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Everything posted by [NE]Fobby[GEN]

  1. We did something like this in the past - we asked the community to make a concept of one of the Renegade maps and the best one would be remade. Though only a few took part in it and none of the submissions were really good. We'll do something in the future. Keep your eyes open.
  2. We had a member named anthrax. Oh, and I don't approve of this thread.
  3. QUOTE (Arazoid @ Aug 2 2009, 07:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm sorry but we know what visceroids are. Most of us have been playing C&C games since '95 (and Westwood games before that) and the visceroids were in Tiberian Sun and Renegade. Not some far fetched tale, what gave you that idea? I was just mistaken about Tiberium turning you into a visceroid in Tiberian Sun, probably because I don't put my infantry in Tiberium. Though we did also see infantry turned into visceroids with chemical weapons in TS and Renegade. As someone mentioned earlier, adding visceroids is not the team's main concern. The mod isn't even done - we won't worry about adding extra things like that until the incremental assets to the mod are finished, ingame, and coded.
  4. A while ago, our community friend AsgarothXc had set up an official Facebook page for, you guessed it, the Renegade X project. It was created some time ago, but I believe this is the first time it has been officially announced by the team. We currently have 237 registered fans on the Facebook group. For those of you who have an account on Facebook, and would like to either support the mod by following it on that venue, or meet fellow Renegade X fans and dev team members, become an official fan today on Facebook! And as usual, stay tuned for updates either here on the forums, or visit our Mod DB page for more pictures, videos, and downloads.
  5. Firstly it's Renegade X (the letter X) rather than the Roman numeral Secondly, what settings do you run Renegade on approximately? High, medium, low?
  6. The 1 game at a time idea is definitely good for individual servers rather than a network of servers, which is problematic. Voting on a region (and maybe even a commander?) would be cool though. Though if limited to one server then that would also mean there'd be no such thing as neutral areas (as there'd be two teams at all times) which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Most of the other ideas would still stand though.
  7. A whole host of Unreal Engine and related games are being featured in this week's 48 Hour Madness at GoGamer. Some of them include: * Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow (PC) $4.90 * Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway (PC) $5.90 * BlackSite: Area 51 (PC) $1.90 * Painkiller Black (PC) $3.90 * Rainbow Six: Vegas (PC) $4.90 * Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 (PC) $4.90 * Red Orchestra (PC) $5.90 * Turok (PC) $5.90 * Unreal Anthology (PC) $7.90 * Unreal Tournament 3 (PC) $8.90 * Unreal Tournament 3 (XBox 360) $9.90 http://www.gogamer.com/48-Hour-Madness_stc...67VVviewcat.htm
  8. Maybe because you can remember how engineers repair the master control terminal, since it's a bit faster than repairing the wall of a building.
  9. QUOTE (BLaZor @ Aug 1 2009, 01:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No you are mistaken. Repairs guns in multiplayer only repair and will never damage a building or unit, no matter what team.
  10. QUOTE It wouldn't really work if 40 or 50 people are signed up with a faction. Either they'd all be on the same team in the same map (which is impossible really) or players would have to take turns. I think the only way it could work is if different fights happen at the same time in different parts of the globe - we'd just need to make it that the servers communicate with each other.
  11. QUOTE (xoham @ Jul 31 2009, 10:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually the outline does not appear behind cover, so it's not like GRAW. It also does not last the 5 seconds or so it does in Renegade I believe. As for complaints about my mic, yeah. It was really close to my mouth, its just the mic generally sucks. It broke some time ago so I need to get a new one.
  12. That's quite in depth and well thought out. For your obvious dedication I was just morally obliged to read the entire post. Anyway most of it sounds really good. I think an area of disagreement though would be how a team would keep the units and credits they had from a previous game. Keeping the "features" achieved in the objectives is understandable, but I think having a constant build up of credits from map to map might not be a good idea for a C&C-related mode like this. Then you'd have winning teams starting off with thousands of credits, where they may be facing a team that had lost their previous area and are starting much lower, thereby creating a disadvantage right from the get-go. Correct me if I am wrong. As for the player progression, I think I'd disagree with a couple aspects. I don't think you should "work towards" getting access to a Medium Tank or something. I feel that slows things down a lot more and could deny some potentially good "newbies" at World Domination their right to a tank. Though I do agree about the objectives. Maybe at the beginning of World Domination you'd start off with just a Hand of Nod or Airstrip, and then as you take more regions and meet map-based objectives, for whatever reason your tech level can go up. For example for Nod you can have an island off of Europe, and the only way Nuclear Strikes can be used in European maps would be if this island is captured for the purpose of building a nuclear silo. If Nod takes control over it, then any Nod teams fighting in Europe will be able to purchase beacons. Or even a region responsible for the power supply of 2 other regions - if cut off by the enemy, the defenses go offline in those maps (like field ) Engineers capturing enemy buildings in certain regions would be cool as well. Another idea would be one Global Commander who gets realtime information about all of the battles that are taking place. He'd be able to communicate with all of the teams within that faction, and even slightly help them out with things like supply drops, vehicle drops, building repairs, etc. But such services can be denied by the other team in different ways. But a potential problem would be how this would work server-wise. Obviously 1 gameserver would not be able to run different games simultaneously with different teams going at it, and countries being taken updated realtime. Something like this would need a network of servers. There would also be all kinds of problems like servers crashing, or failing to recognize that certain regions are taken, off limits, or in progress, etc. A lot of potential bugs. It's also almost like a mod on its own really, so a lot of work. Anyway we'll definitely contemplate.
  13. YouTube link to the trailer added!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZzX6oXLpxQ&fmt=18
  14. Actually there is likely a connection between the names, considering the codename for C&C3 under Westwood was "Tiberian Twilight". But you may be right, some say Westwood was planning on calling the final product "Tiberian Incursion"
  15. For now it disappears. We may look into that later with a better fading animation, but not until some more important things have been finished with.
  16. Well if your tank is sitting still and being shot at by two artilleries and two tanks, it is likely that you will be flipped onto your side. It's a part of the physics engine. Though easily avoidable - just make sure you're not being hit by 4 vehicles and sitting still with your side facing them. As for the red outline, that's the new bounding box. You saw it in Renegade, but now in Renegade X instead of a square around an enemy, we wanted to modernize the HUD and create a sleek silhouette. It's not completely finished at the moment but it will be in time.
  17. Those aren't vehicle shells that you can repair and bring back. We do not have a system like this. Vehicle hulls just remain after a vehicle is destroyed for about 5 seconds. Anyway there is no need to "tank mass" in Renegade X as the vehicle limit will be a server side option. Standard will be set to 8 including the harvester, but the limit is up to the server.
  18. To our fellow renegades! It has been a couple months since you've heard from the team. Your friends over at Renegade X have been busy working on the mod and producing quality work for our summer updates. Summer '09 Trailer! But if I were to say that the team has only been working in the past two months wouldn't be the full truth. The fact of the matter is, the Renegade X dev team and the VIPs have also been busy testing the mod. In other words, we've been playing a lot of Renegade X. And before we bring you one of our usual art updates, which you will see later this summer, we at Renegade X thought it would be great if we released some of the gameplay footage that has been recorded, alongside ingame screenshots of the mod. The mod has developed quite a bit since our last couple updates. Since then, we've worked on our HUD & created a new bounding-box system, rigged new vehicles, weapons, and characters, and we've taken more steps towards completing our highly anticipated Command & Conquer mode. But don't take my word for it. Check out the Renegade X Summer '09 Trailer yourself! Downloads: Renegade X Summer '09 Trailer (HD) (Recommended): http://www.renegade-x.com/staff/RenX_Summe..._Trailer_HD.avi Renegade X Summer '09 Trailer (SD): http://www.renegade-x.com/staff/RenX_Summe..._Trailer_SD.avi Streaming: Mod DB (Recommended): http://www.moddb.com/mods/renegade-x/videos YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZzX6oXLpxQ NOTE: The build shown in the trailer above does not represent the final version of Renegade X. Renegade X July Podcast The development team has not released a podcast since September 2008. Until now. Listen along as Renegade X Founder Fobby and Lead Artist Havoc89 address important mod issues, including: State of the Renegade-X.com site The team's direction for the mod Renegade X's art and gameplay style New Features The First Release Custom Content Recruitment And of course our usual witty jokes and exciting talk! Download and listen today: Renegade X July Podcast download: http://www.renegade-x.com/staff/RenX_Podcast_July.mp3 Screenshots! For those of you who would like to see more heart-stopping mind-blowing ass-spanking action (without the ass spanking of course!), we have provided screenshots for those who want to see more (and, I guess, those who prefer still pictures over HD videos of the action). Check out our finalized versions of Islands, Under, and Field below! That's all for now. We've got another awesome update heading for you in the coming weeks. Hang on kids - we are almost there! Enlist today at http://www.renegade-x.com and be sure to check out more shots and videos at http://www.moddb.com/mods/renegade-x
  19. Bodies in UT3 don't really disappear as fast as they do in Renegade. I think they last about 10 seconds though.
  20. QUOTE Neither is our grenade launcher. We just like to modernize the designs of Renegade weapons. If you want things to look and play the exact 100% same way, then I recommend you stick with W3D Renegade.
  21. Just wait till you see it ingame in the upcoming video. OOPS did I say that out loud? :lol:
  22. We've shown everything that is finished on our Mod DB and News forum - if you are very anxious to see what is done you could check that out. A list will be done but maybe not for a while, since we are busy preparing for our next couple updates.
  23. QUOTE (BLaZor @ Jul 23 2009, 02:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What do you expect, he is a troll.
  24. That's actually impossible with the gun as it cannot go through 10 people consecutively. That would also mean many of those killed would be headshots - you'll never have that many heads in a row at any moment anyway.
  25. Those guards weren't even standard Nod soldiers you know. Just look at what they're wearing. They don't need to be carrying around pulse laser rifles.
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