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Everything posted by Ap2000

  1. I also wasn't aware there is a command for that... In that case, I'd prefer if it wasn't there.
  2. Not entirely. AFK repairs are still going to make it nigh impossible to break through the actual armor value of the building. I was never aware there are people that go afk and just keep repairing via a tool or just their button taped down. That's quite shitty.
  3. That part is already really easy to get into. Unfortunately some Nods still mine the cave entrance, which is utterly useless, and not the area around the stone on the way to the PP.
  4. I never understood any hate for any map. I only ever start to dislike maps in this game temporarily when we people keep voting for them and I have to play on them (mainly Walls). However, I though the initial Mesa map, allowing vehicles through the middle, was more interesting.
  5. New maps is always good! Thanks to the people that are working on them. I'm still hoping for Hourglass in release one day. hah I'm not sure if the Flechette nerf isn't too much. I'd keep the current size and go down with the distance to 3000, to make it more infantry/CQC-heavy. That's always how I understood it anyway. As I said earlier already, I think the buildings armor idea is a very good one!
  6. Spawn delay in general is a good thing, since it punishes you for making errors (if a game would be perfectly balanced). I think spawn delay isn't necessary in RenX, since you already usually have to run half a minute or possibly longer anyway to get where you want to.
  7. Does it look something like this? Since RenX is the only UDK game/mod I play via Steam, yep.
  8. Why not keep Renegade X? EA doesn't own the rights to that name. Unless you're just joking around, I'm really not a fan of any of those names.
  9. I am a stats whore. I want statistics about all of my games to be as detailed as possible. I don't care about a leaderboard (I think the recommendation/skill point system on the servers is enough), but I want to know the stats about me myself. I see that every time I start the launcher via Steam.
  10. Ap2000


    I'd call 300 unplayable.
  11. Ap2000


    Eventhough it's not terrible, it's also not really good.
  12. @Buyable upgrades; I really hope, if such a system ever is put in place, it's only per-round. Having rank-unlocks outside per-profile would nearly completely destroy my interest in the game. It's one of the things that's so shitty about most modern shooters. @Building damage; That sounds like a very good idea, but I imagine it being really hard to balance around marathon and non-marathon. You really shouldn't state your opinion as if it's an universal law. You simply can not know how many people didn't keep playing just because the game has mines. Anyway, removing mines would completely cripple GDI and make the game unplayable. GDI relies on having them as a steady defense against SBHs.
  13. I'm pretty sure that's a problem with Steam and how it handles mods. It sees RenX as a UDK application, not as its own thing. Just as with nearly every other mod.
  14. I am not sure what exactly you mean, but those vehicles are all in beta 5 crates.
  15. I removed all the videos (intro and maps) and I'm confident it sped up my loading times, especially between maps. But of course this could just be a placebo. Obviously the initial load-up is much more convenient, since you don't have to wait for the intros to load.
  16. I think you just play too many contemporary online shooters, since those games unfortunately throw that crap in your face all the time with a million indicators and messages. Yuck.
  17. I very much agree that a middle balance between 0.5 and 3 (if that's the current b5 setting). For locking on you have to point the middle-dot on the vehicle itself, right? Not just the "area". Does the lock-on timer get set to 0 as soon as you move away from the target, or does it start counting back (to 0)?
  18. I constantly get stuck in the tunnels in under. Especially at the entrance to the GDI tunnels.
  19. Not true. EKT Marathon has been the most populated, but CT and TMX have both had whole days they have had a server populated. Well, it is true when I want to play, which is around 8pm until midnight CET.
  20. Unfortunately, the non-marathon servers have been pretty much empty since b5 launched. I don't mind hopping into a marathon session and just play for an hour, but I would prefer the <1h matches.
  21. Ap2000


    That was, of course, a joke just as the USA!.
  22. Ap2000


    This is something I'd love to have, even without the spawn timer increase. Like these? [attachment=0]latest.jpg[/attachment] Will they scream "allahu akbar", "USA! USA! USA!" or just good old "Long live Kane!" when they blow up?
  23. I've said it before in some discussion thread, but I really don't like this change. It's just making the game more retard-proof.
  24. Don't blame the game, blame the players (even if it's not a nice thing to do).
  25. I really like that crates can (still) kill you, but the kill/nuke% seems quite high.
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