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Everything posted by Ap2000

  1. I generally think that people that make a vote just to send a message to one specific player should be kicked.
  2. That's actually the case? I never noticed that.
  3. RS is the absolute #1 unit that should never have infinite ammo.
  4. Going by what you're saying, I can conclude from your statements, that infinite ammo is a useless change for nearly everybody. Plus, only good and slow players benefit from it, making them even better.
  5. LCG and Patch do run out of ammo often. Add a second or 2 to their reload time still comphensates for that even if they survive to use an extra clip before needing to return to base for health. I think that doesn't compensate for infinite ammo at all.
  6. I've never tested it, but does damaged dealt to a building's computer give more or less credits than doing the same % of damage from the outside?
  7. I buy a carbine basically automatically when I also buy an engineer, SBH and some other classes. It's a small cost for a big upgrade for some classes. What about making sidearms prices different for each infantry tier? I don't think that's going to change anything, since you rarely need more than "two magazines' time" to defend your C4.
  8. I don't know how wreckless you play, but I certainly do run out of ammo for my primary weapon every now and then. Or at least come dangerously close to running out of ammo and decide to refill before I have no bullets/lasers/rockets left. Especially with units that do a decent amount of damage against buildings and vehicles (LCG, rocket soldier, Patch e.g.). You always have something to shoot with those.
  9. I didn't have time to read the whole thread yet, but I disagree. Having to run back to base takes the heat off of the enemy. Imagine a LCG with unlimited ammo. Imagine an Artillery or MRLS with infinite am-- Oh wait. It's not like I said I'm a fan of that. Anyway, I just take that as part of the Renegade gameplay.
  10. I didn't have time to read the whole thread yet, but I disagree. Having to run back to base takes the heat off of the enemy. Imagine a LCG with unlimited ammo.
  11. Ap2000


    Unfortunately, I only have two Renegade screenshots still around and they are from the later years (2005). Though, to be honest, I'm not sure I actually made more than that... Please don't hate me for that stupid nickname. haha (you see, I hated snipers back then already!)
  12. I don't mind the range, but an increased spread would most likeyl fit it. Doesn't seem to me any compensating is necessary.
  13. That way it's just going to be splintered, not a good idea. One area for all balancing threads surely is enough.
  14. 1. Remove airdrops. 2. Ref not giving any credits when destroyed. 3. Officer nerf in terms of long range. 4. RS nerf/Gunner buff - These are intertwined for me. RS should be good for fighting vehicles, while Gunner should be better for damaging buildings. 5. (or 6.) Building damage/repair credits to be less. There are some other things that sound good or at least interesting (silo adjustment, weaker pistol, railgun range increase), but I don't really have strong enough of an opinion on to put them in an ordered list.
  15. This sounds interesting. Can you go into some more details?
  16. Nooooo please stop it already with the building nerfing.
  17. This could be a possibly good addition even with the current mining system.
  18. Even a dead ref + silo still give a ton of free credits.
  19. Well, they do look cool and I'm sure they weren't easy to program, but I can't be convinced that a team should still be able to buy vehicles when their WF/airstrip is down, no matter the conditions. Being able to buy vehicles in the enemy's building would be quite crazy. lol But I don't think that'd be good from a balancing point of view. I'd still like to be able to steal vehicles shortly after they were produced, though.
  20. Absolutely not. I still play at least 4~5 evenings per week. I did stop about a month before beta 4 was released because I was frustrated by some aspects (mainly snipers), but ever since b4 got released, I've been playing every week.
  21. I am not a fan of "when is XYZ coming?" threads at all, but since it's already there... Here's hope for mines being only placeable on the ground, the ref not giving any more when destroyed and airdrops completely removed.
  22. The 15s was just an example, 1 minute would do it too. Or that, as soon as a person leaves, you can deconstruct his mines with your repair weapon. A server option for a HARD mine limit might also be worth thinking about. If it's 35/35, nobody in a team can put any more mines down.
  23. I'd like if mines got removed ~15 sec after whoever put them left the server. Just today we had a guy mining really bad and before he did anything about it, he just left and we were stuck with a good 10 useless mines. I think that's a very bad idea. Then we have a lot of people just throwing out a mine here and there that aren't actually dedicating themselves to be the tech/hottie character, by buying it. What's elitist about trying to tell people how to play efficiently? I have yet to see anybody get kicked just for being a bad miner. If anything, people try to contact them FREQUENTLY in chat, but those people just don't listen. And quite frankly, people that don't listen... well, it's their own fault if they kicked, no matter the reason (abusing, bad mining, cheating etc.). The admins and mods on TmX and EKT servers are really nice to people that, well, screw up. And I personally prefer people telling me when I do something stupid in games. I've always listened to older players in online games, because that actually makes sense.
  24. Ok dude, calm down with those exaggerations. lol
  25. Giving up freedom for the sake of safety is rarely a good thing in a game.
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