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Everything posted by [NE]Fobby[GEN]

  1. Hey guys. As some of you may know, I am the founder of a Renegade clan, called NE - the Nod Elites. On Sunday, July 19th we will be celebrating 6 years of NE. We're calling it the "NE-Versary 6" (after the word "anniversary"). So an idea came to us two NE-Versary's ago, and we said, why not invite our Renegade X Community for a game? And we have been doing so for two years now, alongside the annual "ReneGames" on C&C Renegade's birthday. These games have kicked ass. So that's what we're doing again. A public 64-player server, hosted by the Borgamers network ( http://borgamers.com ) will be set up for this event. All players are welcome to come and enjoy Renegade again, play with the Renegade X dev team, friends, etc. Enjoy the game we're here to remake! We will also have a Teamspeak server set up for the event. That way, team players can communicate with each other, develop strategies, and help out. Even if you don't have a microphone, you're encouraged to download teamspeak in order to hear what the others are saying. Download it here. The purpose of using Teamspeak is to maximize teamplay and therefore push C&C Renegade's gameplay to its very limit. Teamplay will be key for this game, to achieve the highest potential of organized action. We will be using the Renegade X teamspeak server. The IP is Server information will be released this Friday, so visit this thread on Friday to get this vital information! The game will take place on Sunday, July 19th at 3:00pm EST (Eastern Standard Time). So how about it, C&C Community? The server will be waiting for you. *SERVER INFORMATION ADDED* Game Server IP: Server Name: [NE] Public Warzone The server is NOT online as of right now (Friday, July 17). It will be online tomorrow (Saturday, July 18) for testing purposes. To connect directly: If you have C&C Renegade, you can connect directly to the game server without the use of a server browser. Simply go to the Start Menu and hit "Run". Then, type this in when the time is right: "C:\Westwood\Renegade\Game.exe" +connect +netplayername YOURNAMEHERE The NE-Versary 6 community game event will take place on Sunday, July 19th 2009 at 3:00pm EST (Eastern Standard Time, aka GMT -5). Be on the Renegade X Teamspeak at least 10 to 15 minutes before the game time (this is extremely important!) Teamspeak IP: Big thanks to Borgamers for hosting this event!
  2. Both would deal a good amount of damage, but splash damage hurts more if it's near the chest than if it's near the legs. And for the second question, I'm not positive if splash damage to the chest damages more than a direct hit to the legs or not. It should, I guess, but I haven't tried it.
  3. QUOTE (thrash300 @ Jul 12 2009, 09:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> C&C Renegade is a Tiberian Dawn era game generally speaking. There weren't any Carryalls yet, so it would be logical that they arrived either via cargo or a Weapons Factory, like in C&C Tiberian Dawn.
  4. For the last time, this is not a W3D mod. We have nothing to do with Scripts 4.0 and vice versa, we are a UT3 mod. Renegade scripts do not help or hurt mods on the UE3 engine, we've got nothing to do with them. Secondly, we only show what we have finished. In other words, there is plenty that is unfinished or in progress that we did not present in the April Fools Video. The mod also still requires more buildings, characters, and weapons mostly before any kind of first release. That doesn't include polishing the mod, finishing the coding and fixing current glitches. We will release the mod once our primary goals have been met. To address your second question, why would we need a rope for Transport choppers? Not only is it unnecessary animating work on our behalf, but it hurts players more than it helps them. In Renegade you simply landed and pressed E to instantly get out of choppers. What advantage could rappelling down possibly give? You're probably a lot more likely to get shot when climb down a rope; the transport also has a higher chance of dying instead of simply letting all of the passengers out in a split second.
  5. I think that's an obvious "yes" as direct damage of a weapon will always deal more than its splash damage.
  6. You also troll forums.
  7. I don't think old school C&C fans like myself are necessarily looking for "what was cool 10 years ago", because we all know that RTS evolves - just look at the differences made with each game between Dune 2000 (Westwood's first RTS) and Emperor: Battle for Dune (their last). Each game added more and more to the RTS formula. What C&C longtimers are looking for is a consistent story with comparable gamplay. C&C3 simply didn't answer much to Tiberian Sun both in story and units, as a lot of story and tech seemed to have just disappeared into thin air. We also aren't a fan of things like multiple build cues for structures and units, which turns C&C a lot more like Starcraft and other games in the genre.
  8. Since it's early I'll refrain from developing opinions on the game yet, unlike most of the people who have either jumped to attack or defend a game they haven't played. I sincerely hope that this conclusion to the series will answer all of the questions raised in Tiberian Sun and Firestorm. And I'd prefer some sort of open-ended ending to the series or at least something open to interpretation rather than a solid and abrupt ending to the series. Mobile bases, eh? Might be cool, but though it might be different in C&C4, it's not the first RTS to do that.
  9. QUOTE (DXR_13KE @ Jul 5 2009, 07:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> How did he know about our secret update? SOMEONE'S LEAKING INFORMATION! *shuts down mod*
  10. Have you? I have no idea how it works.
  11. I thought this was kind of cool, it's an audio program that edits your voice and gives a cool robotic-sounding vibe to it. Many songs have it. I was wondering if there was any [free] programs anyone here would recommend for Autotuning your voice. Oh, and I use Windows 7, so something compatible with that. Thanks!
  12. Well Happy Canada day and I hope you enjoyed your stay in the Land of the Maple and Home of the Leafs!
  13. I don't think it's been two months dude... And our website guy is MIA.
  14. Progress has been kind of slow lately for some of our members for an array of different reasons, so we've planned all of our June content to coincide with an update sometime in July.
  15. We're not going to give away our mod assets before finishing the mod. They were made for the mod, and they will appear first in the mod, not for private or public use.
  16. Ah hey Random Fire Guy, how's your dad Chaotic Warrior? It's been a while. Remind him to visit the NE community forums some time.
  17. I think they should probably resurvey the community - and more specifically, long time C&C fans, like myself and many others, who have been keeping up with the series since 1995. Havoc89's right, Command & Conquer: Covert Operations is an example of real tactical gameplay in an RTS. I've never played a game harder than that, but it wasn't impossible to beat either, you just had to be very intelligent. I also never liked the idea of mobile bases, building multiple bases all over, cranes to build multiple buildings at once, etc. it just turns the saga from tactics to how fast you could build everything. That's just me though.
  18. Not really looking forward to having MMORPG elements.
  19. They're still a lot more expensive and, in my experience, unreliable. I've gotten more crashes on a Mac than a PC.
  20. TS usually has about 20 people playing, I think RA2 is double that number. As for TD and RA1 via Westwood chat, yeah, they're pretty empty, minus the couple people that come on every now and then. But I haven't checked those out in years. I think Renegade was Westwood's only multiplayer-based game, the rest of the C&C games have always had a relatively small or medium sized community.
  21. Hi Rain. I believe C&C Renegade is the most popular online C&C game in the market. There are usually about 300-400 people playing online on average during the day, as well as a few dozen servers (though only a handful of them are popular). Popular C&C Renegade server communities would include n00bstories, UNRULES, AtomiX, Jelly-Server, Renegade Community Marathon, and !St0rm. C&C Renegade players used to use anti-cheat program RenGuard but that is no longer popular do to its failure to do its job. But generally speaking, cheating is no longer a major issue, but an issue that you may come across once in a while. Current spotlighted mods would be this one, aka Renegade X. For W3D, we've got Red Alert: A Path Beyond (released). Unreleased mods include the Tiberian Technologies patch (though not much info on it is around), Red Alert 2: Apocalypse Rising, and C&C Reborn (which used to be very popular, but not anymore). As for clans, C&C Renegade used to have a history of lots of clans, clan servers, and large clan wars. These days there are only a handful left with just a few members, which don't actual play in clan wars as much anymore. A lot of competitive players are into 1v1s and smaller games like that, which I think are boring, at least compared to the old school epic 8v8 clanwars.
  22. You did not go on every ride. Half of the rides are water related, and I bet you haven't been on any of those, due to your lack of the ability to swim. If anything, it's Niagara Falls that sucks. You go there and say "hey look it's falls" and you go home.
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