July 8, 2013 Former Developers Posted July 8, 2013 You have a portfolio site or anything like that Renardin? I know you've worked on Reborn for ever, but that's not exactly current gen graphics.
Renardin Posted July 9, 2013 Posted July 9, 2013 I am still not a modeler, I make the textures. More a 2D artist. I know it's different but from what I saw (your current textures) I can do the same. I would just need some tips to create the different map needed from my PSD (such stuff as specular or normal map...) I have the graphical skill, I just need some quick tips for the possibilites. Some of my last works. ... itcase.jpg ... rooper.jpg I am a quick self-learner. I started texturing in 2002 with no skills at all and from what I see, as most of the details are done on the model on UDK, it would then be even more easy for me I guess. (I just need to read one or two tutorials for what I miss as explained and if you can link me to that and send me a small props on my email, then I will show you what I can do.)
NowhereNews Posted July 9, 2013 Posted July 9, 2013 I listened to the ost of Black Dawn. I have to say that these remakes are beyond my skill in quality... but I could remake/compose less skill demanding ambient music. I was wondering if you already have something similar to the music payed during multiplayer practice:
Former Developers Havoc89 Posted July 10, 2013 Former Developers Posted July 10, 2013 @Renardin, Hey, I am still not really convinced that you will be able to produce work that is up to current gen par. The other thing is that we do not have any un-textured models simply because we only take on artist that can handle creating something from start to finish. All of our artist are fully capable of modeling, unwrapping and texturing their own assets so we've never really needed anyone who just textures or just makes models. So even if you were the best guy in the world at texturing, and as much as I would like to have more artists on the team, unfortunately I don't think there would be anything for you to do. The only thing I can think of is re-texturing older assets that are not really up to par, but that is something we're intentionally staying away from because it can unnecessarily extend development time. @NowhereNews, If you want to make a track for renegade x then that is up to you. We don't have a remake of that particular track, but again, we have no idea where your skill set lies so its hard for me to give you a solid answer.
Renardin Posted July 10, 2013 Posted July 10, 2013 Ok fine, I understand. Think about me for a beta slot then
Former Developers Havoc89 Posted July 11, 2013 Former Developers Posted July 11, 2013 Send me a PM, I think I may have something that you could try your hand at texturing on. This way I can better gauge where your skill lies for current gen.
Renardin Posted July 15, 2013 Posted July 15, 2013 For some odd reason, I can't reply to you with pm "Some users couldn’t be added as they have disabled private message receipt." Join me on or skype as you requested : Renardin6 on skype.
Sketchz Posted December 3, 2013 Posted December 3, 2013 Hey, I am a graphic artist, I am interested in helping, maybe do some promotional artwork or such, I have experience working with Hammerpoint Interactive and a few other small Company's designing logos and promotional artwork for games. Most recent was a Promotional wallpaper for a zombie survival game called War Z (Infestation Survivor stories now) My Portfolio is I would love to assist if any help in promoting or artwork is needed. Please reply
Faithe Posted December 31, 2013 Posted December 31, 2013 hi it would be nice who would give her an old fan renegate a beta key so as a belated x mas gift. Besides others, I am a poor student with a lot of time: D thank you and please: D
Totem Arts Staff Dr_Chat Posted January 5, 2014 Totem Arts Staff Posted January 5, 2014 You people still need a programmer? I'm great at C++.
RypeL Posted January 5, 2014 Posted January 5, 2014 That depends if you have Unreal Script experience. At this time we only accept programmers with decent experience in Unreal Script.
Totem Arts Staff Dr_Chat Posted January 5, 2014 Totem Arts Staff Posted January 5, 2014 Unfortunately I don't have experience in Unreal Script.
willemvh Posted February 13, 2014 Posted February 13, 2014 hey guys. I am a long time c&c renegade fan. I personaly have no experience with 3D art etc. but i went to a programming university where they have a unique batchlor / master for game dev! ALOT of students there would love to help on this project. I think you can find alot of intrested partys over on there forums (alot of games out there so you might wanna introduce yourself). A link to the education is found here You can even trow a shout out to the teachers (i know some of em from back in the studying days and they are always on the lookout for fun projects to teach with) Hope this helps !
morse Posted March 3, 2014 Posted March 3, 2014 Hi there. I see that you are very picky on the candidates, so I can't but wonder: what is the .. err .. status, I guess .. of your team? It soesn't look like your next open-source fan video game project in both the privacy and (luckily!) the quality of art. You don't even have a publicly-available dev forum. Is it because you have some sort of NDA or CLA or some such stuff? On the very least: what is your license? Will the sources be available (I already asked this question on IRC, but the answer wasn't very determent), and if yes - under what license. And with what copyrights.
NodCommander Posted March 4, 2014 Posted March 4, 2014 Hi there. I see that you are very picky on the candidates, so I can't but wonder: what is the .. err .. status, I guess .. of your team? It soesn't look like your next open-source fan video game project in both the privacy and (luckily!) the quality of art. You don't even have a publicly-available dev forum. Is it because you have some sort of NDA or CLA or some such stuff? On the very least: what is your license? Will the sources be available (I already asked this question on IRC, but the answer wasn't very determent), and if yes - under what license. And with what copyrights. Renegade X is not open source.
morse Posted March 5, 2014 Posted March 5, 2014 Renegade X is not open source. That is not quite true. First, in the news about RX-0.5 release there is a note that the sources and a map editor should be available, although I didn't find them, so maybe the devs decided otherwise later, and second, some developer (RypeL, IIRC) said that there are plans to release the current sources "soon©". And anyway, it doesn't answer the question about the license and such.
R315r4z0r Posted March 12, 2014 Posted March 12, 2014 And anyway, it doesn't answer the question about the license and such. Totem Arts doesn't own any license. This is an EA property that EA has given permission for Totem Arts to use provided they make no money off of it. Everything the devs do in terms of recruitment and development and publicity are purely because that's just how they like to do things, not because of some licensing agreement.
Prof.Koni Posted March 16, 2014 Posted March 16, 2014 Hello dear Totem Arts Team, I have a question to you and the Developer-Team: Are you still searching for programmers, sound artists, etc.? Because I would like to help you if you're searching. I have experiences with: Game-Engines: - Unreal-Development-Kit (learning it at the moment) - The Source-Engine (I've made a small Mod for Half Life 2) - Unity3D (tried to make a horror game with it) Modeling-Programmes: - 3DS-Max (learning it at the moment) - Google-Sketchup (made things for Unity3D with it) - A little bit with Blender Others: - Joomla 2.5 (I had a website once) - The C&C Worldbuilders (for Tiberium Wars, Red Alert 3 and Tiberian Twilight; I've made a lot of maps since 2010) - Audacity Maybe I can help you a bit, it would be a pleasure to me. And maybe you know my project, at which I am working at the moment: viewtopic.php?f=30&t=72684 It would be a pleasure to me if I can help this awesome community. Sincerely, Konrad
iownthisnick Posted February 19, 2015 Posted February 19, 2015 Don't know if this is the right place to post this or if anyone has offered to assist in this department, but I could help with correcting the in-game text. I have no skill in programming.
RypeL Posted February 19, 2015 Posted February 19, 2015 What exactly do you mean by correcting the ingame chat ?
iownthisnick Posted February 19, 2015 Posted February 19, 2015 I didn't mean chat text, I meant the game text which appears anywhere in the game and which is visible to users. For example, the text which appears while the map is loading or on the main screen, or the in-game text that tells you who killed who or who committed suicide.
RypeL Posted February 19, 2015 Posted February 19, 2015 Yeah but what do you mean by 'correcting' it ? Whats wrong with it ? What could you provide ?
iownthisnick Posted February 20, 2015 Posted February 20, 2015 They are, as far as I have seen, mostly typos and sentences which have an awkward structure. For example, when a player commits suicide, it is written "comitted" instead of "committed". Another example that comes to mind is the structure of the sentence which gives players a tip on timing airstrikes (I haven't got the exact sentence in mind, but it basically tells you to time your airstrikes because they take a few seconds before hitting their target). I would like to help correct all these little things and just to do my (very little) part in helping this great game grow. I could compile the corrected text either in an MS Word file or in a private message. It isn't much and perhaps you've already fixed all of these things in Beta 4, but if you haven't, I'm offering to help.
Totem Arts Staff NodSaibot Posted February 20, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted February 20, 2015 They are, as far as I have seen, mostly typos and sentences which have an awkward structure. For example, when a player commits suicide, it is written "comitted" instead of "committed". Another example that comes to mind is the structure of the sentence which gives players a tip on timing airstrikes (I haven't got the exact sentence in mind, but it basically tells you to time your airstrikes because they take a few seconds before hitting their target).I would like to help correct all these little things and just to do my (very little) part in helping this great game grow. I could compile the corrected text either in an MS Word file or in a private message. It isn't much and perhaps you've already fixed all of these things in Beta 4, but if you haven't, I'm offering to help. Most of the developers' first languages were not English. They are fixing them as we go. Most are gone, but some are not. It doesn't really change much
noxidevad Posted February 21, 2015 Posted February 21, 2015 Surely the text is the least of our concerns at this precise moment.
Totem Arts Staff kenz3001 Posted February 22, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted February 22, 2015 Surely the text is the least of our concerns at this precise moment. you tying to say our maps is bad ? but yer spelling is an easy fix
noxidevad Posted February 23, 2015 Posted February 23, 2015 only yours kenz .. joking aside, spelling is a minor issue, sorting out the fixes that need required is of more important than a word spelt wrong within the game
Kushan Posted March 1, 2015 Posted March 1, 2015 Might I make a suggestion? Upload the project to github. I'm not sure what the team's stance on open source is, but as it's very much a community driven project, it makes a lot of sense to put it on Github and let many people potentially contribute to it. The team will still keep control of what does and doesn't go in via simply accepting pull requests. I'd love to help contribute, but I don't think it's worth going through the recruitment process as my time is quite limited. It also means things like those spelling mistakes could be a great start for someone looking to help but without much experience. Just a suggestion.
JeepRubi Posted March 24, 2015 Posted March 24, 2015 That's actually something I was thinking about recently, but we haven't discussed it as a team as of yet, although I don't see why we couldn't.
Kushan Posted March 24, 2015 Posted March 24, 2015 That's actually something I was thinking about recently, but we haven't discussed it as a team as of yet, although I don't see why we couldn't. That would be really cool, especially with the new SDK being out. People could just clone the Repo for all their modding goodness and it'll keep up to date with changes and patches.
Thundernerd Posted August 24, 2015 Posted August 24, 2015 Might I make a suggestion? Upload the project to github. I'm not sure what the team's stance on open source is, but as it's very much a community driven project, it makes a lot of sense to put it on Github and let many people potentially contribute to it. The team will still keep control of what does and doesn't go in via simply accepting pull requests.I'd love to help contribute, but I don't think it's worth going through the recruitment process as my time is quite limited. It also means things like those spelling mistakes could be a great start for someone looking to help but without much experience. Just a suggestion. That's actually something I was thinking about recently, but we haven't discussed it as a team as of yet, although I don't see why we couldn't. I second this as well! Would love to help doing things but since I'm currently making a game my time is quite limited. Keep us updated!
Agent Posted August 24, 2015 Posted August 24, 2015 The source is already on GitHub, though the master branch hasn't been getting updated regularly (last updated about a month ago?), so I'll update it at some point today. All the non-code stuff isn't on GitHub, though. Edit: Forgot to mention where it's at on Github, which is here:
Thundernerd Posted August 25, 2015 Posted August 25, 2015 Nice to hear that. I'll check it out once it's updated! Last update is indeed a while ago, 5 months . Edit: Whoops, I was looking at the Beta 4 branch, my bad.
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