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Everything posted by Luhrian

  1. We can't really change the position of the vehicle path, cause the MC side is Inf only for the most part. Also it wouldn't work well with the additional Infantry Path over there. But I think we can easily fix this spot with a few additional rocks next to the new tank path. Also switching the Air and Hond around will most likely cause more problems, already fixed some bad MRLS spots where you could hit Hond from the Fort with the current base layout. Changing the direction of the Hond wouldn't really work well without any bigger changes since a 90° turn will not fit inside the base and a 180° turn will expose the building to MRLS spam even more, that Hand is just too big. I think the teleporters are in a pretty good spot. A teleporter inside every building would be too OP since you would be able to get into another building in less than a second, which will make rushes and sneaking pretty much useless. So it is actually pretty important, that the teleporters are not located inside a building. Furthermore Fort didn't suffer from the distance between bar and ref or WF and ref being too big, the problem was always the huge distance between the two exterior buildings. I think I considered all of these things when I placed those teleporters, creating a good balance between having an easier time defending the base, while it won't be too hard to kill a building for the opposing team (ofc this balance needs some testing). There is a trigger volume inside the building that will kill you if you have the wrong team number, this is explained with the energy shield placed there. But the doors will be removed soon, because of Kishit does not really work as desired in online play. Those energy shields will do the job too, because you can't shoot through them, but still sad, spent hours with setting this whole thing up, especially the sounds... As far as I know this turret is supposed to be removed within the next versions. That shouldn't happen, we will take a look inside this, thank you for reporting. Thank you for testing, I hope I was able to explain why Fort is looking the way it is 🙃.
  2. Ye, well was just a meme, I'm not serious about that . That's why we are in Off Topic.
  3. Do I need to explain this? Just look at the mini map, it is literally a big U, lol.
  4. Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know that this project is still alive (or again). There will be one additional infantry path and tank path to create a better gamplay experience. Furthermore I'm reworking the whole background, which is a lot of work, but I have made some good progress now. So stay patient, Fort should come back within this year . Edit: Oh and did I mentioned the teleporters yet?
  5. Luhrian

    the struggle.png

    Don't know what my picture programm made there, but can't redo it now. Hope you still enjoy it!
  6. Meinst du die Liste, die du mit .rank im game aufrufen kannst? Wenn ja, dann musst du jedes mal bevore du RenX startest, dich bei Steam einloggen und es im Hintergrund offen halten. Nur dann werden deine Statistiken auch tatsächlich auf das Leaderboard übertragen.
  7. Luhrian


    Playing Under is really not funny tbh...
  8. I actually just noticed, that I'd love to take a look inside the Black Dawn map .
  9. The trailer is really well done, probs to the editors. Really looking forward to play this
  10. Thanks for this information @Handepsilon. I just want to add a quick reminder, that the problem with the spotting areas in the tunnels isn't fixed yet (at least not in the current patch). I made a post about that a few weeks ago. I added the text from the post underneath the link Hey, another thing which I noticed are the Spotting Areas on Field X. It seems like, that somebody forgot to add Spotting Areas for the PP tunnels. So if you spot an enemy in those tunnels it always says Barracks or Airstrip, which is pretty confusing sometimes. Since it isn't hard to fix that I would volunteer to do it, just pm me in case you accept my offer. Enemy player represented here with a Nuke. Luhrian
  11. Hello there, I was just playing a bit on Field X and decided to share the problems I have with this map, while presenting a possible soloution to fix that. 1. The exposed Nod base When Nod get's locked in base the Nod tanks have to set up in this postion to get an angle on the enemy tanks. The Problem with this is, that there is no cover in this area, those tanks are often getting killed pretty quickly by GDI tanks in the main field. It is so hard to maintain this position, which makes it way harder for Nod to fight back. Being base locked as Nod once often ends in being base locked the whole game. And if you compare this to the GDI Base, you'll notice, that the GDI has 2 Chokepoints as base entrances, which are much easier to hold than the wide open Nod base entrance. Damaged tanks can quickly retreat to save positions while Nod tanks have a much harder time getting through that field alive. By that, it is easier for GDI to mass up tanks in their base and break out. Also Nod tanks can be focused down trying to reach the long path and GDI has no problem at all to do that, when they are locked. Same goes for Infantry trying to reach the bunker Anyway, the soloution for this would be adding more cover for Nod (obvious I guess). I would suggest to reach that goal by moving the Nod bunker a bit to the right and then fill the space between the bunker and the rocks with some more rocks. By that the tanks and infantry have much more cover. live modified I really think this little movement of the Nod bunker could improve the game experience for Nod and provide the same map conditions for both teams. Other and especially better suggestions to fix this problem are of course always welcome. 2. The Nod Harvester I can't talk about problems in Field without mentioning the Nod Harvester. There are 2 problems with it: it drives way deeper into the Field, by that it is way more vulnerable it takes 12 seconds longer per turn compared to GDI's Harvester (it's the same thing for normal field too). Ofc, those 12 seconds don't have a big impact, but there is a pretty easy way to fix both things with one simple move. Just move the tiberium field a bit closer to the Nod base. The Harvester is a bit safer, similar to GDI's and both Harvesters need the same time for a turn, ez. Moving the center of the tiberium field about 800 in direction of the Nod bas entrance should do it. If this is getting fixed, Field X could become a map, that has the best conditions to provide good gameplay for both sides at all times. I hope you consider my suggestions and improve this map. Luhrian
  12. Luhrian

    [Mod] Korca

    If you add some sounds for the missels and the machine gun, it would be perfect.
  13. 2.8.3 just fixing some minor details to get everything perfect little (for the player not noticeable) Kismet changes to prevent weird bugs
  14. Mabye don't display this 180 seconds message, make a countdown for it. So if you try to donate after 120 seconds in game it says "Donations will be enabled in 60 seconds" or something like that. Would make it easier to keep track of everything, especially when you don't know the "waiting for Players" time on the server you are currently playing on.
  15. 2.8.2 released 2.8.2 Change log: all Players will receive 170 credits after the first Harvester dump Explanation: I feel like many maps are pretty inbalanced because Nod tanks are cheaper than GDI tanks, so the Nod team can take first Field control pretty quick and easy and lock the GDI team in their base. What makes this problem even worse on Forest is the short time the Harvester needs for one turn ( it is about 1 minute and 5 seconds), which has the consequence that the credits per dump are pretty low and that means GDI has to wait way longer to get some useful tanks out. As a RenX player you can observer that on many maps, for example Field, Islands, Tomb, Lakeside and Outposts. Of course I will observe the effects on the gameplay closely and make adjustments if needed. added some EVA announcements fixed Harvester stuck added destroyable obstacles fixed stuck spot at Medical Center changed tree materials changed some rendering properties fixed some bad collisions I have requested to play another game in a Pug on this map, so if you are interested to see how all of this works out in a real game keep an eye on the reminders channel in the RenX discord.
  16. 2.8.1 released 2.8.1 fixed mutiple stuck spots GDI Deco comm center is visible now changed some tree materials fixed Kane screen isn't moving the way it is supposed to updated preview image
  17. Luhrian


  18. 2.8 released Change log: General: reduced package size by removing night assets area around Nod gun emplacement is now only Infantry added Endgame Camera fixed Tib Sun GDI logo needs BH packages fixed bad culling Envoirment: added wind and bird sounds reduced river size added Kane speech added Kismet stuff (for example Tib Grow sequence) added screens for bunker PC rendering changes, scene is brighter now Income: Team Silo credits reduced from 1 per tick to 0.5 per tick Credits per Harvester dump increased from 160 to 180 Also: @kira wrote a script for the MC flags, they will change colors now depending on the team that owns the Medical Center. But this wont work until the next patch.
  19. Similar to the Obelisk in C&C 3 Tiberium Wars
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