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Totem Arts Staff
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Everything posted by Luhrian

  1. I know it is not really relevant and maybe it isn't worth to do a whole new lightning build for that, but I noticed that the Nod turret is floating a bit.
  2. Luhrian

    I'm out

    It is sad that we loose you Nexus. The developers provided the community with the possiblity to create their own maps and that is great. But these maps that were created are not getting played, because either the server owners don't want to get the server killed because of one or the players don't want to spend time downloading them. This lack of support for custom maps makes the release of a SDK for the community pointless, because projects that were with it are not being used. The developers are in my opinion really the only people that can really help the creators here, but they never did and I can understand their reasons. But on the other hand it will change nothing if the developers keep doing nothing about it and we loose maps with great potential like CNC-Steppe, which I really liked playing on, even with the low player count. The only theoretical and practical possible soloution would be adding those custom maps to an official patch, because then everyone has to download it. I know it is controversial, because the devs are responsible for everything in the game but only a week or two of testing it under normal circumstances would be unbelivable helpful. If the map is complete bs? Well then kick it out with the next patch, but if it is good integrate it into the game and you get a great new map. At least for CNC-Steppe, because I think it has huge potential. I hope you think about my suggestion Luhrian
  3. I think in extreme campy situations it is good to be able to do this double buff.
  4. 2.4 released I'm currently messing around with the lightning and day times on this map. The version I uploaded now is an evening version, a midday version and the night version will be added if we don't find any bugs or problems while testing. No point in doing 3 lightning builds if I need to change everything afterwards . After that I'll update the preview images and maybe Mini Maps. Have fun!
  5. Maybe give the team if it has destroyed a building and it got revived a VP boost, like 40 VP or something, which provides them combined with the VP from the building destruction a nice advantage to remain the upper hand. At the same time this will provide the team, which lost a building, a possibility for a comeback without having an unfair advantage against the other team.
  6. I honestly don't like the idea of a restore all buildings vote. In my opinion that you loose acess to some purchase options after a building got destroyed is an important part of the game. Also a vote like that is pretty unfair. For example if GDI looses the WF and rebuilds it with a vote and afterwards Nod is loosing the airstrip and the vote does not pass, it is like GDI got an extra building, which can be a huge advantage. It is also pretty frustrating to see, that a building you have just destroyed with hard work just got rebuild and you can start at the beginnig again, especially if the enemy team wins because of that revive afterwards . Matches in RenX are often long enough, we don't need to make them even longer with such possibilities. But of course it is a nice idea, especially when bar or Hon is destroyed, because without them, the game is literally unplayable . But I appreciate your engagement to give RenX a even better playing experience.
  7. But you'll get the same problem that you have when you put it on the public servers. People need to download and often they don't have the patience or the internet connection to do so.
  8. Luhrian

    RenX Memes

    Hey there, like an hour ago I was already in bed, checking out some Instagram memes. Then I got the idea, that you could also use those meme templates to describe certain situations in RenX and I had immediately some ideas. I would like to share them with you, hoping that you are enjoying them. Also feel free to post your own ideas and memes if you want. Have a nice day!
  9. I like the new HUD, great job. But as already said by others here, I'd love it if the tech building icons would come back, like in the old HUD. The marked spot next to the mini map seems good, but a bit to the right of the Nod building icons is also a good place. To show the team, who owns the building just use the team colors as earlier. It would be a nice benefit to the qualtiy of life, I'm sick of always opening the mini map to see which tech buildings my team owns. Edit: Or maybe put the Harvester Status next to the Nod building icons? 🤔
  10. Hey there, this bug is probably not very common. It happend on Under and I was on Nod. After we destroyed the GDI PP I was respwaning and wanted to by a stank an saw this: Every tank was twice as expensive, as if the Nod PP was destroyed, but that wasn't the case... ... as you can see here. The thing, that made it even weirder is, that it had no effect on the price of the Infantry. Unfortunately I forgot to ask other players in the match if they had noticed similar irregularities. Together with the crash of Under yesterday, it seems like something is not right with Under, like other maps in the past, but it could also be just a coincidence, I don't know. However, I hope it will never happen again and there is no need to take action here. Have a nice day!
  11. I have no idea, if that is already known, but there is a rock with missing collisions between the Nod and GDI Tech-Building Silo
  12. Yeah already noticed those things. But my headache keeps me in my bed at the moment, feels like a jackhammer is working next to me 24/7. Maybe I can fix this next weekend. Thanks for the report and help!
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