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Everything posted by [NE]Fobby[GEN]

  1. Here is the video! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlBL00oePmA
  2. Good games guys. A lot of awesome teamwork strategies were put in place, and some funny times on teamspeak. Thanks to everyone who showed up. You guys helped this become a reality And thanks for all the time and support you give this mod around the clock!
  3. Still alive man? I'd love to see some pictures of your maps.
  4. Yeah, this leaves a possibility that Renegade 2007 might actually be played on Xbox 360. And I have an Xbox 360, which means I can play it on my awesome screen
  5. In an interview with 1UP Microsoft's Shane Kim says a few words about the possibility of Unreal Tournament 3 user mods making it onto the Xbox 360 version of the game. 1UP: At the Sony conference yesterday, Epic announced a multi-stage deal with Sony about various things, starting with optimizing the Unreal Engine 3. They announced that Unreal Tournament 3, originally an Xbox 360, PS3, PC game, is now at least a timed exclusive for the PS3. But, something that was a very big bullet point and something Epic's talked about far back with UT is the mod space. At the last TGS, Tim Sweeney, Epic's CEO, said they were frustrated because everything Sony was telling them was that the platform was open, but Sweeney was quoted as saying they were frustrated with Microsoft because it was a closed network and Microsoft wasn't open to user generated content. When, and if, UT3 arrives on 360, how are you going to address that huge feature difference? Kim: Yeah, it is - on one hand. In general, a) we're bringing user generated content to our platform. Look at what's happening with Forza Motorport 2 with the auction house and the livery editor, that's just taken off huge. It's not the same kind of user generated content model that Epic is going to do with UT, but it is user generated content. We have just as much interest in that space as anybody else, but I will tell you that there is a lot of value to managing the service and system the way we do on Xbox Live, versus the wild, open, supposedly open PlayStation Network. You're going to have to be very careful about what happens and we'll see how much responsibility the platform holder actually takes there in terms of managing that stuff. Shane Kim talks more about Xbox 360 and E3 2007 in the rest of the interview. http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3161418
  6. It should be in the game lobby... but direct connect is the best way to get there, because you won't have to actually look for the server.
  7. More details added! Teamspeak server: srv1.alienxsoftware.co.uk Game Server IP: The server is not up. As I have said above, we will all meet on Teamspeak together, then when everyone's ready, the 100 player server will be launched. The game will go for as long as people stay. For those of you who do not know how to connect by IP, it is very simple. Follow these instructions: #1. Press Start #2. Hit "Run" #3. Type this into the Open box: "C:\Westwood\Renegade\game.exe" +connect +netplayername 'yournamehere' Make sure you put in the proper directory, and replace 'yournamehere' with your ingame screen name. Remember guys, it's important that Teamspeak is used for this event. Even if you don't have a microphone, it's great to be listening in on strategies, and working with your team. All strategies will be discussed there, so without it, you'd be missing out greatly. The game is still set for this Sunday at 3:00pm EST sharp. From there, we'll join the server and have a good time. Don't forget about this, guys! Show up if you want to play with the dev, and some of Renegade's best players.
  8. Just download it, it's such a small file. With it you're able to connect to Teamspeak channels and talk with other people ingame. It makes a huge difference to the gameplay. I remember last time we had a game, you were the only one not using Teamspeak. So you missed out on all the plans, and basically the fun.
  9. Of course Yeah I know it's easy, but it'd kind of suck if all you have left is 1 building, and everyone respawns from that building. Just have a couple snipers to annoy them, because they know exactly where everyone will come from.
  10. That's the only problem? :roll: I can point out a few: -Lack of time -Lack of members -We'd rather improve multiplayer, and we'd be able to greatly improve multiplayer with that kind of time and effort.
  11. Firstly thanks a lot for your interest! We appreciate everything. That's a lot of questions! I'll have a go at what I can answer from them: In the first release we'll just be implementing the C&C mode as well as some of the other modes found in UT3 (like Assault). Then we'll be working on more modes that are based on C&C mode. For example: a scenario mode. We will not be remaking single player in this project. That actually takes way to long to perfect and organize, which is time we'd rather spend on enhancing multi-player. However, we might look into remaking a couple missions (namely "Deadly Reunion" and "Obelisk of Opression" since it's the same map, and the best missions in Renegade) if we ever get some extra time and staff. I'm afraid that I can't disclose this information yet. Think of it like this: once we complete the project at hand, which is remaking Renegade in a new format, further add-ons to C&C mode is entirely possible. I will not talk too much about this, because: #1. It is too early #2. RTS-style still in concept stages (team members know what I'm talking about) Certain custom maps will get those extra units. The map "Bunkers", for example, will be replacing Nod's APC with a Recon Bike. Other maps will have other vehicle assets that weren't in Renegade's standard maps. The extras that were in Renegade won't be in Ren2007. A lot of them were just different character models with the same weapons, as well as some mutants. We'll be sure to create some new and original ideas for Extras. Extras in general will only be in servers with that option available. Visceroids will be more of a custom mode feature. I think you said it right in your second point, it'd be part of the natural environment. But the visceroids won't make an appearance in the standard maps' C&C mode. AI controlled, purchasable, and drivable. Not for this project. I kind of see that as a problem for the current Renegade mods as well, some project want all buildings to be totally rebuildable with a construction yard. However that'd actually punch the gameplay in the face, because the only structure worth defending in that case would be the Construction yard. Certain base entrances would be completely ignored, and the defenders would completely rely on just defending the construction yard. On the contrary, we want teamplay to be rewarded. If you're team loses a building, you deserve to lose it ( :roll: ) and the opponents deserve to have an advantage over you. This is what pushes teamplay in Renegade, and without it, we wouldn't see much. Not in the default mode... after the first release, we'll decide what to do on that. We'll see what we can do. Things like smoke, holes, fire, etc. are easy to do. Well having the buildings come tumbling down creates quite a few problems. Firstly, respawn points. Im pretty sure its hard to respawn under the rubble of a destroyed building. Even if somehow the respawn points are taken away (which would require some unnecessary scripting), the buildings a player can spawn in is less. Imagine if you only had one building left, a couple good guys from the other team can do A LOT of killing if they know exactly where players will be coming from. Secondly is the purchase terminals... these are scripted windows, and again would take a chunk of work to make these disapear. Thirdly, destroyed buildings are still used as a strategic outpost for the defending team. Many times I've been on City Flying, where we'd only has a barracks left. I'd ask the players to get good anti-vehicle units and perch themselves in high, strategic locations, including destroyed buildings. Fourthly, they are a strategic outpost for the apposing team. Again, on City Flying, stealth tanks can reach a destroyed Weapons Factory without being hit by the AGT. Since they use it as a "barrier", they can make their way to the refinery, or even the powerplant, without being hit much. If the buildings collapsed, you wouldn't be able to do reach certain places in the enemy base when defenses are up. Not to mention, destroyed buildings are the perfect places to hide in/by if you're alone in an enemy base with a sniper, or a nuke. Vehicle limits will be completely up to the host of the server. It'll be an option you get to set up. Probably not... remember that this is Renegade with a few TD aspects, not TD on PS. You'll be able to jump into the turret, guard tower, tank turrets, and any other emplacement equipment. We're making the main defense (Obelisk and AGT) controlled only by the AI, because we don't want noobs running around and getting into these defenses, missing their targets, etc. Remember that the AGT and Obelisk play important roles in spotting and firing at enemies sneaking around, where normal people wouldn't catch all the time.
  12. http://play.tm/story/11895 Another awesome trailer for the upcoming Unreal Tournament 3.
  13. That bugged you the most? For me it was some of the other things. You know, crappy level designs near the end of the game, bad AI, 1-man Army, repeatability
  14. Well are you able to texture out of blank model unwraps?
  15. -We won't be running any fan maps, just standard ones. -There won't be 100 people. The server is just that big, so we don't face any problems of people not being able to join, due to the server being full.
  16. Hey guys. As some of you may know, I am the founder of a Renegade clan, called NE - the Nod Elites. On Sunday, July 22nd we will be celebrating 4 years of NE. We're calling it the "4th NE-Versary". So an idea came to us, and we said, why not invite our Renegade 2007 Community for a game? So that's what we're doing. A public 100-player server will be set up for this event. All players are welcome to come and enjoy Renegade again, play with the Renegade 2007 dev team, friends, etc. Enjoy the game we're here to remake! We will also have a Teamspeak server set up for the event. That way, team players can communicate with each other, develop strategies, and help out. Even if you don't have a microphone, you're encouraged to download teamspeak in order to hear what the others are saying. Download it here. The game will take place on Sunday, July 22nd at 3:00pm EST (Eastern Standard Time). I will be posting the Server IP and Teamspeak IP this Friday, so be sure to check this post out on Friday if you want to come. Make sure you join Teamspeak at 3 EST sharp, so we can all join at the same time and enjoy the game. [EDIT!] More details added! Teamspeak server: srv1.alienxsoftware.co.uk Game Server IP: The server is not up. As I have said above, we will all meet on Teamspeak together, then when everyone's ready, the 100 player server will be launched. The game will go for as long as people stay. For those of you who do not know how to connect by IP, it is very simple. Follow these instructions: #1. Press Start #2. Hit "Run" #3. Type this into the Open box: "C:\Westwood\Renegade\game.exe" +connect +netplayername 'yournamehere' Make sure you put in the proper directory, and replace 'yournamehere' with your ingame screen name. This is your chance to play a teamwork-filled game with the development crew!
  17. I posted a news update on the front page of Mod DB. It doesn't have any new pictures or information, but it seems like the people on that site now love our work 8) Also, as of today, Renegade 2007 is now listed in the "Most Popular Mods" section for UT3. Stop by our Mod Database and show your support! http://mods.moddb.com/8709/renegade-2007/
  18. There were a lot of different mods like that in Renegade, where you'd play single player missions. Well an idea we had planned for Renegade 2007, is after we're finished perfecting C&C mode, we'll do some "campaign maps". Basically a map with objectives other than destroying the other team. For those who play UT, it'd be similar to the Assault mode. For example, GDI would have to defend a prototype vehicle while Nod would need to destroy it, etc. But of course the job at hand firstly is to finish up C&C mode.
  19. That's understandable, but I was more into the first few missions, because it seemed like they spent more time putting them together. There were a lot of custom animations and scripts in the first few missions, as well as AI team mates that helped you out, dropped off tanks, etc. The thing I didn't like about the other missions was that Havoc turned into a 1-man army, and you just endlessly killed hundreds of people per mission. But I do love the mission where you are with the Dead6 in that city (night and day time levels). That was an awesome level.
  20. I think a built-in video tutorial would be good enough, just to show what C&C mode is. To answer the question, our plan is to remake multi-player in a better form... but if we have time I don't mind doing one or two levels either. A few of Renegade's missions (namely the first 5) were great, and the only thing they lacked were good AIs. UT3 will have great, challenging AIs, since it will have a formal single player as well.
  21. Your idea would be cool, but it's mixing the universes up too much. This project is a Renegade remake for now... we may do some other things later. But right now we stick to the project at hand.
  22. I wish life was that easy bro 8) Anyways warnow, add me on MSN. My address is in my profile. I just want to go over a few things with you.
  23. Good luck
  24. Hey Herr General, thanks for coming here! Can you share some of your work for us, maybe reveal some pictures of your maps? That'd be great if you will, and once you do, I'll talk amongst the team about your joining. Meanwhile as you wait, take a look at our News and WIPs sections. Try visiting this forum often, posting comments, being active here, etc.
  25. Great - you're the kind of person we need! Yes I can say the same about my history in Renegade - I can easily say it's my favorite game, as I've been playing it since the demo was released. And indeed, our project is progressing quickly. Thanks for your interest! A texture artist position would be great. What's your status on availability? Add me on MSN and we'll talk... you can find my email address in my profile.
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