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Everything posted by Luhrian

  1. Well I'm sorry to say that, but I need to fix one or two little things, uploading a new version within 24 hours.
  2. Luhrian

    Rush Preperations

    Btw, no idea why it got uploaded 2 times at once
  3. Luhrian

    Rush Preperations

    Rush Preperations: 30 mines in Power Plant - Check
  4. 2.7 released Change log: General: fixed GDI GT, it is now able to cover the ref back door properly removed night version because of bad preformance (for now) fixed some bad culling fixed bad tank blocking volume near Airstrip tower which prevented tanks to block the entrance Envoirment: removed pipeline part at the GDI back entrance, they were just too annoying for tanks made pipeline smaller to allow Infantry to walk underneath it without big problems added new Tiberium area on Nod Infantry Path added Magic Mushrooms from CNC-Tunnels Tiberium Meshes are now using more detailed material made blue tiberium meshes a bit smaller, they looked unnatural added a more mossy material to rocks that are near the river replaced rocks near bridge with new ones, that area should look better now Income changes: the Team Silos are now significant, which means they will be shown in the HUD and they need to be destroyed to win the map set Credits per Tick for Team Silos from 0.5 to 1 Credits per Harvester turn increased from 150 to 160
  5. I honestly don't even like the existence of a pedestal. Because of that I actually would like to be able to remove the pedestal from a map through a property in the SDK. In my opinion it is kinda stupid that you need to defend a destroyed Hand of Nod just because of this thing.
  6. Idea for a player card for @Madkill40: All maps have a nice looking and good working mini map.
  7. Yeah, that's because the SDK still uses the old HUD. Should be fixed with a new SDK version.
  8. 2.6.1 released Change log: updated minimap (thanks to @Madkill40) re-added Forest Night
  9. I want to use this opportunity to thank the Dev team and everyone, who organized it and/or participated for playing on my map. It is currently the only really playtest under normal circumstances and it is very helpful for me to see how my map plays out. Playtests like this provides some information, that are the base of balancing a map right, before the normal player get's to play them in a serious game.
  10. The .ini files are as already said only for the Skirmish mode. Also the preview image is set in there, so we need them. The settings for multiplayer are set in the SDK by the developer of the map.
  11. 2.6 released change log: small changes to the field layout added and modifed some envoirmental elements added one extra GT in both bases turned Hond about 90° to make sneaking more difficult changed lightning angle improved spotting areas added birds to do: update mini map
  12. I got the wallpaper engine, that is a software in steam. It actually costs 2-3€, maybe not worth it, but it got some really really nice backgrounds that are made by the community, so you have a really big range of categories from Star Wars over Lord of the Rings to Game of Thrones. You have also cars, the space and lots of nature backgrounds, there are even some Tiberium Wars wallpapers. The best thing is, that the most of them are moving a bit, which I unfortunately can not screenshot, but it looks very cool.
  13. Hey, since I will not attend to the PUG it would be really helpful if someone could record the CNC-Forest game. Even better would be if another one could record the game from the other teams perspective, because it is really the only thing that gives a good impression how the map plays out, which is needed to improve the gameplay for both sides. Also your feedback in this or the CNC-Forest topic is always welcome and wanted, so feel free to post it. Thanks in advance! Luhrian
  14. Not gonna lie, many of your points are right, re-thinking the layout now
  15. 2.5.1 released I just forgot to remove a flame tank I had placed for testing, sorry guys
  16. 2.5 released Hey, With the help of @Nexus51325 I am able to release a new even more fixed version with some nice changes to the collision changes to some trees to get a nicer gameplay. Full change list is as always at the downlaod section. If you are interested in this map, there will be a custom map PUG the next Sunday (3rd of February, 8pm MEZ) were this map is likely to be played. If you participate it would be really helpful to get some feedback about the gameplay, because I have unfortunately an exam the next day, so I wont be there. More informations about the event over here: Have fun!
  17. Luhrian

    Fact or fiction

    Isn't it a motivation to play even better when you get rewarded with more VP and abilities? It stops some people (like myself) from being useless the whole game, because you get major disadvantages if you don't do something useful for the team.
  18. I guess it is pointless to keep discussing this topic. A clear majority (72%) voted against this suggestion. Topic should be locked. And I think if we just replace the SBH or LCG or whatever we would drift to far away from the original idea of this game, which is to do a remake of Command and Conquer: Renegade.
  19. Totaly agree with that. Compared to the first version of Canyon Nod can't b2b shoot barracks anymore, but that b2b shooting should be blocked completly. Maybe this will already bring the re-balancing that Canyon needs.
  20. Luhrian

    Agent Hitler.jpg

    @HIHIHI thanks for this screenshot
  21. We could play on Forest, I just need to fix some collisions of some trees, I'm currently unhappy with them. Unfortunately that will take a while because I need to learn how to use blender to do this. I also won't participate in this Pug, I got exams next day at 7:30am :(. Looking forward to some feedback if you choose to play on Forest. Have fun.
  22. Luhrian


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