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Everything posted by Ap2000

  1. I don't see how it's much different from what you just said.
  2. I don't undertand what you are trying to say with #1. #2 would be a bad change. #3 This is ok. #4 Wouldn't change anything. Why not just make a delay of, let's say, 3 seconds between you pushing the mouse to detonate and the actual detonation? Any enemy infantry can easily back off. Of course this means that they need to persist for a few seconds after a player's death. However, this also makes the engineer quite a lot worse as a unit.
  3. a) You must be deaf or willingly ignoring entire conversations. b) No, this is RenegadeX. c) Reality is irrelevant for RenX.
  4. "Laptop" can be anything from a worthless piece of crap to an overpriced mediocre system. "Smoothly" is also highly subjective. And of course everything depends on the resolution you want to play in. Here are the general recommended specs: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=74837&p=146235&hilit=recommended#p146235
  5. Hm... Since the devs wanted the Sakura/Havoc to be retooled into commandos/building killers, how about giving them the engineers' remote C4? Maybe give the engineer units something else for that, like 2 free short-fuse grenades. Sounds like a great idea.
  6. Works all fine on my end with the launcher update. I think the new armor interface is looking pretty good. Hopefully this means it'll get more popular on the more populated servers. It's a great feature.
  7. You are bringing up an interesting point. But hampering a sniper's mobility would just turn them into even bigger campers.
  8. Do it. Can u sniper-haters at least give some reasons why? I think they don't fit into the game at all. I thought that back in the original and I still think so. And to be honest, I can't come up with a way to make them not be annoying camperkids. I don't see any reason why this should be implemented.
  9. That's not a matter to joke about!
  10. Fuck no, I don't want that shitty audience in any game I play.
  11. Sure, go ahead. Nobody is stopping you.
  12. If he just was using the launcher, he didn't use a ping command to check if the server is up.
  13. ?
  14. Hopefully.
  15. Absolutely. Pre-current mesa was much more fun to play. But that map has been controversial with the community for some reason.
  16. Well then how about giving Gunner the handcannon as standard side weapon?
  17. I actually wouldn't mind either. Do we have anything in mind to replace the ramjet? I mean, maybe Havoc/Sakura could be the commando infantry the devs wanted them to be in like beta 4, make them start out with autorifles, but allow them to pick up any three weapons they might find in the field? And make the ramjet a crate exclusive weapon? Because it's kind of iconic in renegade. Yosh, you best not be gettin' me hopes up! A sniper-free RenX would be a dream come true for me.
  18. That seems not related to your problem at all, so why be so agressive about it? You can try disabling all the stuff in the configuration files and hope for it to start. "Card name: AMD Radeon R7 200 Series" is not really saying much. Could be a really low end GPU that won't run this game well anyway or could be an OK GPU. If you look into the thread with the min. req. specs, you would have found a few people on page 3 with your problem that are also on WinXP: https://renegade-x.com/forums/viewtopic ... 6&start=30 And if you would have searched even more (efficiently), you would have come up with this: http://steamcommunity.com/app/265930/di ... /?l=german and quite a few other threads with the same problem on other games.
  19. You could take away headshot damage from LCG, but increase the overall damage. Basically making it the ultimate pray'n'spray weapon. Which is exactly what they should be.
  20. The stuff you have to put in just to keep stupid people from doing stupid things... You are so damn annoying with that. Just fucking accept it, it's not gonna change.
  21. I hope you're just joking.
  22. Judging by those two low-res pictures, it seems as if the GDI entrance isn't much different, but the Nod one now is like an open invitation to shoot Obelisk, HoN and airfield.
  23. This sounds good. Though, airdrops are so rare now anyway, they don't seeem to have much of an impact anyway.
  24. I guess a score/minute is not possible since the game doesn't track in-game time?
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