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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by OTT

  1. Interesting idea,but then one of the teams could have a far higher score,and they will most likely be the winners when the timer ends. Maybe when the timer starts, -make everyone Heroic(if some aren't already),even if they join later after the timer starts. -give everyone good/huge amount of credits(3000-5000 maybe) -Maximize the commander CP This way the teams have enough to do any kind of rush possible(considering what buildings are left),and try and end the match with one or 2 last organized rushes. The 2 teams have until the timer ends to destroy the enemy base,if they fail,both teams lose (shouldn't be a draw) Another thing that could be added when the timer starts,is to give temporary access to all vehicles/infantry(in case teams lost bar/hon or wf/airstrip),not sure if this is a good thing(depending on the situation) or even possible. just an idea,could be edited when something hits my mind.
  2. Snow is clearly not made for 64 players,not even 40 players.To judge this map based on 64p servers' gameplay is unfair. 20 players is optimal for this map with how it is right now(maybe a little more or less).Would love to see something like Field --> Field X done to Snow,with more vehicle and infantry routes.
  3. Satisfying video for some reason
  4. Squad Wars Round 3: Dragon Clan vs Lappen --Match Date/Time: Sunday 3rd of June --Server: Squad Wars server --Banned maps: Snow & Whiteout (Dragon Clan) --Dragon Clan picked Field & Walls(Flying) and picked Nod for Canyon,Lappen picked Canyon and picked Nod for both Field and Walls(Flying) Match Score: Dragon Clan 0-3 Lappen Players: 7 vs 7 ~Match Summary: --Field: Lappen wins through high score (Dragon Clan) GDI score: 13000 (Lappen) Nod score: 21859 --Canyon: Lappen wins through base destruction (Dragon Clan) Nod score: 7384 (Lappen) GDI score: 14624 --Walls(Flying): Lappen wins through base destruction (Dragon Clan) GDI score: 13303 (Lappen) Nod score: 5468 Hakase's stream (Dragon Clan's Side): https://www.douyu.com/1774 ChemAddicts vs Exdee --Match Date/Time: Friday May 18 / 16:00 UTC --Server: Squad Wars server --Banned maps: Gobi & Snow(ChemAddicts), Walls & Tomb(Exdee) -- ChemAddicts picked Under & Field and picked NOD for Islands, Exdee picked Islands and picked NOD for both Under and Field. Match Score: NA Players: NA ~Match Summary: -- Under: NA -- Islands: NA -- Field: NA
  5. OTT

    Renegade X Squad Wars

    Proceeding to Round 3 as of May 1st Dragon Clan vs Lappen ChemAddicts vs Exdee
  6. From one of my favorite games(if not the favorite)
  7. Squad Wars Round 2: Lappen vs ChemAddicts --Match Date/Time: Sunday April 22nd / 17:00 UTC --Server: Squad Wars server --Banned maps: Complex(Lappen),Tomb(Lappen), Under(ChemAddicts), Gobi(ChemAddicts) -- Lappen picked Snow & Whiteout and picked Nod for Walls, ChemAddicts picked Walls and picked Nod for both Snow and Whiteout. Match Score: Lappen 3-0 ChemAddicts Players: 8 vs 8 ~Match Summary: -- Snow: Lappen wins through base destruction (Lappen) GDI score: 14958 (ChemAddicts) Nod score: 9549 -- Walls: Lappen wins through base destruction (Lappen) Nod score: 14723 (ChemAddicts) GDI score: 5781 -- Whiteout: Lappen wins through base destruction (Lappen) GDI score: 25117 (ChemAddicts) Nod score: 12161 Exdee vs M A N T A N K S --Match Date/Time: Saturday April 14th / 16:00 UTC --Server: Squad Wars server --Banned maps: Tomb(Exdee), Gobi(Exdee), Walls(M A N T A N K S), Whiteout(M A N T A N K S) -- Exdee picked Under & Field and picked Nod for Islands , M A N T A N K S picked Islands and picked Nod for both Under and Field. Match Score: Exdee 3-0 M A N T A N K S Players: 10 vs 10 Exdee: bentō Billybez boxes Canucck dr.schrott I am an Owl (ò,ó) KrypTheBear LavaDr4gon Minji Water M A N T A N K S: Gliven GS | Legolas uwu Havoc89 Madkyll MintLemonade Redarmy Shogun Voltex Xeon Wraith Yosh56 ~Match Summary: -- Under: Exdee wins through base destruction (few seconds from time limit) (Exdee)GDI Score: 27293 (M A N T A N K S)Nod Score: 14566 -- Islands: Exdee wins through base destruction (Exdee)Nod Score: 22523 (M A N T A N K S)GDI Score: 14493 -- Field: Exdee wins through base destruction (Exdee)GDI Score: 22824 (M A N T A N K S)Nod Score: 11066 -Streams: Hakase https://www.douyu.com/1774 Danvik https://www.twitch.tv/danvik89 KrypTheBear(Exdee's side) https://www.twitch.tv/videos/250291318
  8. Interesting I don't know if it's possible,but having another terminal in the Obelisk/AGT that(when Power Plant is down) can be charged using 1 Tech (or 2 engineers) for maybe 50% of the actual damage of the AGT/Obelisk or can be charged using 2 techs (or 4 engineers) for 100% of the actual damage of the AGT/Obelisk, certainly looks interesting.
  9. Even more funny, that's because the characters you are killing are also "shit",thought I made that clear That's your opinion,just like "all inf being nerfed is my opinion"
  10. As bad as I'm right now cuz of lack of practice and playtime ,I'm still better than you,and I know for sure that almost all infantry have been nerfed one way or another,be it speed or damage or spread or range or whatever,you'd know what I mean if you played pre beta 4/5. When it comes to balance approach,if one character seems OP right now,then I'd rather buff other characters to balance things out,well this is a beta,it's not so bad to experience with things for a week or at least a few days and see how it goes gameplay wise.
  11. Non of the infantry are OP right now,not at all OP. If you think some characters are OP,then you are wrong,they are just less shit than the rest.
  12. OTT

    Renegade X Squad Wars

    s tbh I was looking forward to an organized 20> players Snow match
  13. Squad Wars Round 1: M A N T A N K S vs Lappen vs --Match Date/Time: Saturday April 7th / 17:00 UTC --Server: Squad Wars server --Banned Maps: Islands(M A N T A N K S),Snow(M A N T A N K S),Walls(Lappen),Gobi(Lappen) -- Lappen picked Field & Tomb and picked Nod for Under, M A N T A N K S picked Under and picked Nod for the both Field and Tomb. Match Score: M A N T A N K S 3-0 Lappen Players: 8 vs 8 M A N T A N K S : Gliven Havoc89 Madkyll Mintlemonade Shogun Voltex Xeon Wraith Yosh56 Lappen: abatabat Andup bioz CBRRIDER Cephyrus Jacky-Jules Kaunas Tank ~Match Summary: -- Field: M A N T A N K S wins through base destruction (M A N T A N K S)Nod score: 24660 (Lappen)GDI score: 12561 -- Under: M A N T A N K S wins through high score (M A N T A N K S)GDI score: 19945 (Lappen)Nod score: 18397 -- Tomb: M A N T A N K S wins through base destruction (M A N T A N K S)Nod score: 17392 (Lappen)GDI score: 6732 ChemAddicts vs Dragon Clan vs --Match Date/Time: Saturday March 31st / 17:00 UTC --Server: Squad Wars server --Banned Maps: Under(ChemAddicts)-Gobi(ChemAddicts)-Snow(Dragon Clan)-Complex(Dragon Clan) -- Dragon Clan picked Field & Walls and picked Nod for Islands, ChemAddicts picked Islands and picked Nod for Walls , GDI for Field. Match Score: ChemAddicts 3-0 Dragon Clan Players:7 vs 7 --ChemAddicts: DenWellingston Hackerham Radeon3 Skypecaller TheOlsenTwins Tony-Stark UFO --Dragon Clan: [Dragon]angry [Dragon]Crazy [Dragon]Hakase [Dragon]Sailarc [Dragon]sirayuki [Dragon]SydneyMobius [Dragon]XiaoZ ~Match Summary: -- Field: ChemAddicts wins through base destruction (ChemAddicts)GDI Score: 18732 (Dragon Clan)Nod Score: 8183 -- Walls: ChemAddicts wins through base destruction (ChemAddicts)Nod Score: 11214 (Dragon Clan)GDI Score: 4077 -- Islands: ChemAdicts wins through base destruction (ChemAddicts)GDI Score: 12983 (Dragon Clan)Nod Score: 5712 -Streams: Hakase (Dragon's side) https://www.bilibili.com/video/av21489001 This post/topic will be updated with any new details or results. (Please refrain from replying/posting anything on this thread,if you have any input or ideas,post them here )
  14. OTT

    Renegade X Squad Wars

    Anyone feels like making logos for Lappen team and exdee team ? if none does,then I will go with these
  15. Honestly,Seasoned/Skilled/Experienced players should know of all players the consequences of their actions when they stack together,they've been playing the game enough to know how much it hurts the game and kills the server to stack together and destroy the other team,same goes for good snipers (playing this game for some time now) stacking together while the other team has no answer,and just killing the same people again and again,and make the other team has several players less because of understandable rage quitting of new/less skillful players. I enjoy a challenge,easy wins,easy kills doesn't intrigue me at all,I work with whatever team I have,try to do together what we can to win the match,have fun doing group rushes or whatever,no matter how much we fail,lose matches,at least we tried,at least we didn't choose the easy path of switching teams,stacking together with other veterans. If you enjoy the win,you should also accept the defeat. and no I'm not blaming the experienced/skillful players or anyone,just shedding light on a very important point, Team stacking has been a thing for as long as I can remember,since I started playing this game,especially during AOW matches,where we could play 4 maps in the space of 15-20 minutes,for the simple reason of 1 team completely destroying the other team right from the start,and then few games later the server is dead.I know a lot have been done since then,like no early donating --> apc rushing ---> destroying a couple of buildings,and other things .. but still there are more things that can be done.As an example,we used to hang around on the ts3 server a lot,like 10 or more people,and join the pub games,no matter how the server sets us,people who end up on NOD team join the NOD channel while people who are on GDI join the GDI channel,and we organized stuff against each other's teams,and when the map ends,we group together again(and yeah I know it could end unfair with like 8 on one team vs 2 on the other but still). Also for the regulars on discord,when they join the pub server,they could join a voice channel on discord and invite others to it,and continuously invite people on the server ( but not on discord) who are yet to join discord or maybe unaware of that,even if one person joins then that's a very good thing,with time more people will join.It used to work before,it should work now too. I remember a certain person used to do that 3 years ago and it had great results,and a lot of people actually joined the ts3 server for the first time,and are still here now(except on discord right now)
  16. Unless it's a restricted Top down view,it would be OP,for example the Commander will only be able to view half the map from top down,but then again it would be OP ( ... Goddammit) to be able to just pick a location on the map from the top and launch a cruise missile or emp. This gets me to the point of: -There should be a Commander with a top down view,who can't actually play the game,just observe,set waypoints and objectives,and use the rest of the current commander abilities,with the exception of the cruise missile and the emp (or maybe add to that some other powers ?! ),and his top down view is restricted to half the map,the half in which his base is there.Maybe add full map view when the team captures the communication center. -There should be another commander(who's more of a commando than a commander maybe),he gets chosen by the actual/main commander,his role is using the powers that the main commander can't use,and maybe other special stuff that could be implanted in the future.
  17. playing the campaign for the first time in 2003,I thought it was pretty impressive and ahead of it's time well any campaign would have looked impressive to me at that time,considering how few were the games I played,but still ...
  18. what about Avatars made using Microsoft paint
  19. Interesting Something like that. It all depends on the number of squads.If 3 or 4 or even 5,it might be a 1 group tournament,winners(with 2 maps to 1 or 3 maps to 0)gets 3 points,third map will have to be played even if squad B loses to squad A in the the first 2 maps. In case of 2 teams ending up with the same number of points,the team with more maps won is the winner. Ex: -Squad A 6 points / 7 map wins -Squad B 6 points / 6 map wins -squad C 6 points / 5 map wins -Squad D 0 points / 2 map wins In case of 2 or more teams ending up with the same points and the same number of map wins, -The average score per map could decide the winner Score in map 1 + score in map 2 + ......+ score in the last map / number of maps played -or the average score per map time Score in map 1 / the time it took map 1 to end + Score in map 2 / the time in took map 2 to end + Score in map 3 / the time in took map 3 to end + .... + Score in the last map / the time it took last map to end -or a tie breaker match Normal match with 3 maps (same rules as other matches) To fasten things up,the 2 tied squads play 1 map twice,one time as nod and one time as gdi,in case of 1 win for each team,score of both maps decide the winner. Ex:On Islands, Squad A plays as gdi with squad B as nod,after map ends,the 2 squads play it again with squad A as nod and squad B as gdi. If 6 or more squads participate,then it will be in 2 groups system,first 2 squads of each group play in the semi finals(tree), Group 1 winning squad(1st placed squad in group 1) VS Group 2 runner up squad(2nd placed squad in group 2) Group 2 winning squad(1st placed squad in group 2) VS Group 1 runner up squad(2nd placed squad in group 1) cool, suggested that in another thread @Madkill40 this is a first and I have to say, this looks like an awesome idea,we should definitely work on organizing it once the main tournament is over.
  20. OTT

    Renegade X Squad Wars

    @[NE]Fobby[GEN] @RypeL @Havoc89 No idea who's responsible for RenX's facebook ,posting this on Facebook/Twitter could be a good idea.
  21. Same
  22. O great Hande,how is it going ? Hope you're doing fine. Do you have any plans to update this? or you left it for good ?
  23. Impressive as always @Henk ,simple yet very enjoyable map.
  24. OTT


    exactly, the pug started as a 10 vs 10 game,then more people got interested and with time it became bigger and more popular.It's worth a try at least. I'd appreciate if @Agent can find that topic and merge it with this one,or just bump the old one.
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