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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by OTT

  1. I was on 5.16 ,I updated the launcher to 0.63,but when I found that the 5.21 update was like 3 GB with a limited download speed on the launcher I stopped it,then downloaded 5.21 full build ,installed it without uninstalling 5.16 ,and in the same directory ,so it overwritten 5.16,after that I started the launcher (always as admin) and that in the picture happened. This happened before with me,and by downloading the patch separately it worked,if it doesn't work this time,I'll have to download a full build again with the hopes that there won't be another update by the time I finish downloading lol.
  2. Try manual patch. You just copy and paste the files and that should do it Thanks , but can I download the 5.22 or 5.23 patches alone ,and just copy paste them,or do I have to download a full build again(this time for 5.23),as in the links provided by iTweek ( http://file-server.download/Renegade-X/ ) there is only full builds (torrent or rar/7zip).I'm asking about this because it would take too long to download a full build again with my internet.
  3. Hello, when 5.21 was out,I updated the launcher then I downloaded the full build from the link provided by iTweek (many thanks to him),and when I started the launcher ,I started updating to 5.23, only for the validating process to be stuck on 42.74 each time I start the launcher start updating also many thanks for the dev team for their huge work,I hope I will be able to try the new update,any help on this issue would be appreciated.
  4. Just saw this thread,lol this map is too good,great work with it,but I wish it had less trees.
  5. I remember that if you jump and hit an enemy from above,they will take damage,not sure about this case though.
  6. might try that
  7. Little nostalgic moment of this map Thanks, Vintage Point Old Sniper Shooting Range The newer Shooting Range
  8. I miss playing this awesome map
  9. Last time I left/disconnected from the game after placing a beacon,it actually detonated normally and destroyed the building (WF at that time if I remember correctly),and I got a rec from that ,but that was back in beta 3,not sure if it changed now.
  10. yeah ,I put that just in case there is a chance they'll be shutdown
  11. Also forgot to mention.. If Bong, Goku and Hande (guess skeeze went to outer space) work together, why not let Goku/EKT handle the official marathon server, Hande/TmX handle the official AOW server and Bong/CT handle the other official ones like the sniper, testing, PUG and other things. So people still have the same feeling when the play on the official servers. Also all 3 communities can moderate all of the official servers and need to work together. When problems and stuff pops up, you take care of it together. Can also select a few mods from each community that can also help the official servers. Just whatever you guys do. Talk with eachother and do something that helps this community. Talking in case the idea of official servers sees light,custom maps servers and sniper servers were never a problem because of the ddos,the custom maps server rarely gets players,and the sniper servers can be good with only 2 players at a time,unlike the normal server,it doesn't require more players to actually enjoy the game,there is no point in ddos-ing it,and even if it gets ddosed ,its not like the normal server where a game is ruined because of that,we can just rejoin very fast,also the maps on the sniper server are custom maps,so not everyone have them,though I only had the idea for the sniper server,credits to Hande for making the 1st sniper map and maintaining the server,and to Henk for making the rest of the sniper maps,and ofc for Skeeze for the hosting. As Hande already mentioned,the tmx sniper and custom maps servers will remain,no matter what results from this discussion,whether there'll become 1-2 US-EU official servers and the rest of the main communities servers will be shutdown or not,the sniper server will be there.
  12. I'm pretty sure you already know who it is honestly. But i'm not going to try and play detective here I'm pretty sure you already know who it is honestly. But i'm not going to try and play detective here Put on that sherlock hat good sir! I await your findings! Haha ,I volunteer for free to give you all the details since the very begining ,hit me if your interested
  13. I like how the map is right now in terms of credits,players will have to think well before they buy any character or what few credits they have will go to waste,but a slight increase in income wouldn't be a problem imo. Another thing that nobody mentioned and probably nobody will,is the light/time of the day in this map,I prefer it to be in the middle of the day,where the source of light is in the middle of the sky,and shadows are minimal,the visibility is probably the best,since this is an infantry only map,the more visibility the better,maybe that's only me that prefers that,just like Islands for example,or like CNC-Sniper-ShootingRange Other than that,thanks for this great map,I like it.
  14. Nice That blue light in the screenshot #32
  15. I did it in multiplayer as well , on CnC-Coastal by playing the game using a controller ,one of the buttons actually do that (the left arrow) I uploaded the video a few weeks ago,
  16. Yeah the organization could have been better,I hoped for a at least 10 vs 10 clan war,good thing there was reserves ,but we still had fun and a very close last game,hopefully next time we will be more prepared.
  17. Looking good ,nice work with the update ,Big Big Thanks
  18. Try disabling everything/something in settings,uncheck them. Also not all settings actually work when you change them in game ,you need to go to your game directory Renegade X\UDKGame\Config and open the file UDKSystemSettings (NotePad) ,and try see the settings you disabled in game if they actually read =False next to them,if not make sure they are. See this thread viewtopic.php?f=13&t=75074
  19. Just saw this thread , My laptop specs Intel® Core i5 CPU M430 @ 2,27GHz (4 CPUs),2,3GHz 4 GB RAM AMD Mobility Radeon HD 5000 Series (pretty bad eh) I play on Ultra low everything ,with everything disabled I used to get 40->50+ fps depending on the map in beta 3 and I even got more when I edited the udksystemsettings.ini last 3 days of beta 3, however in beta 4 fps dropped in half ,did the same with the settings but still fps is between 20-40 depending on the map or if I'm moving or not ,and the loading times between games and when I open the game were so long, in beta 5,loading times became significantly lower ,but the fps in game is slightly lower ( far lower if you include when my laptop is overheating but that is another story)
  20. Yeah ,the map is very good,hopfully it will be even better in the future. Anyone interested in RenX Sniping ,feel free to join the new RenX-Sniper server hosting this map currently (TheMatrixRen.NET Only Snipers[Auto-Download!]) ,hopefully in the future we will host more sniper maps.
  21. Man you're awesome ,that's great news,already tested it,it looks great,will keep other feedback for later,GJ.
  22. Nice,an infantry only map,can't wait for this one. As it seems, it's close to field(if I'm not mistaken) ,visibility is good.
  23. Thanks very much for the update ,I really like the changes made.
  24. It actually increases the fps on the main menu (x2 or more) but that's about it ,no effect on the fps in game,it's exactly the same.
  25. I do run out of ammo a lot,but an increase in the refill crates will do. I don't mind giving free infantry,officers,rocket soldiers, and Mcfarlands infinite ammo though.
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