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Closed Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Ryz

  1. I think it got canceled or people left before it started. I don't know the details but I noticed this in the TmX shoutbox.
  2. Welcome
  3. You're supposed to use aircraft or a passenger to capture it. But currently the silo was too high for a swimmer... about the obelisk.... are you passing it when it's raining? I don't know about your problem too much tho I will see if I can reproduce it.
  4. Just tested it a bit the hovercraft is fun. Are you looking for feedback already concerning bugs? I noticed that the hovercraft will sink if you try to get out off it to capture the silo in the tunnel Also the obelisks charge if you walk outside the GDI base past a wall. They can't see you nor hit, but they seam to still charge. Good work, still have to check a lot more!
  5. The map looks really cool!
  6. Good post Salarite, I also agree about the WF spot. I think I reported in Beta4 testing, but not sure. It really annoys me and I lost some last hotwires cause of this spot.
  7. I thought about this: - a Nuke / rocket silo or something like that. Basicly give the map an old armybase with nuclear weapons. As soon as someone enables a super weapon (ion / nuke) it will trigger the rocketsilo. But since the base is old the silo can't open and the rocket wil explode in the base killing the PP. - A carrier where you can either get one or two off the planes like you can fly in Skirmish and where you can get a limited amount of orcas / apache. These give you a huge adventage to get behind enemy lines and kill the PP. This should feature in a base with insane base defenses. Basicly it should make the fight concentrate on getting the aircraft carrier.
  8. I think, the way I see the game, killing buildings is opting out certain attacks. HON down means NO SBH or tech unless they already have them. Bar down also means no hottie, snipers, unless they actually have them. If you can still get techs / hotties / sbh / sniper than there is just NO point killing the building. It would make the game a stalemate and I think we've seen enough off that
  9. Luckely there are still players who also see certain grades of gray between black and white. And yeah I can understand this isn't easy. If you release something people complain, if you don't release anything... ppl complain. I think you guys are doing a great job. What would help the game and the developers is communication on one side, and maybe leading the debate sou you have a clear outcome. Just like Havoc did with polls about specific subjects. Yeah you will still have people complaining, but at least you get a better view on what the community feels about a subject by simple handling them a few options.
  10. I think airdrops will stay, but be part of a veteran system.
  11. The airstrip / WF changes make the game less fun and that's one off the reasons I don't play as often as I did. I am not bored of the game. It's just a fact that if you lose WF / Strip early that you have a huge chance of winning. More mines in other buildings, less buildings to defense. I've seen so many rounds where a team had the lead all game till a building went down only to see the game become a stalemate and see the losing team suddenly win cause they could access every vehicle. The winning team got annoyed and some people left, the losing team had a huge benefit and while not earning it they won the round.
  12. This is, IF they do not understand English, another issue. However: - Last week we votekicked a guy after the vote failed once cause the enemy rather voted no than keeping the game honest - The guy who got kicked was informed at least 20(!) times about what he did, but no reply - He returned and started complaining that it was unfair what I did, and so on... So he clearly spoke English - Later on he continued complaining: "Yeah now I am back and still bullshit is over and the Ref is gone. Round lost." - We LOST the ref cause of him putting 20 mines in front. He was INGAME when it died, he was messaged before and after ref went down cause of mines but he didn't read nor get ANY game message. So this is not a problem with English, it's a mentality problem. I can come up with a few players who play every day and still go solo all the way. When they join you better watch out for mines, tanks getting given away, etc. Fuhtermore if people do not speak English: - English is the main language in entertainment land (movies, articles,games) - It's ok if your English isn't perfect - I don't get why you would try to be part of a game community or participate on the internet at all and still don't know ANY English. When I was 6 and first started gaming I learned myself English. So I really think that you should at least understand a basic part about the language. I mean how can you even play if you don't know what your unit does, what it is, and how to use it? It really doesn't make sense to me that you join a multiplayer game to fool around, ignore every attempt to contact you and do not speak English.
  13. And what will be in it? I am fine with how the game is right now, but I am curious what will be added or improved.
  14. A Star Trek mod with forcefield? The main and only defensive feature IS the team and in some maps base defense. Anyone who pays attention to the game will notice enemies moving in. Mines aren't a way to prevent them to get in, more a warning system. So you suggest that someone can sneak in, wait 30 secs before a door is down by C4 and stays undiscovered. Than if nobody has detected him / her AND the system messages saying building under attack where ignored the person gets in to the Master Control Terminal and stays another 30 seconds undiscovered. What are the odds that works? The changes will make the game a complete stalemate while you now have a small changes by evading / diffusing mines. Also: If you don't like people jumping windows and placing beacons? Maybe we should make the WF have one FLAT roof cause there are plenty spots to stick a beacon there. I think the buildings and the way they are build were thought out good in Renegade and still work fine in Ren-X, and it's also a bit of legacy indeed. Changing this, will change the WHOLE way of how the game is player thus making it another game instead of Renegade-X I appreciate you thinking out loud and making the effort to write down your story here. But it would be like: The White House is a very popular building for terrorism, lets make it one big concrete wall. Yeah you take away (almost) every risk. But you also destroy an iconic building. Doors will make the 'iconic' infiltration of buildings just like that. Amen
  15. Good, good! I was thinking about something with hovercrafts as well.
  16. So: IF this would be implemented which I really doubt, how would you think about the HON stairs or the Strip stairs? You can now get into these buildings from outside. This is mainly for balance since GDI doesn't have stealth. Changing the mine system into a door system would. - Change the balance in the favour of Nod - Moves the gameplay fuhter away from the origal game In other words, I think it won't make sense.
  17. The shells sound good to me!
  18. Thx for agreeing! Maybe there should be a way, like a poll, to send out a huge message to a person. Yesterday I couldn't reach any mods and the votekick was blocked by our opposing team. I guess they rather won by cheating than in a fair way. Anyways: what about an option to send like huge messages to a player or freeze him for a short time when something is going wrong? This will force him / her to read and communicate. A mistake can be made, but teaching people stuff will be hard of the only thing they listen to is a kick...
  19. Glad you are thinking and making suggestions about this Axesor. While I agree that it's hard to rely on teams sometimes I also think that the things you wrote aren't the solution. The doors for example would make the game even more into a stalemate. I mean If you lose c4 on a building: 1) You don't have enough c4 to damage it from the inside 2) Your position is spoiled, so the surprise is over I rather invest in another way of organizing mines AND we are doing a tutorial. Furthermore I also think that a big part off the game is the fact that new players join a MULTIplayer game and act like they are in Skirmish. They cannot and will not communicate thus making things a mass, for example by continuing with over mining or handing out vehicles.
  20. So nobody has a recording of this Swaaah / Jos / Playerwhatevernumber guy who's ruining the games since past week? Tried to record a demo yesterday, but I think I made a typo. It would be good if you could see that a recording has been started as a PM. So for example: when I start a RecordDemo I receive a message that it's running. Right now I am clueless if it is sometimes.
  21. Keep up the good work!
  22. Ryz

    Mining tutorial

    You used to be able to do the same in Islands.
  23. Ryz

    Mining tutorial

    On canyon you can jump from the bridge in on the bar wall, so that's confirmed...
  24. Ryz

    Mining tutorial

    We can do a vocal test. I would prefer a native English person. I got quite some voice over and radio experience and professional equipment, but I am Dutch so that rules me out.
  25. Ryz

    Mining tutorial

    So Yosh, we should make a small team and make this video. Let me know when and how and add some TmX people and Truxa and we will have a fine result!
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