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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. Maybe do that in a City_Flying-X. But not in the normal version, the bridge is pretty crucial. Would be a cool feature though. It'd be more of a genuine aesthetic to the map, no change of hazzard. I do see what you mean though.
  2. I miss the AOW's where you could stack 15k-25k points in one game and still only be 4 on the scoreboard.
  3. Everybody get ready for the next most played map I am curious what the bridge will be like, I guess maybe destroyed and rebuilt with other materials?
  4. I really like the art style of the game.
  5. Here's a solution that should satisfy everyone, Allow for a construction time period (yes, just like in the RTS) with a marginal 10%-20% price increase for every vehicle. (Server side setting, obviously, another function being 'Off' unless it's undoable for dev-reasons) This from the beginning of the game leaves players, at minimum, 15 seconds to wait for their vehicle, meaning more players would go infantry-first at the beginning whilst another team groups up with vehicles. On some levels where the harvester takes too damn long to move its ass this would give it a 15 second head-start. Airstrikes become more deadly depending on map. If you have gone through every vehicle 10 times in one map only then will they be a reflection of 100% price increase as well as how badly one person could be in a vehicle to lose 70-110 vehicles in one game? Hah. I see more good than bad stemming here, always bear in mind that there is a way to effectively punish the players without dissatisfying people too much, giving them that gamer attitude we all adrenaline rush into at times. If you think the punishment should be more then a mutator is the way to go, but if you punish the player too much the general enjoyment is at a much higher risk of tipping. [i----Edited : Note -----[/i Side-note: 1K Infantry could have a waiting time, which could give us all an easier time of balancing mid-tier infantry properly?
  6. STanks would be deadly in a map which supported their craft, as they are right now. Although in practice STanks would probably hop against the scenery and hit nothing but the scenery. Missile arch for STanks is ridiculous to say their range is bogus, STanks range feels the same as either Mammys/Meds range. Shoot straight from fire or more range, one of these is necessary and considering the Meds go relatively faster than a STank at times I think I'd prefer range. (if not both) Stealth'n'Dagger is one thing but missiles are more like arrows than daggers and you don't put an Archer within a sword's length.
  7. Sht happens, but this is the bonus of testing maps and whatnot. Now fix the obvious leak slowing down the map, those trees/foliage. Could the middle of the map be a burnt forest instead of lively trees? (Or mix and match trees with leaves and trees without leaves) I like the density of the forest but that foliage is causing fps drop.
  8. Is there a third-party program that controls graphical presets? (Nvidia Control Panel for example)
  9. Are you installing the zip file only to find that your RenX no longer works? Tired of "Not Responding" UDKGame process responses? Look no further! The attachment shows the error corrupting the config files, change the name save the game. Enjoy your crashfree; now/also on skirmish menu, custom map. P.S. Change 'Canyon' to 'BeachHead'
  10. Mining requires one guy to keep check and others to listen to that guy who does mines for the team.
  11. good idea, haven't done this. Oh wait, Win10 comes with DX12.
  12. 6 on flying maps without base defences. (e.g. Walls) 4 on flying maps with base defences. (e.g. Lakeside, Eyes) Transport Helicopter counts towards main vehicle limiter maybe? (To avoid griefers)
  13. Did you remember to put map files into UDKGame>CookedPC this time? (In the rar/zip)
  14. On Hourglass I liked hiding behind the WF with an MRLS and blasting those artys off the hill, easypeasy.
  15. What is the difference? And what are the little advantages?
  16. Sounds like the dev community sub-group needs a manager.
  17. I've found it nearly impossible to kill infantry with a Stank with missiles unless they're two mammy lengths away and standing completely still.
  18. Fair point. Although a slight increase in damage would still be worthwhile.
  19. We should dispel the idea that it is 'Okay' to leave a server because of map favouritism. Shun them I say!
  20. Just have a few of these in a certain part of the map that will attack either sides units and respawn every so often after they are killed. Maybe from the wreckage of a ship that's crashed into the ground. Would require a model and texture artist and an animator and someone to code the AI.
  21. It would be interesting to have a Silo in the middle of the cavern on Walls because of there being four vantage points either faction could take advantage of. (Ground, walkway, top of the cavern and ariel) An underground silo in the sub-tunnels on Islands would be tricky but also interesting. I suppose on the cliff edge just below the bunker on Volcano would be an interesting place to put a silo, access via a steep stairway from above and below for the infantry making for some interesting tactics. These would just be interesting. (to me) On a whole, I quite enjoy the extra dynamic the silos add to the game so much that it's refreshing, something to fight over is always nice. Like C&C_Walls_Flying and C&C_Walls from Old Renegade, perhaps (for example) Renegade-X may require to have CNC Under and CNC Under-NS (No Silo).
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