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About Yeetler

  • Birthday March 28

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  1. I think I was reloading my rocket launcher meanwhile I entered an APC as a passenger. When I got out I had no rocket launcher in my hands, but I could still fire rockets. Pretty cool SEE VIDEO HERE Video proof
  2. It is actually possible to harv walk in Under.
  3. You stacked around 50 tank shells behind AIR or WF, then you mass repaired them and rushed the enemy base.
  4. I can hope so. Ofcourse I won't forget it. If only it can get added into firestorm atleast.
  5. I was wondering if I'm the only one who has thought of being able to purchase weapons instead of being forced to buy a new character? For instance - buying a "Sydney" character should still be a better choice instead of only buying the "Personal Ion Cannon". She has more health, armour and the weapon's firepower is higher. For instance buying only the Personal Ion Cannon would make the weapon 70% or 60% weaker than the PIC Sydney uses. The prices for the weapons could be something like this; 50% weaker weapon = 25% cheaper. (Also only GDI can buy GDI weapons and vice versa) Recruit - Farland gun / Chem sprayer Veteran - Deadeye / Blackhand Sniper Elite - Gunners Rocket launcher / Laser Chaingun - Patch's rifle / SBH laser rifle Heroic - PIC / Railgun - Mobius's electro gun / Doza rifle & Mutant Tiberium rifle* (*for a high price) Running around as a normal Soldier with a much better weapon and still being alot more vulnerable than the Weapons original character would be pretty nice. It is just an idea but I think it could be fun to have ingame.
  6. I tend to get the Soundbug alot more often if I use my FocusRite audio interface.
  7. That's the beauty of the COM center. Wanna rush? Then make sure you got COM... Or a good start is to gather somewhere else than REF or AGT/OB. Do PP instead.
  8. Due to the shitty resolution, I cant see any upgrade at all.
  9. Not even half the team is listning.
  10. Or "One Eyed Clown" ?
  11. EU Lag? Fuck no. NA is nothing but 200+ pings
  12. Pedestal Beacon is cool
  13. and no one would miss them.
  14. So its supposed to look like night time? I literally thought it was an unfinished map because it looked awful and unplayable.
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