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Everything posted by Ap2000

  1. Hooray! I'm a stats whore and always love to know every single detail about my playing.
  2. Absolutely agree with this. It's quite annoying and doesn't seem to serve any purpose.
  3. Hopefully servers will enable building armor again. It's such a promising concept. EDIT: Have you thought about doing this: viewtopic.php?p=154472#p154472 Or are you opposed to this change?
  4. What a sad kid.
  5. amagata (or something like that) yesterday told us on the TMX AOW server that he apparently knew who it was and has him on Skype. Something about a guy wanting to market the game? It all sounded fishy and weird to me.
  6. Yeah, that was really annoying today. NOD had 4 AFK players in one round, while GDI had none.
  7. I don't know why people here talk about "player bases", "communities" and other things like that. We play Renegade X, all together, and that's it. It's pathetic that there, apparently, are people out there absolutely refusing to play on certain servers.
  8. A wonderful typo!
  9. It should really be the other way around. And made a difference if there's an AGT or not (there's a huge disparity between Lakeside and Eyes, to take your examples). That is, if something like this should even exist. Even with 20 people in a team, you rarely see more than 6 active aircrafts at a time.
  10. What's that?
  11. Pretty sure the stank is not meant for killing infantry close-up with it's missiles. Try to roll over them, the stank is quite fast.
  12. Couldn't disagree more. I played Hourglass more than any other Renegade map. It's a very well known fact that Hourglass was one of the most universally hated maps in Renegade. !voteskipmap (Or whatever it was) generally went up within the first few seconds/minutes if the server allowed it. If not, you just watched the server population decline for awhile. Your PERSONAL experience doesn't mean a thing. Well excuse me for saying I like it. Whatever.
  13. Couldn't disagree more. I played Hourglass more than any other Renegade map.
  14. If the tib field damage would be increased across all maps, you'd also have to increase the price for the Nod chem.
  15. I always thought there was a bonus for nuking or at least being the one that gets the recommendation for it. lol I think differentiating between a "sudden" kill (beacon or C4) and a vehicle kill would be good. Maybe check how much HP the building had 10 seconds earlier and if it was >60%, you get the full points for the destruction (voted for 1k), while you only get half the points if you just landed the last shot.
  16. I wouldn't mind 1~2 of the turrets, but no Obelisk/AGT please.
  17. There is nothing to fix, Ob/AGT and AA should absolutely attack aircrafts.
  18. This is the map that stood out for me the most in the new patch, but unfortunately not in a good way. What I do like is how it's very direct and confrontational for a change, quite different from most other maps. I also like the idea of having static weapon pick-up spots on the map, I also enjoyed that every now and then in old Ren. What I don't like is how it looks. It is quite an ugly map, unlike the other maps, and so damn barren. If you want it to have such a rocky and deserted look, at least put MANY small stones on the ground, so it doesn't look like just a flat polygon. Or revamp the look completely. I'm fine with the layout itself. The other thing that needs tweaking is the weapon respawn rate. Though it is likely, I don't know if this is a server-side option, but the last few times I played all weapons were nearly all the time there. If you pick up a weapon, it should replace your currently held weapon, primary and secondary. Being able to stack more than 2 good weapons doesn't seem like a good idea to me.
  19. Oh please gosh no. I don't want to play with the slowtaku audience.
  20. As much as I hate all snipers, I don't think they have anything to do with players not sticking to the game longer. As for the rest of the units, I think they're mostly ok and don't see any big remaining balancing issues. Besides, in a 45min. round of Ren(x), you die way less than in a 15min round of most other modern shooters. Even more expansive ones like Battlefield 4 (BF3 and especially BF2 is a different story).
  21. A release on Steam or Origin, if EA wants to give it a little push, surely would bring in new people. As for how to keep them? Some kind of ladder, especially one that isn't only for clans.
  22. Define "far away". One could be in the enemy base and then the home base would be quite far away.
  23. Do you realize that clickiing the mouse triggers startfire while releasing it triggers stopfire? Nope, damn.
  24. Hm. I wouldn't mind that as long as it's only when a base gets completely destroyed. There also should be a timer of maybe 1~2 minutes. RenX isn't really a game where you have to wait long to play and this could change that quite a bit. Probably also not very motivating when you were just defeated and now have to run/hide for your life or wait for ther others in your team to get killed.
  25. Why do you keep talking about it as if it's a bug? As far as I know, none of the devs ever called this balancing a bug.
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