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Everything posted by Luhrian

  1. You need to do it in the world properties.
  2. I'll try to build it for you on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday. This night I need to build Sahara .
  3. You sure that you didn't move anything after the lgihtning build? It can happen very quick by accident. You need to save it immediatly after the build is finished to prevent crashes (what happend to me way too often) and little accidents like this.
  4. Here is the DL-Link for the Config file for CNC-LakesideGround. This file goes in UDKGame/Config. https://www.mediafire.com/file/1ct2xtet3tc70q9/CNC-LakesideGround.ini
  5. Btw I saved this improved version. I can upload it and you can copy the stuff you want over to your map. It will be exactly at the same position, where it is on my map. Btu you can't copy the foliage, only the properties I changed over there. So you can just copy them and place the foliage by yourself.
  6. Luhrian


    Well, if you think so
  7. Luhrian


    Well, give it a purple lightning, give smoke emitters a little purple touch, a bit more fog. Wouldn't be much work to do this. I would suggest CNC-Tomb for this @TK0104. I think it will look very nice with purple fire in the tempel.
  8. If you say, what's the problem, I could help you with that. But you will only have issues the whole time with these Harvs, so maybe just do them later.
  9. I worked on this version, too. Here are the things I made: Lakeside NF change list (V 1.1 and 1.2).txt There are also: a new Silo Tiberium Trees and maybe a few things I don't know or don't remember.
  10. View File CNC-Sahara This is a continued version of CNC-Sand from IllumZar Submitter Luhrian Submitted 09/10/2017 Category Levels
  11. Luhrian


    Version 1.3


    This is a continued version of CNC-Sand from IllumZar
  12. @Arch-nemesis Just send it me, I don't know much about world properties and other stuff, but I should get this.
  13. Check your RX_BaseBuilding_PrefabKit, maybe you messed it up by accident. Happend to me too mutiple times
  14. Yoo, Try-Out and me took a little look on this maps and we just want to tell you, what we think about it. @DoctorAnubis had to notice that too, the sky material isn't that nice, use another one, there are enough There are some missing materials. I know you maybe don't want to hear that already now, but I think it is always good, to put things from the beginnig in his own package. That make it much easier later. You are using atm 1 big water plane. It is too high scaled for the material and it looks like it is floating very hard. And I would say, that it isn't normal a lake. Use more, but smaller water planes. If you want an example you can take a look at the water from Cliffside. For this destroyed Gunboat, you could use the destroyed AC-130 material, so it is looking a bit more destroyed. From a distance, nobody will notice that (take a look on Cliffside if you want to know what I mean). 1 very important tip for you. You maybe think: Well, I'm making the basic design, it doesn't matter if this stuff is floating or not. I was thinking like that, too. And I must say: IT WAS THE BIGGEST MISTAKE I'VE EVER MADE IN CNC-FOREST. I had to stick like 250 trees by myself inside the ground (Maybe because I was too dumb to use Foliage, but that is not important atm). That will cost you time, you could use somewhere else better. So you should start slowly to watch, that you don't place that much floating stuff. You should make first a nice looking landscape and place after that the trees and the other stuff. Make sure that the Harvester isn't driving over the aristrip when you release your beta. There will be problems with spawning tanks. I have some more "bugs" and suggestions for this map, but I think that is enough for now. You said you want to have things about the map design, so I wont bombard you with map bugs. Just say it, if you want to have them. The first problem about the map design is the open base entrance. There is not enough cover for the buildings. For Nod it is even worse then for GDI. Second Problem: A nuke in these containers is very easy to defend and is a big advantage for Nod. Try-Out and me don't really like it that you are able to snipe in the base like this. But if you think, that you want that you can leave it like that. But you should block shooting inside base with some rocks or something else. So that's it for now. I hope it is helping you, even if it isn't exactly that what you want Keep it up! Luhrian
  15. You just need to take a buggy, drive the waterfall down and get out. You can also walk to the place, where the temple should be.
  16. Try said, the temple spammed some warnings in the server logs, I'm sure we'll get some screens soon.
  17. There are 2 important things, when you try to build your lights: The Lightmass volume The world properties The Lightmass volume is basicly just a big box around your map (it shouldn't be too big ofc). The world properties are a bit more difficult. I'm sure you can find some tutorials to set them up in the internert, but you can also copy them from other maps. So if you want to make a night map you could use for example the Directional Light and the world properties from Volcano. Interesting for the Lightning is only "Rendering" and "Lightmass".
  18. No temple There are also a few missing materials, just open your map in Skirmish and you'll see, if some materials are missing.
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